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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I cannot figure out the current issue about the PostingLimited restrictive status. 


    Initially, it limited my posting rate at five posts max a day and a 24-hours blockus. Then, @S77 tell me the posting limit has been removed following my absence. And now, the posting limit is back again, but varies from a dozen posts in an evening-long blockus to two posts and an another blockus. 


    Something is wrong about this.

    Serious Dick Wolf GIF by Wolf Entertainment

  2. She weighed around 340 pounds, last week ago. I knew it because I've randomly guesstemed her current weight on an O* video and she liked my comment. Plus, her physical girth nearly outsizes KittyPiggy's whose peak weight wad 340 pounds. So to speak, she piled on about 70 pounds since the lockdown started. She's going to be even bigger than the likes of Vivienne Rose and other mainstream Plus Size models, when the pandemic is going to be over...
  3. These are muscles I haven't stretched in a long time...


    1. Tastic1


      Remember to stretch before doing strenuous exercise. This will help prevent injury and may even help performance. 

  4. I don't remember who asked out about how old is she, but she's born around September-October 1991 (she brag abundantly about being a Libra) . She's 29 years old.
  5. I don't know what occured between this forum and IG recently, but reddit and Twitter sounds like a good alternative to me. Either way, it's been three years than I and a few other members warned everyyone about IG and a few other social medias holding a prolongated online campaign against none only the F.A. online community and even against some of their own social media "influencers" when they have either gotten too fat or associated with the kinky fetish. I guess we are no longer the fools, now...
  6. Have you already seen that one scene in the 1985 teen drama film The Breakfast Club where a mischievously mean delinquent John Bender was barbing at ginger spoiled brat Claire about her looks, telling her that she appears like the type of thin girl you can't help yourself but looking at her and her somewhat soft features, telling yourself that once the biological clock running closer and one more needless snack on her way and she gonna be doomed to blow up in girth? That is exactly what this up-and-comer British Argentinian actress exudes since a while. A very talentuous young woman, though.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQ-4FGD6-R/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfvwHvK6F2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsoDWPjsGP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpbYj5q0EH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/tv/CF27Ey1D_2E/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CGGVkhmqZRN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  9. If you believe what you're bringing forth in off-topic segments may entertains people, then freaking entertains people. And if you are believing what you're bringing forth may none only pertains to the welfare of this forum in the days to come but either ubdermine or benefit its set, then freaking speak about it. Stop giving a f*** about what losers, socalled reactionary "culture warriors" and butthurt Klansmen think about your content: let them evolve or being trashed. Just DO IT.
  10. Pretty sure you got to find out her doxxer/s not too far from around this forum. A minority of Curvage members are infamous for this: you'll always find that one narssisstic sociopathic lurker on a crusade against ** models and mainstream Curvy/Plus Size models growing popular in niche online communities, that one simp crippled by delusions of unrequited love who get fed up, or one of those cyber-Klansmen boiling down on an agenda. They all got in common two things: a support online team of amateur hackers and the obsessive desire to sabotage and undermine ones's personal lives. Besides, let's admit it: about half of the most active members in this website are none only overtly politically inclined into the total antithesis of what m-ary/ChubbyChiquita stand for but shows tremendous lenghts of virulent hostility and hysteria against anyone who does not befalls on their ideological stance. We all already acknowledge the reasons about how and why I am so well-placed to say what we're talking about and why mary is no longer there. The unbridled increase of competition and market-oriented content, underlying privileges and petty battles between models or between models and mods that we are leaning to act as if it never happened, aren't the only things that fed her up.
  11. When I tune the TV in foreign news show and figure out as a Canadian why trolls and buffoons are everywhere online, these days:



    tenor (5).gif

  12. A cautionary tale of greed, obsession-driven socially upward mobility and shallow comformity gone wrong.


  13. Back to her younger career years as Diddy's then-protegee at the mid-late 2000s: To the turn of the previous decade... ... to her current "Instagram now" : VERSUS her true now:
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