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    Roleplay / Drawing / Writing

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    5' 3" (160cm)

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  1. I am doing lots of artsy things on a hobby level. I do pen and paper and digital drawing, but I also write and I craft my own outfits for LARP events. I also dabble in acting and I do narrative game design. Doing FA art is a good way for me to find motivation, but I also do these things outside of the fat loving community.
  2. That theme keeps coming back and back again in my art : contrast is just so awesome (hot) >///<
  3. Canonically, there should be some WG in House of the Dragon, as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen was supposed to get thicker after each of her numerous pregnancies, enough for people to describe her as doughy. I wish we got a fat dragonrider plotline, with all the problems that may cause ^^'
  4. Been a while since I did a contrast piece ^^ This is a revamped OC from the Cyberpunk 2077 setting, Mady 'Overload'. She is a smuggler with sub-dermal pouch implants, using her fat figure to hide cargo inside her body.
  5. Here is a little Showcase of some of my most recent projects ^^ (Fan Art, OC drawings, commissions, etc.) I am currently taking commissions, if some of you folks are interested :3 You can find more details here: https://www.deviantart.com/silverpathfinder/journal/Commissions-Rules-880926512
  6. Veronica gains 232 pounds from the stuffing session, thanks to her low metabolism and exceptionally bad rolls. She gains the extreme version of All in the Trunk, and also Transformation Affinity as her major feats. At 84 fat points, she also gains a ton of minor feats, but I added them to my sheet before writing this, and now I don't know which one are new... so here is the full list: Harmless Fatty, Big Fat Nerd x4, Sweet Tooth x3, Size Unaware x3, Content x4, Dummy Thicc, Small Framed, Natural Athlete, Poor Health, Dress For My Size x3, Energized by Eating x3, Stretched Stomach x3, Elastic Stomach x2, Fast Metabolism, Slow Metabolism x3, Fast Gainer x4, Lazy Bones oh... and she is immobile now at a wooping 539 pounds, 65 pounds over her mobility threshold ^^' - Veronica got ridiculously fat at a ridiculously fast rate, but she didn't noticed it at first, for about three quarter of everything she gained was adding itself out of her field of vision, cushioning her butt, thickening her thighs, and turning her plump shin into blubbery cankles that menaced to swallow her feet. She would look at her boobs growing slightly and straining the lace of her top, and would smile in bliss, wrongly thinking she was getting bustier, while the alchemist was in fact trading her hourglass figure from an absurdly extreme pear shape, one spoonful at a time. With a snail paced metabolism making her gains even more out of control, the obese beauty quickly turned into an anatomical oddity, only noticing too late her dramatic changes, when the succubus standing by her side jumped back, as the chair she was sitting on simply exploded from the pressure of both her mass and the stupid girth of the hips crammed between its armrests. - THOMP - Hundreds of pounds of flab fell on the ground with a lardy thud, the butt to conquer all butts slamming against the stone floor with enough strength to cause the whole table to shake. Sitting on her massive ass, Veronica was still high enough to see above the table's edge, propped up by butt cheeks thick enough to shame a draft horse and make an hippo jealous. ''Ugh...what in the world?'' She mumbled in stuffed confusion, her genius smothered by a tremendous sugar rush and fat lethargy. The oversized brunette poked her blubbery hips, now wider than Roxanne's shoulders and probably any doorway ever built for a human being. Her hands could sink wrist deep in useless flesh and not find a single bone or muscle. Her legs, for the little she could see, were pillars of fat, amorphous and touching all the way past her knees. She could wiggle her toes, feeling cool air touch their tip as she had busted out of her boots. Most of the feet was coated in fat though, fat from her legs, hanging low, smothering her ankles and brushing her heels. If she stood up, she wasn't sure she could walk without stepping on her own fat. This wasn't at all what she wanted when she started gaining weight! Where were the colossal, lap filling tiddies she craved? Her chest barely grew a few cup sizes, and here she was, so fat she literally pooled on the ground like a pile of gelatin. Angry and feeling betrayed by her own body, the morbidly obese alchemist attempted to haul herself on her feet to throw a fit... but even with the table to support herself against, she failed miserably to lift her ass from the ground, not even managing to move on her knees, her legs now stiff with so much fat they couldn't quite bend. Veronica, out of breath already form the attempt, yelled an inarticulate groan of frustration and, reaching for her alchemy bag, she started furiously reading her formula book. No way she was going to accept being so fat without any of it going to her tits! If she was going to get stuck in this cursed dungeon with hot succubi, she may as well be top heavy! Immobility with a pyramid shape was a tragedy for the breast loving hedonist.
