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Czech girl gets fat in the US

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12 minutes ago, Kwu1999 said:

I remember I high school when somebody went on a one year exchange to the us they always came back like 15-20 pounds heavier then when they left, I did not expect myself to almost double that in under half the time. 

I do not think I will be extending my visa, I miss Prague, Czechia and europa in general to much ❤️ Can’t wait to not be dependent on a car anymore!!

Prague is such a beautiful city. Hopefully your newfound chub can survive all the walking you will be doing when you return home haha

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9 ore fa, Kwu1999 ha detto:

Ciao. Sono una ragazza di 22 anni dalla Repubblica Ceca🇨🇿Vivono e lavorano a Los Angeles da maggio e durante questo periodo ho aggiunto più di 30 libbre al mio precedente telaio da 110 libbre/50 kg. Sono alto 5,7 piedi/172 cm e sono sempre stato magro. Penso che il passaggio dal camminare ovunque a Praga al non camminare mai, guidare solo ovunque, negli ultimi 3 mesi abbia influenzato il mio corpo. Oltre a non allenarmi affatto e ad avere una dieta americana mi ha fatto diventare molto più pesante. 

La prima foto sono io a fine aprile 2022, tipo una o due settimane prima di partire per Los Angeles. 110 libbre. la seconda foto sono io ieri a 146 libbre.

Fammi sapere se ti piacciono le foto e vuoi conoscere l'intera storia dietro il mio guadagno;)



Ehi ciao dal Italia 🇮🇹🇮🇹😊. You are so beautifull with those extra lbs 😍😍😍you have a Weight goal?

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40 minutes ago, pietro smusi said:

Ehi ciao dal Italia 🇮🇹🇮🇹😊. You are so beautifull with those extra lbs 😍😍😍you have a Weight goal?

Thank you 😘 since my weight gain was accidental and due to the lifestyle I have adapted in the US I don’t have a weight goal and is not gaining on purpose. I have gone from 50kg to almost 67kg in 3 months, so I don’t know if my weight will continue to increase after I return home, but we will see 😏

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8 minutes ago, Kwu1999 said:

Thank you 😘 since my weight gain was accidental and due to the lifestyle I have adapted in the US I don’t have a weight goal and is not gaining on purpose. I have gone from 50kg to almost 67kg in 3 months, so I don’t know if my weight will continue to increase after I return home, but we will see 😏

Haha hopefully your bikini body becomes even curvier once you return home with your new eating habits 

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12 hours ago, Kwu1999 said:

Thank you 😘 since my weight gain was accidental and due to the lifestyle I have adapted in the US I don’t have a weight goal and is not gaining on purpose. I have gone from 50kg to almost 67kg in 3 months, so I don’t know if my weight will continue to increase after I return home, but we will see 😏

I get it thanks for the reply, you were quick to gain those kg😲😲, they look great on you🤗🤗. but do you like the idea of being fatter?

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Pro Ameriku je takové krásy škoda, jen se nám vrať hezky do Prahy - každopádně máme za co US děkovat. Zvláštní v anonymním moři internetu, zvlášť na takovýhle šílený stránce, narazit na krajanku 😅🔥 Doma člověk to co se mu líbí poměrně skrývá, ale stačí výlet do zahraničí od známých a vše je jinak. Zajímavý a jen tak dále, musí to být super pocit! A kamarádka má pravdu. ;)

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14 hours ago, hugo said:

Pro Ameriku je takové krásy škoda, jen se nám vrať hezky do Prahy - každopádně máme za co US děkovat. Zvláštní v anonymním moři internetu, zvlášť na takovýhle šílený stránce, narazit na krajanku 😅🔥 Doma člověk to co se mu líbí poměrně skrývá, ale stačí výlet do zahraničí od známých a vše je jinak. Zajímavý a jen tak dále, musí to být super pocit! A kamarádka má pravdu. ;)

Koukám, že krajanů je tady více 😉 Český holky jsou stenjě nejkrásnější na světě a jestli té "krásy" získá v Americe víc, tak to bude jedině plus 😊

