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Lose some, to Gain some


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just wanted to see if we could have a discussion about somethings that's probably not that commong (or maybe I will be suprised?)

Topic: Feedees losing Weight, before they gain Weight.

Let me elaborate using my personal story. Right now I'm actually losing weight, even though I've learned that I do not only enjoy feeding but being a feedee too. One of my reasons for that is, that I'm average sized right now and don't have that much space to grow before I reach a point that I can not pass until I had a surgery thats been delayed 3 times thanks to Covid. Starting later and having more time to gain means I have less time I need to maintain a weight, because I'm actually scared that I would not be able to maintain once I've started.

BUT the other reason is that I just love a huge transformation and wan't to go from really flat to really fat.

Do you think that is common, sth you understand, is the "before after shock" worth it?

Discuss :)


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9 minutes ago, Ksu116307 said:

I was actually trying to lose weight before falling into my eating spree again. And I even succeeded! I've lost 10 pounds of fat! But now I'm gaining again 😂

Nice! I've lost about 15 so far and aim to lose 30-40 more. Will be a blast to gain it all back. Right now I'm kinda lean, not even chubby, so i look forward to soft fat 😆

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