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Chubby_bunny_160 last won the day on December 7 2019

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  1. We miss you 😘😍

  2. Hey beautiful we miss 😘😔

  3. Hahaha you’re too kind! Yes my life has been lacking in belly massages, especially given how much strain I’ve been putting on it. It’s a lot of belly for sure haha 🥰🥰 and yes, plumping at record speed is one of my special skills! oh you’d better BELIEVE it 😉 Aww why thank you! It’s very... rife with heavy breathing in real life 😂 and of course I will keep it up 😉 Hahahaha no, thankfully it was more just a normal life wound rather than a “eating too feistily” injury 😉 although... I do like to get carried away. And thank you! I feel like a pretty darling marshmallow. thank you! 😘 Oh honestly I am. I’m already bigger than I was at my 240 measurements, and know that with each pound I’ll be breaching into new territory which is just... a really tantalizing thought 😅 I really really do haha. Unfortunately, none of them local, but we get to business virtually so it all shakes out ok 😉 I always appreciate the extra encouragement 🐷 My new fortune cookie message 🥰 so squishy and delightful, and only getting more so with each passing day! mmmm not particularly... my life has had some interesting challenges and changes over the past years I’ve posted online, and I haven’t always had the mental capacity to do the whole online thing on top of it. I mean I MYSELF would love to see how I do if I were able to be consistent, and that’s the goal. But I’m also a normal human with normal human things that come up and am just doing my best, giving myself grace to cut some slack (for this hobby of mine which I share for free!)where needed and I’d hope that everyone here would give me the same 🥰 I certainly don’t foresee anything that would take me away anytime soon though. Support wise, I guess I could set up a wishlist but that feels icky to me. thank you so much! I was honestly so shocked and turned on when I saw the difference I’ve achieved in such a short window 😍😍😍
  4. I’ll reply individually in a bit, but just wanted to post an update 🥰 I’m up another 4 pounds this week, coming in at 224.2! Very exciting, I’m thrilled that all my “hard work” (not really — I LOOOVE it) is paying off. This week saw me splayed on my back, stuffed to the brim yet again as a friend encouraged me to go have a secret second dinner. So given habits like that plus heavy cream drinks plus pregaming my breakfast with ice cream... I guess I can’t be too surprised at the rate I’m blowing up. A friend made this before and after for me, and the difference is like 32 or 33 days... March 29- May 2. Definitely becoming a human marshmallow 😍😍
  5. Hahaha I LOVE Kraemer! My favorite little clip of him is the one where he goes, “the cat’s (**mrrrrrp** little hand motion) outta the bag!” But I can’t find it as a gif. Sadness. hahaha well thank you! I absolutely am. Ooh I’m so pleased to have contributed to my top five! And honestly... I was pretty close to this at 9 months, at the most. Maybe even a smidge smaller (more likely just... differently shaped). But thank you! I’m quite pleased to be able to pull off the fully pregnant food baby look. Thank you for popping in to say hello! I love chatting with people via comments 🥰🥰 and it’s definitely not off the table, but the big argument against it for me is just... I don’t want my accountant seeing anything weird and sexual in my income 😂 and also, I feel like a jerk having people pay for videos without a face in them and still haven’t come to full terms there either. hahaha just way too much 😂 tons of pasta, and then it was also my birthday and my hubs birthday (they’re a week apart) so we just have SO much dessert in the house and I’m a sucker for chocolate so... it was mainly pasta and chocolate cherry cake. Most of a cake, actually 🙈😅 and no. He is lame and does not want to give my bloated belly rubs. But that’s ok, I don’t mind getting to feel myself up while I’m at it 😂🔥
  6. Aaaaand this is how I gain weight so fast 😂😂 I just get in a mood and stuff myself like crazy until I’m splayed on my back, barely able to move, belly pulled taut rising above me... basically I go until I hit beached whale status haha and it’s GLORIOUS. Just to feel the weight of my belly and the pressure as my skin is pulled tighter and almost all of the remaining softness in my stomach is stretched away... I feel like I’m massively pregnant haha. belly rubs definitely needed ♥️
  7. Thank you! I’m glad to be back 🥰 and I post things for myself, though if he had it his way I’d be around 175-185 (turns out he does like an extra bit to grab, just... not as much as I’m aiming to acquire hahaha) this was The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I bought it back in October and shelved it since I was swamped with the house build and didn’t have extra bandwidth for reading, and finally got around to it. It was really good! Up there with one of my favorites, Dark Matter by Blake Crouch (which is completely different... kind of quantum mechanics fiction??) why thank you! I’m enjoying the increased pear-ness as well. And am already daydreaming about going back to the spa and my big backside snapping one of the chairs 😅 Well... I HAVE been toying with the idea of adding a weight gainer to a breakfast smoothie... that would easily add more than 700 calories a day. I just have to find one that’s not full of creatine and bcaa stuff because I don’t want that haha honestly, I think so too. I’ve already been gaining like crazy so I can’t imagine that will change. Plus my measurements are already at or larger than they were when I was 240, so I’ll be bigger than ever when I get there 🥰🥵 Oh god that would be such a dream 😅😅 Hahaha go hard or go home, I guess? I don’t know, I just feel like I completely give over to this side of me... and it has some pretty noticeable effects haha. As for my clothes, I just make sure they’re stretchy or have room to grow when I buy them! And then... I replace things fairly often haha awww thank you, you’re far too kind to give me such accolades 🥰🥰🥰 Thank you ♥️
