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Everything posted by Shadow14

  1. You're still looking pretty and well-fed. But you need to feed that body!
  2. Congratulations! And I'm glad it's working out for you. She is beautiful!
  3. And we have missed you! The weight is looking amazing, as you always do.
  4. I'm excited for every update! And I hope she has a well recovery, but her sitting around for a few weeks sounds good. This girl can eat! and wears it so well.
  5. I've got that exercise video of her and its a pretty good one. I The only thing is, I expected her to talk a bit more about her weight and size in it more. She is so pretty, though, and carries her weight well. And she doesn't really do any really dirty videos, so she still has respect.
  6. You're really pretty and have a great body. I was hoping for a few more body shots though.
  7. Nice to see you on here. I recently saw you on FF. You're very pretty and appear to carry your weight well. You also do nice photo captions btw.
  8. Yeah, it was rumored she was fired for that, but the media looks for things like that, so it could have been untrue. She said she left I think, but that could have been what she was supposed to say. Idk. I liked her though. Casey Wilson seemed like a legit, nice person and was kinda funny when they actually had her in a sketch. This girl looks nice though. Not too big, but big enough.
  9. This is such nice news! I have wanted to see more of you for a long time. Very unextected. Welcome back!
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