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    Fantastic overall body shots, good butt legs and full body coverage! Can you do a cartwheel Lauren? That would be so awesome to see I completely understand if you cannot but you move around so well
    Too big for Volleyballl...I'd love to see Lauren play volleyball, or even do a Cartweel that would be glorious!
    Lauren is getting so heavy, her boobs are just hanging without a bra!!! Lauren, can you touch your toes? Absolutely amazing vid
    So good, her body is so big and round I wonder if she is starting to have trouble moving around. Excellent video
    I wish she stood up for a full body shot, but aside from that she has such a pretty face and is so round. it would be great to see her legs and butt from feet up just to get an idea of how big she really is!
  1. Hey Lauren I think I bought this video twice by accident. For some reason this popped up in the most recent uploads and I went and purchased it not realizing I already have it rather than refunding could you just send me the most recent video?
    Lauren is so fat now, I wonder if she is starting to have trouble with having sex. I mean she is big enough where I dont think you could get your arms around her
    Super bright medium, but still pretty solid towards the end, Lauren does not fuck around!
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