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    I bought nearly every videos you've done, and i'm on here for a long time and i must say... You're the best. That's simple. every time you're pushing yourself beyond possible, and that's exactly why a lot of people are here. Just thank you... And yes, you need more practice 💪 🤰
  1. The sound varies very much along the video. Sometimes you barely hear it (especially at the beginning), sometimes it's so loud it's like a jumpscare
    Nice video with a good amount eaten and with soo much plumpness and cuteness. For people who are in soft and sexy binge... And cute faces! and I am!
  2. Cette vidéo avait l'air tellement prometteuse que j'ai pas pu m'empecher de l'acheter ahah... Et j'ai bien fait O_o J'ai rien a dire qui fait pas creep mais l'intention y est XD Ravi aussi de découvrir ton joli visage (qu'on ne voit pas sur Youtube, et ça se comprend)
  3. Well i just discovered you and i'm just stunned. I just can't believe this is possible. Your belly is the best and your eating capacity is just... Beyond limits ahah I hope you'll gain more and more. You're the best!
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