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Everything posted by FluffyButtLover919

  1. I think it’s funny that people think trump is a republican. He’s a 1990’s democrat. The democrats in power right now are so extreme that they make normal liberals appear republican now.
  2. Can you be specific as to what friction you are talking about with criminals? I don’t think murderers, or rapists deserve our sympathy.
  3. I am as well. I’m just saying choosing not to get vaccinated if you don’t have any conditions that would put you at risk for anything isn’t wise. I am glad we live in a country that we can make those decisions even if I disagree with the choice.
  4. I just read the article. He isn’t against the vaccine, he is leaving the decision to the families. Instead of forcing unvaccinated people to stay home, the family will decide to do that or not. I think people should get vaccinated though, dumb decision to not get vaccinated.
  5. Anyone who thinks they are still center are considered right wing now, even if there views haven’t changed.
  6. Wow didn’t realize there were so many fellow Michiganders. Im in Grand Rapids.
  7. I think she is already amazing! I hope she enjoys it as much as us.
  8. For starters, I wouldn’t start out by saying “weight gain”. Why do you want to talk to her about it, what’s your situation?
  9. I guess the best way to explain it maybe to say if you “push it back” you “push it away”. If you want to “move it forward” you “bring it closer” so 10 am is closer than noon and 2 pm is farther than noon. Another analogy, directing someone to move a couch. You would say to push it back if you want it farther away and move it forward if you want it closer or moved up.
  10. Think of it as a line if you move forward you wait less time and it is earlier. If you are pushed back then you’re time is later.
  11. Pushing it back would make it later so moving it forward would make it earlier. If you push it back or push it off you are delaying it. If you move it up it is in front of others and makes it earlier.
  12. It kinda feels religious to me, nothing physically or standard to base from and if someone disagrees its like they are trying to force a belief.
  13. Thanks, i that graph actually does help me a little. It seems that people use the word gender differently. From what I have always understood it to be biological sex.
  14. I know what you mean, but I really do want to understand why people believe things that make no sense to me. I don’t want to offend anyone but how else do you learn if you don’t ask? I even asked my ethics professor recently and he couldn’t give me an answer either.
  15. It is most certainly not scientific consensus otherwise there would be no debate. What physical proof tells someone what gender you are? All I ever find is how someone feels they are and that’s where i get lost.
  16. I do want to understand but I really don’t. I really don’t have any problem with people wanting to have different gender roles. But you are changing the definition of gender. Gender is a synonym of sex. When you say gender role you’re talking about the stereotype of the gender like girls play with barbies and boys play with action figures. Gender is biological not feelings. If a girl wants to be more masculine that’s fine. But you can’t change your biology. I get the transgender stuff, but I didn’t know there were more gender stuff than that. So to me when i call someone a boy or girl im talking XY chromosome or XX. What I understand from you is that you’re talking about the gender roles, is that correct?
  17. I don’t understand. How is your sex and gender not the same thing? What’s the difference?
  18. Haha this seems really silly. Isn’t gender based on, oh I don’t know genitals? I just wanted to enjoy and comment the comparison.
  19. That’s a really good morph if it is fake. She’s still got a great ass.
  20. Only thing you need to lose about 130 lbs of boyfriend.
  21. Wow i hope you keep that piggy costume. You should wear it again later every now and then to show how you fill it out
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