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What Does a Champion Feel Like?


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You most certainly did not disappoint with Erin's big reveal. And I do mean big. She has officially eclipsed Heather in terms of sheer size.

The best part is, what with her rich fiance financing her ever-increasing gluttony, the sky's the limit for Erin's growth.

As much as I, as a fan, didn't want it to happen, the bit of closure between her and loverboy was inevitable. Still hope to see some Erin cameos in the future though (Maybe an epilogue? A spin-off series? I'm thinking way too far ahead, I know...)

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  • 1 month later...

As usual, thank you to everyone for the very kind words. Here am I, just a humble casual writer occasionally throwing some words together into a semi-cohesive story and I get such praise. Really means a lot!

In other news, here's another installment focusing more on Lover Boy and Terry. Hard as it is to believe, I have 3-4 more parts to this tale to write before it's done and there will most certainly be more Heather and Erin in the coming pieces, but I don't want to spoil any of the surprises. Enjoy!

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The human mind is a dangerous place. While it is our lone perception of reality, it also has a natural tendency to distort it far out of proportion. Our imaginations tend to run wild as we create more and more elaborate scenarios to minor problems. Victims of our own mind.

That was exactly how I felt as I grabbed a coffee with Terry who was an absolute show stopper in her Lulu Lemon leggings and workout shirt. All morning I had been dreading talking to Terry about everything that had been going on and making sure that she wasn’t holding any false illusions of ever getting with me again.

Much to my pleasure, she took everything in stride, as if she already had come to that opinion on her own and making peace with Erin without ever confronting her.

“So you really aren’t mad at Erin anymore?” I inquired to confirm what she had just told me.

“What can I honestly be mad at her for? A college boyfriend who probably wouldn’t have lasted through the start of my job anyway? For being able to gain the attention of her now fiancée where I had never been able to close the deal? She hasn’t done anything lately to really warrant my anger and it sounds like I at least managed to kind of hit home by kicking off her growth so there’s nothing left for me to hold against her,” she stated matter of fact as she shifted in her chair, highlighting her wide hips.

“It just amazes me how quickly you’ve changed,” I remarked.

“Well you have to be able to adapt in order to stay alive right? I am just doing my best to adapt,” she stated positively.

“Well it seems to be working for you…” I was about to remark when a text from Erin came through to my phone. Normally I wouldn’t have opened it since that would be rude but she had send URGENT as the first word.

URGENT. Please talk Terry into gaining weight. Just went to the office to get something and saw a list of potential layoffs. She was one of the three on the list.

I froze. Terry could immediately sense something was wrong but wanted to give me the space to come forward and tell her. After gathering myself for a second, I showed her the text.

“That’s bull shit. She’s got to be making that up…” she was about to finish when an image of the paper came through. “FUCK.”

I sat there just stunned. I didn’t know what to tell her. To be truthfully honest, the whole thing sounded more like one big law suit ready to burst, except it wasn’t an official requirement to work at the company. But at that moment, the bigger concern had to be for Terry and figuring out what she could do.

“What are you thinking?” I asked her after she’d had a moment to process it all. Terry still seemed to be deep in thought and took several moments as if trying to come up with a decision on the spot.

“To be honest…I think I might go buy a cheeseburger,” she commented.

“What?!” I exclaimed, not comprehending why after all of her hard work she would suddenly cave in.

Terry let out a sigh and then with more conviction confessed her thoughts, “honestly, I really want to keep this job. The company is going to keep doing well which means that I am going to keep making more money if I can stick around. It’s not exactly unrewarding work and at least it’s a job I won’t have too much trouble keeping if I just keep eating. It’s not like I am exactly a world class work horse. The odds of me getting a job for anything other than my looks anywhere isn’t very high and I’d honestly rather be at a place where only the leadership salivates over me as opposed to half the company. So if you wish to accompany me, I’m going to go across the street to that burger shack and order a burger.”

Terry rose up from her seat, giving me quite the perspective of her enticing behind in all of its firm glory. Truly a marvel, I was baffled at just how much she had lost and couldn’t believe that she was willing to give it all up for her job. I chased her out of the store and managed to grab her before she crossed the street.