  7. Chapter 19 : Tattered Shameful, useless, and cumbersome flesh bounced out of control as the formerly famed Weasel ran away in the alley. She who used to be the most successful street urchin of Malgoren’s shanty towns was now reduced to a waddling, out of shape, and obese mess. Covered in bruises, friction burns, and cuts from her fight and followed struggles to escape the shop, she had fled once more, but this time it was disgust and pity that saved her, not her skill or agility. Tears were filling Sarya’s eyes, tears of pain, humiliation, and self-loathing. Her clothes were tattered, exposing her oversized breasts to any onlooker in the alley, and revealing a body so thick with fat it was no longer merely rejected by societal norms, but by the mere architecture of the city itself. Sarya’s denial was over now, and it dawned upon her that she never in her whole life saw a woman so overfed, so decadent, and so gluttonous that her belly rested on her thighs, or that her hips brushed the sides of most doors. She was, in fact, the fattest person she ever met, and had been so for a while now, made as such by her own delusions and rampant hedonism. Too exhausted to move any further, the overfed criminal slowed down, her ungainly run downgrading to a slow walk, until she simply collapsed on the ground, sitting her massive backside on a patch of grass and overgrowth sprouting in an abandoned backyard. Night wasn’t there yet… and she was half-naked. Better to sit there, hidden in the alley, and wait for the darkness to travel through the city. She experienced enough shame already without being arrested by the city watch. Would the cells even fit her? Dark thoughts smothered the former street urchin in a lullaby of self-pity and disgust, putting her to sleep and guiding her toward nightmares of rampant gluttony, with visions of backbreaking breasts crushing her lungs, sprawling belly aprons swallowing her legs, and pillowy limbs gone vestigial in their fat casing. Her sleep was not restful in the slightest. She woke up hours later, her cheeks wet with tears, shivering in the cold night, an odd call back to her youth spent in the streets of the shanty towns. Back then, however, she never struggled to get up from the ground, and sneaking through the streets was never such a difficult task. * It took Sarya everything she had to return to the Three Calices in her state. On the way back, she got noticed more than a few times, but her obese exposed form was such an odd sight that people either blinked in disbelief or looked away in confusion and discomfort, no one daring approaching this fat pariah waddling across the capital. Not daring entering the inn by the main door, not in her state, Sarya instead went around, slipping into a side alley and toward the service door used for deliveries. Parts of the alley were so cluttered with crates and barrels that the fat girl had to squeeze sideways through the piles, which made the brunette shiver in fear from the recent trauma of getting stuck. Still, she wasn’t quite too big to navigate these parts, and the service door wasn’t so narrow shifting her shoulders couldn’t suffice to squeeze through. Once inside, the former thief snatched a cook’s apron, which barely managed to cover her tits, and quickly raced toward her room, drawing confused looks and worried glances from those that knew her and noticed her tattered state. Before long, Lucy was by her side, with a wet cloth and healing salve in hands, tending to her lover and listening to the horrible tale of the recent events. If love and care were at the forefront of Lucy’s thoughts as she listened, more was happening in the back of her mind. Hate against Evelyn was flowing through the blonde’s mind, but there were also selfish, indulgent worries. Would this traumatic event steal from her the Sarya she adored? What would happen to the girl that bit into life so fully she didn’t care for her waistline? What would become of the hedonism, pleasure seeking, and appetite she learned to associate with her plump lover? Lucy didn’t know how to handle Sarya expressing so much hate and disgust toward the parts of her she loved the most passionately, the most viscerally. As Sarya was sobbing and talking about dieting, losing weight, and getting her old figure back, all Lucy was thinking about was how she could make Sarya learn to love her opulent body, now that denial was out of the window…
