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  1. Here is a tier list for different types of wardrobe malfunctions: https://tiermaker.com/create/wardrobe-malfunctions-1328569 If you don’t understand some of the entries, I can explain
  2. Does anyone know the year that Bountiful Productions released the Brooke tapes, as well as the year Alice & Friends’ cake stuffing videos were made? Any information regarding early gainers like CurvyDreamer and others would be appreciated as well
  3. Would you happen to know the years they joined? And when they became inactive if they did?
  4. I am interested in making a chronological timeline of gainers/stuffers “history” so to speak. I would like information on what dates they made their first uploads, under what usernames, on what sites, how many years they were active, and any Weight-related milestones that were mentioned. Anyone who can share their knowledge on these details would be heavily appreciated.
  5. Sorry. I mean I don’t need the full text written out, but would like words/terms for the specific features I’m talking about. Sort of like how there’s terminology for “Muffintop”, “Overhang”, “Love Handles”, “Stretch Marks”, “Linea Nigra”, “Hip Dip”, “Banana Rolls”, etc. but it won’t just be a list of the traits. It will weaved into a bigger paragraph. I just need the physical features described. The photo requests are preferable, but not necessary. Just wanted to pick some people’s brains on if there are any models who have similar physiques that I could use as a reference for illustration (since some of the ones I’ve provided have their stomachs obscured by clothing) Do you know of any place I could go to for help on this if not through here? I’ve looked up countless stomach anatomy charts to see what certain features are labeled, but they’re all about the internal organs and everything underneath the outside of the body, rather than external character traits like the ones mentioned above. It would really help if there was a stuffers’ dictionary of sorts to assist with this kinda stuff
  6. I wouldn’t exactly call it homework lol but where would you recommend I go to for advice if this isn’t the right place?
  7. I’ve been compiling an album of several different belly photos for this project I’m working on called “The Bellyologist’s Handbook” which will be made to resemble the notebook of an actual doctor/professor (as if bellyology were a real science). The writing will be in the style of a real-life medical journal/diagnostic manual, using professional-sounding language and terminology to describe all the “case studies” within the book. It’s these “case studies” that will be described in great detail by the bellyologist character, and will have their traits diagnosed as if they were conditions or diseases (“subject has a severe case of overhang” “subject has entered stage 3 of ‘muffin-top’” “subject is experiencing shirt snugness, the 1st symptom of ‘love handles’”) but I’m going to need help with coming up with good and accurate descriptions. For instance, I want to explain how a character’s stomach is flat from side-profile, but without giving off the impression their “fit” and “toned.” And also on one character’s stomach, they have a dark vertical line from below the navel down to the bikini line. I wanted to call it a “linea nigra” but that sounds like the character is pregnant, and the only other thing I can compare it to is a happy trail, but it’s not hair, so that doesn’t make sense either… Reference 1: Reference 2 (the one with the dark line): Reference 3: Reference 4 (the one with the flat stomach): So yeah, just comment any details that come to mind (body type, body shape, stomach shape, convexness/concaveness, weight distribution, texture, proportionality, fullest part, number of rolls/folds, surface markings, waist length, belly button shape, literally any other additional details) It would also help a lot if anyone could find photos or pictures of females with similar physiques to the ones I linked, as some had their stomachs covered in all their pics, making it harder to tell what they actually look like underneath Thanks to anyone who can help me out
  8. Keep in mind that by flat, I do not mean fit. I'm talking about bellies that have a flat side-profile but are still fat looking from the front. They usually form a muffin-top in tight pants, but no obvious overhang like rounder bellies, which seem to get all the love. Below are some good examples:
  9. I’ve been having this idea for a project that requires a large collaborative effort. It’s a bit ambitious, but it would be so cool to see actually done. I’m looking to do a sort of visual guide to all the different types of belly shapes and sizes in one big photo collage. This idea isn’t completely original, however. I was inspired by this website that collects photos of people’s bodies at every BMI for every possible height and weight combination: https://height-weight-chart.com I’m basically trying to do what this person did, but using real photos instead of drawings: But I need YOUR help to do so. I would need a large pool of high-quality belly photos that I could use for reference, so that way I don't have to dig through all the files on ** to find what I need. Keep in mind, the photos don’t have to be of you. They can be of other models, stills from videos, or even stock photos. The more photos/footage you have access to, the better. Because I’ll mostly be asking for visual references based on physical descriptions (Do you know any stuffers or gainers with a pear shaped body, love handles, and more lower belly fat?). All you would need to do is refer me to a pic/vid of a person matching that description (Oh yeah, there’s so and so, here’s some stuff of theirs). It may take some effort, but I’m sure having to dig through some files wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world for you guys, considering their content. I've already asked people on Reddit and Weight Gamimg for help, but to no avail. So can some people who are knowledgeable please respond to this thread so I can finally get things rolling? Thank you in advance!
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