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About e-man

  • Birthday 01/01/1991
  • Location Denver, CO, USA

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  • Weight in LBS
  • Height
    6' 3" (191cm)

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  1. Hope you have lots of study snacks. You need brain fuel after all.
  2. Well if you are talking about societal collapse, people would be more concerned about getting by and surviving. Anyone who could still be fat would stand out and basically be advertising that they have ample amounts of food. It would attract those without, for better or worse. It really is a modern luxury we take for granted. For most of human history being fat was something only the wealthy could afford, only recently after the industrial revolution did this change, now the masses can afford to eat excess calories. Personally, I'd hate to see that change, really rather fond of the effects.
  3. Historically in times of scarcity of food being fat would be a rare thing and basically becomes a status symbol for wealth. Which makes sense, it would take a lot of effort/resources to produce enough food to fatten someone.
  4. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, I'm sure your body has undergone some positively jaw-dropping changes. What's been the most exciting part of your gain experience so far?
  5. Hope you saved some room for dessert. Care to have a second serving? Maybe a third? Let's make sure you take home enough left overs for some post-holiday indulgence too.
  6. I'm udderly impressed! Hope you have lots of snacks to graze on all day. ๐Ÿ„
  7. Ah, so you're Anonymoose. Nice to put a face (or rather, belly) to the name. I've played some of your stuff and lurk weightgaiming a bit too. It's no wonder your writing is so good, looks like you really do have some first hand chubby girl experience!
  8. Highly likely she is into this herself if she's bring stuff like that up. What are you waiting for? She literally invited you.
  9. Thatโ€™s awesome that you were able to focus on your health and make positive changes, even if it meant losing weight. It sounds like you have a balanced approach and know what makes you happy!. Safe travels and enjoy indulging in all the delicious food! ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ”๐Ÿฆ๐ŸŒ
  10. Always had this fetish since I was a kid but it was very hard to explain it and be open about it with people or my pervious partners, was always honest about it though. It's good to know there are other people out there that are into exactly what I am.
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