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On 4. 8. 2022 at 23:11, Kwu1999 said:

Děkuji 😘 jelikož můj váhový přírůstek byl náhodný a vzhledem k životnímu stylu, kterému jsem se v USA přizpůsobil, nemám váhový cíl a nepřibírám záměrně. Za 3 měsíce jsem se z 50kg dostal na téměř 67kg, tak nevím, jestli se moje váha po návratu domů bude dále zvyšovat, ale uvidíme 😏

Kdy se vracíš domů? Myslím, že dalších 10 kilo by na tobě vypadalo skvěle 😉 je příjemné potkat krásnou krajanku 🥰

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:05 PM, Kwu1999 said:

I remember I high school when somebody went on a one year exchange to the us they always came back like 15-20 pounds heavier then when they left, I did not expect myself to almost double that in under half the time. 

I do not think I will be extending my visa, I miss Prague, Czechia and europa in general to much ❤️ Can’t wait to not be dependent on a car anymore!!

I hope you won't lose weight in the Czech Republic)

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On 8/4/2022 at 12:38 PM, Kwu1999 said:

Hello. I am a 22 years old girl from Czechia 🇨🇿 That have been living and working in Los Angeles since may and during this time I have added more than 30 pounds to my former 110 lbs/50kg frame. I am 5.7 feet/172 cm tall and have always been skinny. I think the transition from walking everywhere in Prague to never walking, only driving everywhere, for the last 3 months have effected my body. In addition to not really working out at all and having an American diet has made me get a lot heavier. 

First picture is me in late April 2022, like a week or two before I left for LA. 110 lbs. second picture is me yesterday at 146 lbs.

Let me know if you like the pictures and want to know the whole story behind my gain ;)



Super hot story. You look awesome with the new pounds. I have  2 questions and 1 wish.

The questions:

1. Apart from your belly and hips it is obvious that your boobs have also grown at least 1-2 cup sizes. Do you like it? Do you still use the same bras?

2. More than 15 kg in 3 months is a lot. How do you deal with outgrowing clothes at that rate. How many times it has been necessary for you to go buying new clothes alonh this time? Haven't you break any pants or have you keep them unbuttoned during some moments?

The wish:

Your wardrobe must be plenty of clothes that already don't fit (all the clothes you brought with you to U.S.) More than pictures I would love to watch a video or you trying on like 4 or 5 different pants and t-shirts. Or even, once you come back to your country, trying on winter clothes from last year!

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Oh! And another one! How it has been so easy for you like, after gaining some unexpected weight, you meet a czech friend of yours who tells you about this community and you don't hesitate to start posting here? It hasnt been like a "shock" or something knowing about this community? I wish every girl who gains some weight would start posting in these forums n such a natural way haha

Or maybe you already knew something about Curvage before? 

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On 8/5/2022 at 8:27 AM, Kwu1999 said:

A compressing outfit can hide a lot 😇




Thanks for sharing your story, I love how you've embraced your appetite and gains.

I hope you don't think this outfit is hiding how much you've been eating and how soft your belly has grown 😍

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On 8/4/2022 at 12:38 PM, Kwu1999 said:

Hello. I am a 22 years old girl from Czechia 🇨🇿 That have been living and working in Los Angeles since may and during this time I have added more than 30 pounds to my former 110 lbs/50kg frame. I am 5.7 feet/172 cm tall and have always been skinny. I think the transition from walking everywhere in Prague to never walking, only driving everywhere, for the last 3 months have effected my body. In addition to not really working out at all and having an American diet has made me get a lot heavier. 

First picture is me in late April 2022, like a week or two before I left for LA. 110 lbs. second picture is me yesterday at 146 lbs.

Let me know if you like the pictures and want to know the whole story behind my gain ;)



Wow! Putting on 30lbs by accident in 3 months only in America haha. Either way you must still eat a lot for your size to put on that much, no complaints here though when you’re looking that good ;).

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