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Everything posted by skyros2404

  1. Is it still 20 or its now 25 because you already gained some since your fitness assessment? 😁
  2. I hope that this habit is still in progress, you are really sexier like this!
  3. Is your cruise trip already done? Can't wait to have some news of Chonk's curves, and have maybe a weigh-in with this really fat round belly :) 

  4. For me, That pic on the right is in the top 3: beautiful face and you look relax, you play videos game, you use naturally your belly as armrest for gaming longer, totally perfect
  5. You are clearly a legend in the community I know your name since myspace at your beggining Glad to have you there, and congrats on the second baby. You look as beautiful as ever!
  6. You have to get fatter if you wanna have the role, but you aren't far away to have that shape
  7. Numbers is going up (325) https://www.instagram.com/p/C5U4v47L78W/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  8. At least you were able to try them ;) While you were at your biggest, you would not have been able to put them on!
  9. Happy Easter!!! And don't forget the massive discount on chocolate on the next few days ^^

  10. Another 10-20 pounds and her belly will push further than her boobs 🤩
  11. A comparison with the same chair would be awesome
  12. At this point, I'm pretty sure your feeder want to extension the "holidays" until the independence day
  13. Stay sit, you wont have to move that big round belly ;) i will bring you snacks and whatever you need!
  14. Tu dois faire 400lbs normalement, donc tu vas devoir embarquer sur la balance pour voir combien de livres tu dois encore prendre. Ce qui est sur, c'est que si tu deviens ssbbw, ta grosse bedaine va être immense!!!
  15. It still fits you perfectly (anyway, everything is fitting you perfectly, you're really awesome!)
  16. C'est impressionnant!! La première est magnifique, j'ai l'impression qu'une seule de tes énormes cuisses ne rentrerais pas dans la robe rose
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