“You sure you’re thinking this through?” I asked, causing her to finally turn around and face me. Unlike Erin, who had so easily broken down the other day, Terry had far more conviction in her voice and displayed on her face.

“Honestly lover boy, I’d been thinking about it for a long, long time. It’s nice working out all of the time, having tons of men drool over me and be the center of attention, but the only attention I want is that of the owner’s boy.”

“And then what?” I inquired, thinking of Erin in the back of my mind.

“I’m going to steal him from Erin,” she stated calmly.

“Are you crazy! Have you forgotten that one little detail where she is engaged to him already?” I bluntly pointed out.

“You really think that she is enough to stop him from loving me. He practically worshipped me when I was at his version of my peak and I doubt anything will have changed that.”

“Except for a pair of giant tits, ass, a bigger appetite than you and an engagement ring,” I retorted, getting frustrated by Terry’s sudden lack of comprehension and understanding as she laid out some horribly fictitious world she seemed to be living in.

Fortunately, my last comment seemed to give Terry some pause for the first time and I knew that once again I had to bring another woman back to reality…why are all woman so crazy? “Look, Terry, you’ve admitted it yourself that Erin almost instantly stole all of the attention away from you. She had barely started growing and you had barely lost anything when he shifted his focus onto her instead of you it sounds like and I honestly fail to see how you could steal him away from her now.”

Terry looked down to the ground, embarrassed as the realization of what I was saying finally sunk in. “But…”

“Listen, you shouldn’t rush into this. Be reasonable about it. Go for a walk and think things through before you go and ruin all of the hard work you’ve been doing,” I advised and Terry seemed to be agreeing.

Waving me away, she reluctantly agreed to my terms. “Fine. I’ll go think on it for a bit. Thanks lover boy.”

Terry gave me a light hug, her mind still working through what I had just said and probably starting to re-process some of our earlier conversation in the coffee shop as she waved goodbye and then started walking down the street. Like a terrible human being, my mind wouldn’t let me stop staring as her ass swayed side to side, delightfully inviting and enchanting in its toned way, hidden by nothing in those tight leggings.

After she went around the corner, my trance was finally broken and headed my own way.

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For several days Terry didn’t send me so much as a single text. I told Erin about the situation and she said that she had tried to find Terry at work to warn her but that she had taken the week off due to personal health reasons. Not exactly the wisest choice when you are on the verge of being fired, but I guess she really needed it.

For the first time that I could remember in recent memory, I was genuinely concerned with the well-being of someone other than a Tyler family member. While I probably should have been more concerned about the lack of communication I had with my own family, at least my heart was in the right place. What was more shocking to me was that Erin even seemed concerned about Terry.

Almost daily she would keep me updated on any of the rumblings she’d heard around the office, any papers that went to her fiancée that she could take a peek at even any generic gossip. Part of me wanted to believe that Erin really did genuine care. She certainly had been kind enough to give Terry fair warning and seemed to be proactively trying to save her job, but I couldn’t help but assume there was some ulterior motive.

One Saturday evening, Erin and I were grabbing a casual dinner at a local seafood restaurant when my suspicions were confirmed. Erin was digging into her second helping of the giant sea food platter we were sharing, providing me an impressive view of her seemingly endless cleavage, when I finally raised the topic of Terry.

“So, have you heard any news from Terry?” I inquired.

“I haven’t and it’s driving me crazy,” she admitted between bites.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Well you know, I kind of like, owe her for my job and for unintentionally introducing me to my fiancée whom I might add has been quite amazing lately,” she admitted.

“That’s always good. She did also put you up for a while I guess,” I offered up.

“Yeah sure. That one wasn’t so much for me though as it was for you and Heather. I was perfectly content to keep going wild and playing with you,” she purred, letting her third glass of wine do the talking for her again.

“Here we go again...”

“Oh stop it. Please. I’m just playfully teasing. It’s not too often I get to do that anymore you know? Sure you and my fiancée are in heaven but finding another man who appreciates wondrous curves such as these is no small task.” She proudly stated.