  8. This is such a lovely and funny fantasy story ^^ Thank you! Gobbo is adorable and I love Shroom ❤️
  9. Peak pear and peak apple gals, with the Bee-Queen :3
  10. (pass will, 29 / failed con, 90) Veronica felt a fog spread over her mind. While the Succubi's enchantment was trying to get a hold of her most sinful and gluttonous impulse, it faltered against an unpredictable obstacle. Indeed, the sin magic failed to set its grasp on the alchemist psyche, for her brain was already overflowed by lust. The pleasantly plump demons were way too distracting for the spell to stick, for Veronica couldn't focus on the food with all those voluptuous breasts bouncing in her field of vision. One succubus coiled around the overfed thief like the most sensual of all predators, prodding the obese expanse of the brunette's belly and letting her thin fingers caress her bulging neckline and overflowing hips straining against the arms of the chair. The short genius caught herself blushing like a teenager as she wiggled in place, so overwhelmed by desire and sensual thoughts that she was dazed on her seat, mouth open, and overflowing chest heaving in her straining bustier. Worse even than the succubi flaunting their plump figures around was the prospect of everyone else growing bigger, softer, and more importantly bustier. Veronica was lamenting Roxanne's shrunk state, and rejoiced that this feeding trial was about to make the warrior return to her bountiful abundance. Was it wrong if she was actually pretty happy about this turn of events? Well, probably, but Veronica judgment had been getting a little blurred since she got wider around than she was tall. The smart move would be to try to find a way to trick the sexy demons, but all Veronica wanted was to see how the rest of the team would look with some luscious fat coating their figures. Submitting to hedonism, but on her own terms, the enormous alchemist started to casually cuddle with the soft succubus by her side, eagerly sipping beer while watching the others with a perverted spark in her eyes. Was she hand-fed a few pieces of food to go with her drink? Maaaybe. Just enough to sustain herself, obviously, but nothing that could make her grow too big... unless she wasn't hallucinating that groaning sound coming from her top. Wait, how many calories were in that beer? How much did she drink? Why was there chocolate on her lips? Was that a demon boob in her hand? Oh no, she was tipsy and losing track of stuff. That was bad. Or good? Ugh, at least she wasn't completely charmed.
  11. Veronica thought she would be of help while scouting ahead, but instead she only managed to look cowardly, waddling away from danger. At least, she didn't get a taste of these awful spider bites. The horror of these creepy crawlies being not only aggressive, but actively hunting for her cherished abundance was almost too much for the alchemist. She wouldn't let them suck her precious adipose, not while it made her breasts so plump and her hips so womanly! The gorgeous short brunette was too busy fleeing to avoid the trap, and she found her cushy rump set comfortably in a chair like everyone else. The menu in front of her was enticing, even if it was obviously some kind of riddle. The insinuation was that they would need to gain weight together to get free from this place. As by far the most obese of them all, with her rotund belly bulging so far it was biting the edge of the table in front of her, Veronica felt like she should probably let the others sample the most decadent dishes. Sharing the fat was almost as fun as carrying, and probably better for her knees. She just hoped Kyra or Roxanne would stay relatively in shape... she liked her busty shapely eye candy. ''I will take a pitcher of ale! Liquid bread is the best poison.''
