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Doctor who weight gain story-rose

Sam fc

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It was the end of yet another excursion to an alien planet, and the Doctor and Rose had just saved yet another world from extinction (this time from an alien parasite leaching off the planet's life force). For the Doctor and his companion, this should have been a normal day, except for on little detail about this planet's culture: they like their women FAT!

Apparently, the dominant humanoid life form on this world; who looked just like humans, except for possessing retractable gills which allowed them to breathe underwater as well as on land (the Doctor had something about humans have mated with some other alien life form, but Rose hadn't been paying attention at the time), liked their women large! The Doctor had commented that: at many times in Earth's history, human men had liked big women as well. Normally, Rose would have just mentally shuffled this information into her "unbelievable but true factoids from the Doctor", except for one thing: from the looks of it, the Doctor liked his woman fat as well! Needless to say, this info surprised Rose quite a bit

Sure, there had been signs before. Rose had caught the Doctor staring at larger women of a few different species (but mostly humans) several times; but he always quickly looked away in embarrassment. The Doctor's companion had simply written these glances off as looks of amusement or disgust, after all that's how most men in Rose's country saw fat women: as objects worthy of only disgust or ridicule. However, the visit to this planet proved otherwise. Several times during their mission to save this word, Rose had been forced to tear the Doctor's leering gaze from the many rotund females on this world;forcing him to stay on task. Each time, the Doctor would give Rose an apologetic, sheepish grin, go slightly red with embarrassment, then reluctantly go back to the task at hand. After they had finally saved the planet and returned to the TARDIS, the Doctor told Rose he was sorry for letting his mind wander so much, but that he had "A lot on my mind. Yeah, that's it. Thank you so much for keeping me on task, Rose. I...really don't know what I would do without you sometimes. You're the best!"

Rose appreciated the sentiment, but she wasn't dumb. She knew (and was glad) that the Doctor placed great value on Rose's companionship and friendship, but she also knew that the only think the Time Lord had on his mind when he kept getting distracted during their latest adventure was, "A whole lot of woman!", Rose thought sourly. It was official, and the Doctors svelte, blond companion mentally kicked herself for not seeing the obvious for so long, "The Doctor like FAT chicks!" 

"Well doesn't that just beat all!" Rose thought to herself. "Here you are, hopelessly in love with the Doctor, flirting almost to the point of throwing yourself at the Timelord, and you never stood a chance! You aren't remotely his type." Looking down at her thin body in the privacy of her bedroom, clad in nothing but her underwear, Rose slapped her trim stomach( it definitively did NOT qualify as a belly) in frustration, Rose was almost in tears. "Apparently, this is what I get for sticking that strict diet and exercise routine I've been on since I was 12! Okay, may I did cheat with the occasion fish and chips, but still...I guess I was doing all that work for nothing!" Thinking of her much plumper mother, Jackie Tyler, Rose thought sardonically, "Ha! The Doctor's probably attracted more to my mother than he is to me! Isn't that just a riot?!" Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Rose's head. She had an idea! 

"That's it! I'll just get fat for the Doctor, he'll be sure to love me then! My mother's plump! Heck, I used to quite the butterball in my early years. I have the genes for retaining body fat, I just need to take advantage of them! With that, Rose made a vow to herself: "No more dieting for this girl, I'm eating whatever I want! Furthermore, no more strenuous exercise than I can help! I'll just just ask the Doctor to take us to places that are calm, relaxing, and have great food." With a smile, Rose patted her small stomach, "Don't worry, Rose. You'll be fat enough to seduce the Doctor in no time!"


Edited by Sam fc
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Although the Doctor was slightly puzzled by his usually adventurous companions request to "take it easy for awhile" on some alien planets that would not require her to exert herself, the Doctor complied. However, he did warn Rose that his TARDIS could be...unpredictable at times. "Alright, I"ll try to keep to calmer planets and time periods for awhile Rose, but sometimes my ship has a mind of its own and goes where SHE wants to." The Doctor explained with an expression of slight embarrassment due to his inability to fully control his sentient ship at all times. Rose thanked the Doctor for the warning, but she was slightly nervous at the prospect that the TARDIS might screw up her plans to get fat for her favorite TimeLord.

She need not have worried. Over the next three weeks, the TARDIS took the Doctor and his companion from one resort world to another. Each planet was different from the last, but they all had 2 things in common: 1. They didn't require their patron's to exert themselves to have fun and 2. they offered a wide selection of delicious, high calorie foods! Just the thought of what all that food would do to her waistline (and the Doctor's libido) was enough to make Rose excited! Over the next few weeks, Rose enjoyed herself immensely while eating immense amounts of food from every buffet,snack bar, and restaurant she came across. Even she was surprised how quickly her body got used to overeating again. The blond haired companion had forgotten how much she loved food! In addition; Miss Tyler allowed herself to be as lazy as possible by watching TV, relaxing by beaches, and other fun but sedentary activities, instead of the more high-endurance offerings, such as hang gliding, rock climbing or football which the Doctor was enjoying. In short, Rose was enjoying herself a great deal while doing very little besides eating!

The Doctor, on the other hand, was going a little stir crazy. Sure, he was still able to enjoy high energy activities such as laser football, volcano exploration, and excavating the ruins of an alien city just outside one resort, but the inactivity was almost driving him nuts! He was used to running from monsters and saving civilizations, for crying out loud! To make matters worse, Rose was not sympathetic to his boredom, and seemed to be content just hanging out in her hotel rooms and hanging out by beaches, arcades, and animal and plant menageries (in his muddled state, the Doctor had not even noticed the amount of food Rose had been consuming, or that she was wearing her loosest fitting clothing to hide her weight gain). The Doctor didn't understand how she could be content to do so little after all the adventures the two of them had been on!