While not always the quickest to pick up on things, particularly when the Erin I had met up with only a couple of weeks ago had been far less confident in her physique, it took me all of two seconds to put it all together.

“You found her a guy, didn’t you?!” I practically shouted across the table, excitement practically brimming in my voice as the gears quickly turned.

Erin raised up a chubby finger to silence me as she downed some more wine. “Please. I didn’t just find her a guy. She hasn’t had any problems doing that in the slightest with that giant ass of hers. I found her the PERFECT guy.”

“How are you so sure?” I asked, slowly becoming more skeptical as reality began to set in.

“Well for starters, he’s good friends with my fiancée, is admittedly wealthier, loves big butts and cannot lie…” she joked. “Seriously though, he’s super sweet, loves curves, food and seems to treat the woman he likes with great respect, not that he doesn’t treat all women right or anything though.”

“Sounds too perfect,” I admitted.

“Well there’s only one way to find out,” Erin admitted with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Why didn’t you just tell Terry that off the bat?”

“Because she probably wouldn’t believe me right now, given my last communication with her was me warning her that was potentially up next to get axed. The last thing she wants to hear from the gal who ‘stole’ her dream man is that she’s found a perfect replacement for her,” Erin rather surprisingly explained with clear and understandable flow.

“Well then, how do you plan that you let her know about this wonderful man that you’ve found for her…?” I began to ask until, once again, my role as the errand boy of the Tyler family became more obvious.

Erin fixed me with a knowing stare and a bemused smile on her face. “SO glad you asked. I was going to volunteer that you be the one to bring it up since she is more likely to trust you than me.”

Reluctantly I gave out a deep sigh and then began to nod my head up and down. “If it weren’t for Terry, I wouldn’t do it.”

“I know,” Erin stated in a far more serious tone, not missing the clear value I added to her family. “Now that that’s settled, let’s talk about dessert, shall we. Girl’s gotta eat.”

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“How exactly did you meet this guy again?” Terry asked, still quite skeptically as she called out from her closet. “Shit this doesn’t fit either.”

“You need any help in there?” I bellowed, knowing fully well that Terry must have been struggling to find right fitting clothing. Since she and I had last talked almost three weeks, Terry had completely engrossed herself in eating again, albeit still with some exercise involved. Because of that, her gain hadn’t been quite as exponential as one might have feared, but it was at that phase where her clothes meant for a svelte figure with a trim behind would struggle to handle a softer physique.

“I am doing just fine thank you, now answer my question,” she scolded from the behind the door as I heard more clothing being tossed around.

“He’s the friend of a friend. Heather says he actually knows your boss and they’re good friends,” I offered, telling only the truth but with limited details.

“Shit. Did you set me up with Daniel?” she asked, a hint of excitement noticeable in her tone.

“Yeah, why?” I asked.

“I just…never knew that he was interested in someone like me. He always seemed so cold when he and I talked back when I first met him,” she said.

“Cold as in mean?” I inquired, not exactly sure why I hadn’t thought to push Erin for more details about this mysterious man who was going to solve Terry’s problems.

“Oh no. He’s super sweet and very well off, just, he never seemed to want to have anything to do with me when I would flirt with him,” she explained in between grunts to fit into her dress.

“Well, my scouting report says he has pretty similar tastes to your good old boss, so maybe you just need to show him you can eat,” I half joke.

“Fuck you,” Terry joked as she emerged from the closet in a stunning light blue dress that went down to her ankles, doing nothing to hide her shelf of a behind while also not quite hiding some softness elsewhere. With her hair already made up, I was speechless.

“You look terrific,” I finally managed to compliment.

“I know. Now get out of my apartment so I can finish getting ready for this date with Daniel,” she demanded, shooing me towards the door.

“But you asked me to come over here in the first place!” I protested.

“True, but I really only did that to remind you what you are giving up to be with Heather,” she teased with a naughty wink and a slow turn that provided me with more than enough time to admire her two healthy butt cheeks which were practically ready to tear that dress apart.

“On that note…” I said, gradually opening the door.

“Goodbye lover boy,” she said with a genuine smile.

“Oh and lover boy,” she called as I began walking down the hall.