  12. (Rolled WILL at Disadvantage : 40, 14 = PASS) Veronica was feeling invigorated by the small sample of the potent muscle tonic she just looted on the skeletons, and shoved the vials in her bag with a smile. These would be useful in the future, she was sure of it, if only to help her climb back these damn stairs they just descended. Gosh she was heavy, but this was the price to pay to maintain her lovely curves. She swore to herself she would never be flat again, even if that meant having her belly kisses her knees anytime she needed to climb a step. The wide belt was intriguing, and Veronica really wanted to try it on. It even looked like it might fit around her thick waist! But after thinking a moment, she also shoved it in her bag. It came from a corpse after all. It couldn't be hygienic to just wear stuff straight from dead people. It was a better idea to at least wash it before putting all that rot on her cute new clothes she spends so much effort crafting with alchemy. That care wouldn't ultimately mean much tho, because the soft fabric that was tightly wrapped around Veronica enormous breasts was almost immediately after being sprayed with translucent arachnid hemofluids, the sticky and slightly white liquid splashing her tits with a wet noise while the creature got cut in two by Kyra. ''YUUUUUCK!'' Screamed the pampered thief, frantically trying to wipe off the goo from her expansive bosom, only to feel the thing coat her curves with a disgusting sheen. At least it was super hot Kyra that saved her, but she would have to stick a sponge in there to get clean again. Ugh. Veronica watched the throng of adventurers waddle away in random panic, but eventually Roxanne stepped up and started saying smart things with a commanding voice, at last! Veronica couldn't agree more. No one would be running for long in these caves, and escaping spiders in panic to just stumble into a trap would be extremely dumb. She knew what she had to do! Not being the best of fighters, and certainly not wanting to get into a dagger fight with a swarm of spiders, Veronica quickly backed away from the group, moving past Roxanne and beginning to quickly scout the corridor past the doorway. If they were going to fight and back off there, she wanted to be sure the path was safe. The others would be distracted by the spiders, so she would be the eyes at the back of their head. Speaking of her dagger, the obese alchemist clumsily attempted to unsheathe it, fighting against her belly and tits to actually reach the damn thing, half-swallowed by a love handle on her hips. As soon as it was out, she felt a little more confident. If she could be sure the corridor was safe, Veronica thought she could call a retreat and try to unleash some chemical warfare on the arachnids, but that was planning a few steps ahead. Throwing any alchemical compounds in this chaos would be doing some serious friendly fire, especially with the size of her companions compared to her targets.
  13. Everyone seemed to have the same idea of investigating the potions near the dead skeletons. Obviously, it was stupid to leave magical elixirs behind, but Veronica was much more interested in what in the world turned these formerly living people into dead ones. Any clue about the dangers of this temple would very much be useful, for turning into a skeleton was very much something she would like to, especially since the overfed alchemist got all these fat sexy curves to flaunt. Like the amateurs they all were, the other girls had decided to cram their huge butts into elven pants. A rookie mistake, for if pants were usually preferable for adventuring, tight ones were a big no no for mobility. Watching Haylie and Lydia struggle to bend over, Veronica felt very proud of herself for having picked loose skirts as her clothing choice. Still, she quickly found that she was way too fat to simply bend over like an attention seeking debutante, not with that much belly and boobage in the way. ''Out of the way blondies, let me have a look, humff!'' Instead, the newly obese thief had no option but to simply drop on her knees with an hefty thud and much bouncing from her butt and bosom. From this position, her short stature allowed her to both snatch a potion before Maria made her move, and also have a look at the possible cause of death for these two piles of bones. (Roll INTELLIGENCE to figure out the cause of death or detect possible threats: 53, Success) (Roll INTELLIGENCE to identify the potion she grabbed: 69 (nice) Success) (Roll STRENGTH to stand up: 49 Fail) Having learned what she needed to, Veronica attempted to stand back up from the ground, but with her fat stomach resting on her thighs and her huge breasts throwing her off balance, the already tired bombshell simply stumbled in place before crashing back on her knees, her fat butt slamming against her heels and stretching the fabric of her skirt. Since when was it so hard to stand up, wondered the size unaware cutie. ''Ugh... A little help please? The ground is slippery.'' She asked, sounding annoyed by her own clumsiness, and batting her eyelashes in direction of the strong and toned Kyra. Gosh the snake blooded captain looked even finer with a little meat to smooth her curves. From this low angle, Veronica was graced with so much under-boob she could die in peace. The helplessly obese alchemist wouldn't mind having Roxanne hauling her up instead, but she felt almost too intimidated by her to even dare be such an overt flirt.
