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Curvage model weight gain PROBLEM


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  • Curvage Model

Heyaa there everyone!!

Some of you might know me, and others dont, but anyway that doesn't matter!
As much as I love this whole community & everything surrounding it, I myself do have a "gaining prblem"😖

Even tho I managed to gain over 60lbs the past year, my body kinda changed lately, and I can't really consumeliquid calories anymore..
A small amount like 100ml of heavy cream gets my tummy really sick! Like it's as bad as me having to actually puke... 😓

I tried different options from lactose free cream, or even a coconut version, didn't really help for me.. Now I wanna know if by some chance someone from you guys/gals might know any solution! Cuz gaining without liquids can be pretty hard!

Potchi ❤️

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There are multiple problems on multiple "levels" here. On the lowest, physiological level, I think your liver is severely overworked. This happened to me a few years back when I tried to gain by eating hard to digest meals, like heavy cream. I got it under control by eating healthy and taking essential phospholipids. Not trying to advertise anything but in my case this really worked wonders. I'm not a doctor though and you should definitely consult one.

On a higher level, try eating meals that are easier to digest. You will gain if you just eat normal healthy foods in large quantities, you don't need to stuff your body with junk.

On a higher level still, you might consider having an honest conversation with yourself - why do I need to gain, why do I need this community, do I have the gaining fetish, do I just want money / compliments / fame / attention / validation etc. Because every surplus weight has consequences for health. There is no such thing as "healthy at every size", no matter the fantasies some people here cherish. With gaining, you will inevitably see things like your cholesterol rising, problems with your digestive system, mood swings and others, make no mistake. 

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