“Thank you.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as dialogue goes, I think this is the most realistic example I have seen in a weight gain story. This seriously could be a novel. I love the way you start every chapter. You do an excellent job of developing characters and giving them their own unique feel. You are a very talented writer, and I really enjoy this story. I'll almost be sad to see it end, but I'm excited to see what becomes of all the characters. You also do a great job with the gaining details. Are you planning another series after this one ends?

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  • 2 months later...

As always, thank to everyone for the likes, visits and comments. Really means a lot and even though I am terrible about regular updates, I really do appreciate everyone's continued interest in the story. At this point I think I have maybe one last chapter to write so you don't have to hold your breath for much longer on where the story is going! Hopefully you enjoy the latest installment.

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Halloween. Young college men’s favorite holiday of the year. Why you might ask? Because women have a get out of jail for free card when it comes to wearing the most ridiculous and seductive costumes that they can find. With all of the goodies on full display, man’s attention is traditionally strained to the max to keep even the lightest of conversations going. And that’s before alcohol starts flowing. 

Now while the corporate version of a Halloween party may not have quite the sexual allure at most companies, Heather’s company was apparently notorious for wild Halloween parties and eye popping (as well as button popping) outfits from its numerous employees. Quite the contrary to a traditional corporate party where you see a plethora of frankensteins, zombies, mummies, vampires and conservative witches.

From the moment Heather and I walked in, her as a donut that left little to the imagination about her stupendous rack which was well beyond melon size at this point, down to her flailing hips and absolutely gigantic behind that could have been mistaken for water melons on a skinnier lady, and I in my apron and Krispy Kreme hat, it was clear the party had already started.

Everywhere we looked, there were women in all sorts of risqué vampire costumes, witches with just too a tad too much cleavage, M&Ms showing off thick thighs, pop culture references of various qualities and displays, comically pudgy power rangers and other random costumes that did little to hide their ample behinds, full bellys and succulent breasts. There really must have been something in the water in the building because every woman had a strong set of assets to accompany their robust physiques. It was clear, however, that Heather in her now increased size, was one of the most voluptuous. She truly wasn’t the heaviest, almost to my relief, but her proportions and the size of her ass put even Terry at her peak weight into a lower class. Indirectly ranking her as potentially the biggest office behind, though her gigantic melons now probably the equivalent of L or M cup which certainly had to proportionately place her near the top ranks, thanks to her Tyler family figure.

What was most impressive, however, was unfortunately not my beautiful Heather, though she certainly wasn’t too far behind. But alas, it truthfully was the sheer abundance of booze and food that was on hand for such an event. Practically everywhere I looked there were dressed up servers behind a portable bar serving wine, beer and a variety of simply mixed drinks. Accompanying that was food truly everywhere you looked.

Ranging from orange frosted cupcakes with decorated spiders and pumpkins on them, to a variety of donuts, cakes, crackers, cheese, cookies, you name it, they had it. I even saw a bobbing for apples station which struck me as a terrible idea given the amount of alcohol flowing through the event, regardless of the increased tolerance due to size of the female patrons of the hour.

Heather and I grabbed a Gin & Tonic and a beer respectively, sat back and just observed for a few moments. The decorations were also quite incredible as there were some minor flashing lights, tons of fake spider webs, cackling witches and an array of typical Halloween decorations including a surplus of pumpkins. It really was incredible. Particularly to waist lines as I watched Heather greedily dig into one of the hundreds of bowls of pumpkin shaped candy corn that seemed to be literally filling every open counter or desk space.

She wasn’t alone in devouring the food, I noticed. Practically every woman seemed to be conversing, while simultaneously inhaling hundreds of calories and sugar laden goodies that explained how they’d built up their robust figures in the first place. I couldn’t help but be amused as I spotted two young women in particular whom I vaguely recognized from the last party I had attended with the company.

From what I remembered, one of them was a cute brunette who had clearly been some kind of athlete or fitness buff in college and came to the work place looking fit and healthy, but within a few weeks had already started to show softness and tightness in her clothing, particularly her formerly toned and juicy behind that would have given Jen Selter a good rival. The other, a more slender curly-haired red head with a skinny woman’s version of an hourglass with what Heather had explained as a high metabolism that balanced out her appetite.