  14. Veronica willingly accepted the blessing of such a torrent of calories put upon her frail body. Starvation was something she never experienced in her life until her capture. As the daughter of a merchant couple, the extents of privation she ever experience were a downgrade in food quality, but never hunger. She abhorred the experience, and combined with her constant overfeeding, her sensitivity to this new condition was sent into overdrive, making the feeling hound her relentlessly. As soon as her stretching stomach made some more room, it was back again, stronger, a roaring beast needing more and more to be sated. Hunger became so easily triggered for the short alchemist that she started to mistake it with other feelings, the most obvious being anxiety. Anytime she got stressed or worried, she was sure she was in fact peckish, and nibbled on any scraps left between feeding sessions. Veronica was a smart woman, and she was pretty aware this constant stuffing was making her gain weight for some purpose for their captors. Maybe it was to make them more docile and less threatening, or perhaps it was a sick elven experiments. Still she couldn’t muster any sort of anger or even indignation at this particular aspect of their captivity. The gorgeous brunette despised being caged, and she hated how sordid the jail was, but as she grew, she felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment. The shapely alchemist had lamented the loss of her feminine curves when she started starving, watching her plump breasts, round bottom, and womanly hips disappear being almost worse than the empty feeling in her stomach. But then, it all came back at a quick pace, her figure getting more voluptuous and more sensual with each passing day. Who cared that her flat toned stomach was getting a little plump, if it went with her breasts ripening into juicy handfuls and then some? What was so bad about having a little fold here and there if she kept that exaggerated hourglass perfection? Was it so bad that she could no longer see her feet if she could also feel her booty bounce with every step? A belly was nothing but the side effect of having all the rest getting bigger, softer, more and more. Anyway, a belly was kind of hot too wasn’t it? It was so decadent and appealing in its own unique way. High on self-appreciation and no short amount of autophilia, Veronica was blooming into a very plump stunner, but her weight gain wasn’t going to stop at mere fatness. While the other captive all grew in a way or another, the blur of the last few weeks affected the formerly slim alchemist the more dramatically. Once the shortest and thinnest of them all, she grew into a decadent blubbery beauty of absurd proportions. While she was gorging on slurry and lamenting about how much she missed real food, like fried meats and other street delicacies, Veronica blossomed into a truly obese hourglass. If her face rounded up slightly, with plump cheeks and a cute double chin making their appearance, her breasts ballooned into orbs of such a magnitude she lacked fruit analogs for comparison. Still, she wasn’t exactly top heavy, for her hips matched her breasts amply. With her short stature, each pound gained meant a lot of girth, and that resulted in her getting so wide she would often bump into doorways, only to then remember how thick she was and turn sideways to leave her cell and get to the weighing room. Veronica’s belly was no small blob either, but its bouncy roundness still lived in the shadows of her bosom, while quickly creeping forward to catch up with the enormous tiddies it was currently propping up. With a lot of weight concentrated on her bum and breasts, it wasn’t quite forming an apron yet, but it looked like the next big meal could break the balance and make it fold and rest on her round overripe thighs. The captive burglar was so meaty at this point she struggled a little to stand up from her cell’s bed, and noticed she was now waddling instead of walking properly, thanks to the width and thickness of her lower half. Still, this ludicrous size wasn’t only made of drawbacks. If she wasn’t fighting hunger, she felt stronger than ever (even if that wasn’t very impressive) and was pretty certain her body took well the extra nutrients, doing wonder for her metabolism and general health. The only issue truly was how fast she grew so big. It was no small feat to triple someone’s weight in