However, the Doctor wasn't one to break a promise unless it was absolutely necessary, and he continued to steer the TARDIS towards one resort world after another; each time secretly hoping the TARDIS would have other plans. For three weeks, the TARDIS continued to disappoint him. That was more than just a little odd. The TARDIS had NEVER, in all the Doctor's centuries as her inhabitant and "pilot", managed to go this long without ignoring the Doctor's suggested destinations, and choosing a more dangerous one! The fact that she was suddenly being so obedient now, and that Rose seemed to be happy with this continuous state-of affairs, was almost enough to make the Doctor imagine that his ship was only obeying his commands for Rose's sake. "Traitor." The Doctor muttered under his breath.

"Whaf's 'dat 'Octor?" Rose spoke though a mouthful of the giant chocolate covered cinnabon-like pasty she had managed to snag from this world as she and the Doctor were departing the latest resort world the duo had been visiting for the TARDIS. "Nothing, Rose. Just thinking out loud. And I don't mind you bringing food on the TARDIS, but please don't talk with you mouth full." The Doctor's companions blushed, swallowed her mouthful of food, then apologized for her rudeness. As much fun as Rose was having at rediscovering her gluttonous appetite, she knew it was no excuse to be rude. "Sorry, Doctor. It won't happen again, I promise." The Doctor just smiled and nodded, he was never able to stay mad at Rose very long, even after the time she had accidentally unleashed a pack of time demons after trying to save her late father. "It's alright, no harm done. Anyway, it's been three weeks, and think we've been relaxing long enough! If it's alright with you, I've decided we should visit an ice planet next! There will be lots of glaciers to climb, sledding, luge, and a bunch of other exciting activities to bring us back up to speed! What do you think?!" Rose hesitated. She wasn't sure if she was in good enough shape to do half of the Doctor's suggested activities after 3 weeks of inactivity and constant binging. Furthermore, all that activity would certainly NOT help Rose gain weight to please the Doctor. On the other hand, Rose knew it might look suspicious if she refused to see an exotic, alien world. "Sounds...fine, Doctor." Rose reluctantly replied.

The Doctor smiled. Finally, he could take Rose somewhere interesting! "Right then! Off we go!" With that, the Doctor pulled one of his ship's levers, as he had already set the coordinates of the planet he desired to visit. Of course, the time engines whirred and hummed as the TARDIS took of for another world. That was as close as the TARDIS would get to being predicable that day, however. After several minutes, the Doctor and Rose emerged from the "blue police box" decked out in heavy winter jackets, hats, boots, scarves, and gloves from the ship's wardrobe. They were both surprised by where they were when they stepped out of the Doctor's ship. They were on a deserted stretch of beach on yet another tropical alien paradise! "What?!" The Doctor exclaimed in frustration. Not only had the TARDIS disobeyed him for the first time in weeks, it had taken them to yet another alien resort. While the Doctor was stewing in his own frustration and trying to understand his ship's recent bizarre behavior, Rose was taking the situation in stride. Quickly sizing up the beautiful alien beach with blue sand, pink oceans, orange skies and golden leaves, as well as a sign that read, "Special one week offer for all resort customers! Due to a food surplus, we are temporarily allowing all of our customers to eat FREE at all food service locations around our beloved planet! Enjoy!", Rose suppressed a smile and spoke to the Doctor with false sincerity in her voice. "Darn! I'm sorry about that Doctor! I'm afraid we can't go on that snow-filled adventure you were planning Oh well, I guess we will have to make the best of it! Why don't you get us set up at the resort while I go change and bring you some more weather appropriate clothes, ok?" The Doctor just nodded suspicious. He didn't understand why the TARDIS kept taking them to these kinds of worlds, but he knew Rose had something to do with it somehow. "But for what purpose?", he wondered.

Nevertheless, the Doctor reluctantly walked the short distance to the nearest concierge office (it was behind a large grouping of trees) and flashed his psychic paper on the first clerk he came up to. Immediately, the nameless clerk got the Doctor and Rose deluxe accommodations at a room not far from the beach his ship had landed on. Looking down at the room key he had been handed, the Doctor noted that their had to be some mistake, as he had asked for 2 rooms. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Ambassador, unless you want me to clear a room out! All the other rooms in the resort are booked! Do you want me to clear someone else out?" "No thank you. My companion and I will just have to make do. Thank you." The TimeLord was more than a little flustered now, first they land on the wrong planet, now Rose and the Doctor were stuck in one room together. To make matters worse, when the Doctor looked at the hotel map and the room number he had been assigned, the Doctor noticed that he and his companion were going to be in a honeymoon suite. "Well, this is going to be awkward!" The Doctor thought. As much as he pretended not to notice Rose flirting with him, his companion's attraction to him was obvious. Worse still, the Doctor had fallen in love with her as well, despite his own better judgment. It had been hard enough not to act on those feelings before, now that they would be sleeping in the same room..." The Doctor quickly shook of that line of thinking and continued to curse the TARDIS for getting him in this situation with Rose.

Such thoughts went out the window, however, as soon as the Doctor saw Rose exiting the TARDIS on the beach, carrying the Doctor's swimsuit and wearing nothing but a red bikini that was several sizes too small for her! Rose had decided she had waited long enough, it was time for her to make her move on the Doctor!

Speaking of the Doctor, his jaw just about dropped of his face. He had never seen Rose wear anything so revealing; nor

(he FINALLY noticed) had his companion been so...pleasingly plump.



As Rose began to flirt with the Doctor on the deserted beach, the Lord of Time realized that, in the last 3 weeks, Rose Tyler (who was 121) had gained AT LEAST 40 pounds making her weigth 161 pounds


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