Looking upon them now, the office culture had clearly begun to turn its wheels and alter them, potentially permanently. The formerly fit brunette’s body left absolutely no trace of ever having belonged to some type of athlete as her once flat chest had blossomed into quite the handful, easily in the C and borderline D cup range. In her unbelievably skin tight cat woman costume, her breasts were even more accentuated as it served as an unintentional push up bra due to their girth. Her chest, however, was hardly noticeable due to her developing belly and beginnings of her first role that was ever present in her costume. From a far, however, her most noticeable feature was undoubtedly her large behind. Two gelatinous spheres still held a wonderful round shape, but were visibly straining her poor panties and super skin tight costume as it began forming quite the impressive shelf. In its own right, accompanied by her thickened thighs, it was quite the sight, but compared to my Heather, she was still in minor leagues.

“I see you noticed our latest office developments,” Heather teased as she knocked back her second G&T in quick succession. “I almost feel bad for Kayla. She was kind of like Erin, a former D1 athlete in some rural school who worked out religiously but didn’t get to have as much fun. She practically leaped at the opportunity to have any kind of fun.

“What about her partner in crime?” I inquired, gesturing to the redhead. Much to my surprise, she hadn’t gained quite to the same degree at this Kayla girl had, but her gain was far more intriguing.

Unquestionably the ‘thinnest’ girl in the office by this point, the red head didn’t quite display the same level of rapid growth which her colleague fully displayed in her cat woman outfit. She had, instead, opted for a very risqué poison ivy costume, whose subtle green tones complimented her firey red hair, but also hid nothing. In the same vain of her former physique, she was increasingly top and bottom heavy. Her once perky probably C cups had expanded out and around and while her green top provided similar support to her friend’s costume, it was clear that her was naturally much rounder, probably fast approach the melon sized F cup realm. To balance out her top, the skin tight green yoga pants and painted green boots fully displayed her thickening thighs and calves, support her ample bottom. The one area where she seemed to have gained the least so far, unsurprisingly, was her stomach. While there was a clear softness to it and a very slightly convex shape to it, her skintight outfit showed that she hadn’t gained quite as much there. Yet.

“Oh, Aubrey? Well she’s probably been the biggest surprise of the office. That child can eat like it’s nobody’s business, but at first she always joked about how she was lucky to have been blessed with a great metabolism and no one believed her. Given how little she’s gained, everyone honestly kind of believes her. But as we know, a metabolism can unfortunately only hold up for so long in this place,” Heather explained with a clear bit of shame in her voice.

As a natural instinct, a put my arm around Heather to comfort her as she reflected a little bit on her current figure.

“You forgot to mention, however, that if it weren’t for that big titted red head, Kayla probably wouldn’t be quite the blimp she’s turned into,” remarked a familiar voice.

Heather and I turned around to a face full of cleavage as Erin stood behind us in what had to be the single most preposterous costume for her size imaginable: a skin tight blue police woman outfit which did nothing to cover even an inch of her giant fun bags which seemed to wobble with even the slightest breathe thanks to her essentially push up bra of an outfit. Below her truly gelatinous fun bags, which far overshadowed Heather’s generous bosom regardless of how here costume helped further accentuate that point, her glowing belly was straining every single button of the costume. It was truly quite the stomach at this point, so soft and round that it would have been the most dominant feature of any other woman. As if that weren’t enough, she somehow had managed to finagle the leather police skirt onto her thick thighs, which were approaching small tree trunks by this point. The poor skirt also had the unfortunate ask of trying to contain her ample behind which was quite delightfully full and round, but by no means the dominant feature on her full figure. To top it all off, Erin had decided that wearing 4” black leather heeled wedge boots seemed like a great idea, placing her canyon of cleavage at eye level for most everyone at the party. Naturally, she already had a smear of orange cream on her round but pretty face where her presumably never ending gluttony at this party had taken hold.

