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  1. I doubt you still read this, but I became a quick fan!  Hope you're doing well!  You're a great dancer and pretty woman.  

  2. Big fan here! Hope to see you around again one of these days. :)

  3. Thanks. I'll be 30 in April. Last night a 26 year old guy actually told me (after he found out I'm almost 30), "Wow. You look really great for your age. I would have never guessed." I guess 30 is seen as like...getting old? What do most 30 year olds look like? Haha, I'm confused about it. I don't know if I'm closer to 20 or to 40. Oh well!
  4. Thank you! It's a curse - I look much better in photos than in real life!
  5. Thank you When I was thin, I wanted to pursue an acting and dance career, but after I gained weight I lost sight of that, so radio is really a perfect place for me What's your show about?
  6. Three new photos from a photo shoot I did with a different photographer:
  7. Haha, good advice. However...being a radio personality, I deal with bullshit every.single.day. and, luckily, most of it doesn't affect me at all. I'm currently not crabby, but it's only 3:37pm! There's still tiiiiiime!
  8. Thanks, Chris. For the record, my broken engagement (7 years ago) has nothing to do with why I'm not married. I've been in 2 long term relationships since then. I don't know if you're genuinely trying to be nice, but you do have a knack for assuming a whole lot about a person based on very limited information.
  9. Chris, Professionally, I am only a radio personality and producer. I'm most physically comfortable at about 230 pounds. In order to lose weight or maintain, I have to follow a rigorous diet and exercise program. however, I'm the happiest I've ever been in life now. It's pretty annoying that you assume you have any idea how much/how often I smoke. And I have to say I'm pretty surprised at the smoke-shaming going on here based on one photo of me holding a cigarette...of course it's a horrible habit and very unhealthy, but so is being 5'2" and 350 pounds...but I guess if it gets your dick hard it's okay, huh?
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