  8. I know. I stepped on the scale so many times because I couldn’t believe it. But the increased measurements back it up too so I guess it’s true! Clothes are getting snug too so there’s also that. But yea, I’ve been eating SO much and drinking lots of heavy cream so I can’t be shocked when my body piles it on 🥰🥰
  9. Yeah I’m definitely committed hahaha I think it will be here sooner than expected at this rate 🙈😅 Aww thank you!! Yeah I’m really enjoying having long hair again 🥰 Thanks so much ♥️♥️ Hahaha yeaahhhh I’ve got a pretty big butt for sure. I’m enjoying how much it’s growing as I gain! Can’t let the belly have all the fun 😉
  10. Welp I blinked and it’s been like 10 days since I last posted! But while I may not have been posting here, I’ve CERTAINLY been doing some major damage in the gaining department. I got on the scale on Saturday and my eyes about popped out of my head because this doesn’t feel possible?? But the measurements check out so.. I guess I’ll be at all time highs in record time! I’ve been feeling SO sexual with the extra weight I’ve put on, and can’t seem to stop myself from running my hands all over my body, lifting my stomach up off my lap just to feel the weight of it when it lands, it’s been so amazing. I also had a birthday since my last post and got to spend the day at the spa lounging, drinking amazing drinks, getting a massage, and reading by the pool. It was luxurious and wonderful. Enjoy a photo of me with my face sort of showing... sunglasses haha. Maybe I’m warming up to the idea. I feel like I look fairly ambiguous with them on, since my eyes are really my defining facial feature (they’re big and a light greenish hazel). But for now, I’m comfortable with this haha I’ll be sure to post more updates sooner rather than later, but have got to go... dessert is calling 😉 updated measurements as of 4/24: weight 220.2 (say whaaaattttt up from 208.8 on 4/10. Shouldn’t even be possible, though I’ve eaten enough and drank enough heavy cream for it for sure 😅) bust 43.25, waist 38, belly 47.5, hips 49.5, thighs 30 (!!! Bigger than my waist when I began my journey), arms 13.75.
  11. Aww thank you! Round chubby face always haha and only getting rounder 😅 also, I don’t think there is anything better either. Feeling the heft of my stomach on my lap whenever I sit down is just... really lovely haha awwww so good to see you again! ♥️♥️♥️ And thank you, I’ve missed being here so much.
  12. Hahaha I’m sure the other cheeks will make their way into some pictures soon 😘 but thank you! Of course, I love sharing ♥️ And I do have a couple! I was honestly pretty sick throughout pregnancy, so I don’t have a TON of photos and never ended up getting as massive as I’d hoped (though I intend to make up for that now haha) but I’m going to share some pics from then in the next few days! I had lent my maternity clothes to a friend who recently had a baby and she just gave me my clothes back so I’m going to see if I can recreate any of the pictures, for comparisons sake 🥰 so be on the lookout for that coming up soon!
  13. Oh my goshhhhh thank you!! Fangirling a smidge here too 🥰🥰🥰 I love following your stuff as well because I feel like we’re so similar... I just know we would get into all kinds of trouble together 😉😈
  14. It was 258! At the end of my “month of gaining” in January or February 2019 I believe. So still a good 50 pounds away (which I intend to make short order of haha). Yes the regained weight seems to be finding it’s way back to me quite nicely! Though the sheer volume of calories I’m packing away is bound to be of assistance haha aww thank you!! So I am blessed with a fairly round face at any weight, so it definitely takes it’s fair share of anything I gain. I get pretty chubby cheeks and a bit of a double chin as well. In fact I was just noticing last night how fat my face is getting... my double chin is getting more noticeable just in casual conversation (thank you, talking on screens, for letting me witness my own face fattening up haha) I like chubby faces — more on other people than on myself, but I don’t think my face looks bad chubbier 😉 Happy to share! Thanks for being here ♥️
  15. I’ve been pretty heavy on the indulging side the last few days, and my soft belly is actually getting to the point where you can hardly tell when I’m stuffed! I was absolutely ready to pop when I took this picture, and yet you can barely notice anything other than my soft fat belly hanging between my thighs 🥰🥰🥰 I am loving these changes and how piling on the weight is showing up so fast and steadily! Every bit gained only makes me want more.. 😅
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