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  • Curvage Model

Hello everyone! 

I've been trying to gain weight for years and i'm having alot of difficulties! If you don't believe me just check out those asian mukbang youtubers.. I'm literally exactly like them. No matter how much I eat there's very little progress due to my high metabolism, and especially because it costs ALOT to buy a lot of food. Any suggestions or tips would be welcome ❤️ 

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Step 1, and this may be the hardest one, find a feeder with deep enough pockets to feed you as much as possible. With a fast metabolism, you’re probably going to be having to eat lots of food per day to gain. If it wouldn’t cause conflict, I might even say get multiple feeders just to be safe. 

Step 2, minimize calories burned while maximizing calories eaten. That’s your gaining basics, right there. If you successfully completed step 1, that feeder should be doing practically everything for you, getting food, taking care of you, etc. If your situation is ideal enough and you can stand to do it, your day could probably be as simple as wake up, go where you’ll be eating all day, eat and do other activities that don’t require getting up, go to bed (and you can probably make it simpler by making your bed the place you eat and do everything). If your lifestyle requires you to do more, just keep in mind, you have to eat more to cancel out the calories burned. As for how much you should eat, I’d look into a weight gain calculator; there’s plenty online that’ll tell you how much you should eat to gain a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time. 

Step 3, learn the tricks of the trade. There are a few other niche tricks I’m sure others can tell you about, but the one I know of is do as much eating as you can before bed because your metabolism is slowest when sleeping. 

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