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How do I tell my girl about this fetish


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Ugh, this question gets asked like once a week here, but the most annoying thing about this question is that there's no details here to help you.

There's no one size fits all to this question. It depends on you, it depends on your girlfriend, it depends on the nature of your relationship, and frankly it probably depends on what stage if your life that you're in.

I'm gonna guess by the lack of details that you must be pretty young. Is this your first girlfriend? Is this a serious relationship? Have you ever had a truly difficult conversation with a significant other before? Also, are you a feeder or do you just like fat chicks?

Regardless, I'm gonna give you the advice that I give everyone: if you're planning on being serious with this girl and see a long term horizon with her, than simple honesty is going to be the most important thing for your relationship and for your psyche with regards this fetish. As long as you have the understanding that she might not take kindly to this conversation, as has happened with many people before. You have to decide how important this girl is and how important this fetish is to you, because sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too. That being said, I'd you're going to tell her, it's okay to be vulnerable, and most women are gonna respond positively to you putting yourself out there and admitting your fetish even if they don't vibe with it.

Hope this helps.

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Also, you're entitled to like what you like and no one has the right to shame you for that. If you're worried she might explode and ditch you, well, I'll just say worries like these aren't the hallmark of happy and harmonious relationships, so this might give you a clue about your situation.

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  • 3 weeks later...


A relationship worthy of pursuing doesn't just explode into bits because one person worded something the wrong way. If she explodes, just ask her: "Is that something that'll make you split up with me? Then it wasn't worth my time". Remember, if she ditches you, it's her foolishness and you're worthy of having someone who shares your kink. Go, go, go :)

Edit: But man, would it help if you just told us what stops you from telling her… Because otherwise, like Pancakes said, there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't have to imagine anything, there was an interview with an Aussie girl on this Other People's Lives or something channel, who had a blood fetish, basically what turned her on was piercing your body during sex and playing with the blood. Highly recommended (the video; to watch)

But at some point in every relationship she informed the victim partner, so I don't know if that's closeted or not. 

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  • 4 months later...

Just tell her. Told my wife, she got upset but now she knows. She’s not exactly into it but she now knows and it’s actually gotten us to open up more about that stuff. She isn’t into gaining but she did stop her diet and in bed she role plays that she’ll “gain” for me. Doesn’t actually do it but regardless it’s helped and now we know where each of us stands and we support each other. 

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