mere weeks. The clever glutton was fairly sure some sort of weight gain elixir had been used to increase her appetite and calorie conversion rate, but it did little to help her body adjust to the mass. If her muscles were doing great under the flab, every single articulation in her body was screaming for help, especially her knees, lower back, and ankles. Veronica was very careful not to test the limits of these weak points, and she feared a fall could hurt a lot. Her stamina also took a hit, but it wasn’t so much that she had less endurance that her new body made almost every movement an effort to. Still, in her mind, it was worth it for being so hot and so happy. If she was going to be stuck in jail, being endlessly fed wasn’t that bad honestly. In fact, in Veronica’s mind, this level of overeating felt so right she started to alter her perception of normality, something that would probably stay with her for the future, and hound the people around her. Indeed, the scholarly thief was seldom wrong, and thus expected everyone around her to abide by this new normal. She wouldn’t tolerate the concept of portion control for the time being. * This impressive fattening sequence came to an end, eventually. When the warden revealed the urgency of the situation to Veronica, her desire for freedom came back with the strength of thousands. Not only did she want out by principle of liking being free, but she now had countless culinary fantasies to experience after these weeks of underwhelming sludge feeding. To drive her even more, this mystery about the ancient temple curse was incredibly intriguing for the alchemist whose curiosity had been her main motivator into crime. She knew she was in before some of her airhead companions even understood the stakes of what they heard. (23 : no magic item) The elven armory had little to assist Veronica in gearing up for the expedition, but they had her adventuring gear in their coffers, including her alchemical reagents, weapons, and a now ridiculously undersized leather breastplate, the purple worm hide so comically tiny the vest couldn’t even work as a bra cup for a single boob. Her clothes were no better, with her pants now too cramped for even her shins to fit in, and every single belt on her gear being about a foot too tight to close. ‘’Ugh… this is ridiculous. And OF COURSE the elven uniforms are all made for sticks. What is this? A tunic for ants?!’’ Fussed Veronica while scrambling through piles of uniforms and casual clothes. She was bending over in two in her underwear, her enormous bum swaying left and right and her unsupported tits hanging low in her ripped prison shirt as she went through her limited options. (Rolled INT: 6 = alchemy success!) Having no choice but to get creative, Veronica quickly brewed a concoction she used many time before, but she never needed as large a quantity as today. This transmutation salve applied to matter, could temporarily turn it into putty, allowing it to be molded into a different shape before it returned to its solid state. Gathering her old equipment, Veronica found similar materials in the elven armory and bunched everything together. Her leather vest and two elven breastplates turned into a new leather jacket to support her tits and protect her chest. Three belts made one that fit her massive hips, and two cloaks were turned in a flowing skirt to replace the cramped pants she was used to. A few shirts made a sexy cropped top that exposed the upper dome of her round belly, in a way she found absolutely cute, while the skirt went up to cover her up to her deep navel. All of it fitted like a glove and actually enhanced her hourglass figure, if only by restricting her a little around the torso. After getting dressed, the last thing Veronica did was to grab some sedatives from the armory; the kind used to handle rowdy prisoners, and also applied a generous amount of chalk to her inner thighs, struggling a little to reach down there with her belly and breasts in the way. Chub rub was no joke, she heard, and she wasn’t keen on experiencing it during her first fat adventure. - FEAT GAINED - (here we go ^^') Stress Eater Favorite Food (fried meat) Obesity Loves Company Size Unaware Content x2 Dummy Thicc Natural Athlete Poor Health Dress for my Size Energized by Eating Stretched Stomach Elastic Stomach Fast Metabolism Fast Gainer (3rd stack)
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