“Oh really?” I inquired with a slight hint of curiosity, trying to hide my full interest for their growth, growth being a concept which as a finance man you just learn to appreciate and even continuously crave.

“Mhmm,” Erin purred as she lowered her cleavage slightly.

“You know, I don’t think big titted is probably the right title for Aubrey. I think that might belong to someone else at the company,” Heather teased as she gave a playful slap to her sister’s giant melons, immediately causing a dangerous ripple effect to the point where Heather and I were almost afraid they might pop out of their container.

“As if you are one to talk at this point, we need to milk these udders of yours,” Erin teased grabbing her sisters briefly and giving them a good squeeze, at least to the degree you could for melons that large.

“Stop it you whale,” Heather shot right back with a slightly intense poke of her sister’s gut which caused her costume to groan dangerously as the buttons on her uniform clearly began to more seriously contemplate jumping ship. More startling, however, was that Erin seemed hardly phased and Heather went wide eyed at just how soft her once 6-pack, washboard stomached’ sister had become.

“Ladies, please. This isn’t a contest that either of you needs to win,” I half joked. “Besides, give that poor girl enough time and she’ll probably be the biggest one at the office. No apologize to each other.”

Like two misbehaving children, Erin and Heather both looked to the ground…or to the extent that either was able to with their mountainous cleavages, and then muttered apologies.

“Great, now let’s drink!” I encouraged to them both.

As if on cue, Erin’s fiancée arrived with a money bag full of sweets for Erin and a tray of some strong pumpkin beer for us all to consume.

“Cheers to that!” he roared, clearly already fairly drunk in his own right, wearing what one can only assume was supposed to be a robber costume.

“Here! Here!” echoed several of the folks around us as we all dug into our beer. There was one, however, who immediately caught my eye from afar as she made contact with me: Terry.

Wearing a rather peculiar and skin tight black dress, Terry had the letters USB written down her front in white, accentuating her redeveloping rack. Below there, where her beginner belly had clearly begun to form again, was a white slot with the bottom half blocked off. It took me a moment but I realize that she was supposed to be a USB port and then I saw her boyfriend, Daniel, walking around with his waist being a USB and couldn’t help but smile.

The grin on her face as she saw me recognize her costume was one of true pleasure. Of course, that could have also come from the sheer amount of alcohol that she had been consuming as the desk she was at had several empty glasses, or the numerous plates she had been inhaling. Terry sure seemed happy, and I can only imagine it had something to do with her decision to date Daniel and balloon back up. While she still certainly had her work cut out for her, her arms looked a little thicker, her thighs broader and of course it was impossible to not notice her re-established and rapidly expanding shelf of a behind. Despite her recent gain, it was so perky that one couldn’t help but admire how it shot out straight behind her in two round, perfect basketball like spheres. We both knew that at the rate she was regaining weight, that would change quickly, but she looked great and would continue to do so.

In fact, all three of what I guess I could my ladies looked wonderful in their own way. Sure, they may have grown to be a little above average in weight and had slightly abnormal proportions to their weight, but each was happy in their own right and what man doesn’t want a woman to be happy? Especially his own.

The night rapidly went from 0 to 100mph in the blink of an eye as the alcohol continued to flow more freely and the food continued to rapidly vanish into the greedy mouths of many of the ladies and even the men. It was just all too good to resist. Just like the Tyler’s.

I was remind of that towards the end of the evening, right when the party seemed to have reached its peak and was beginning the unfortunately inevitable decline that all parties face. Heather, who had removed her donut long and just rocked her black Krispy Kreme t-shirt with its V-neck cut that she had performed to display her ample cleavage, stumbled over to me in a drunken stupor and fumbled out, “I’ve done enough eating for tonight. Now’s your turn!”

She led me towards the stairs, down a flight and around a few dark lit bends before we arrived at a singular bathroom. Heather practically shoved me inside and then pounced on me. Needless to say…I did everything she asked for that night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it boggles my mind to think about how long ago I started this story as just an idea after a night out and it's been a hell of a ride, but I think I am calling this one a close. Enjoy the final 'chapter' of What Does a Champion Feel Like?

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Mother’s are a perplexing bunch. They always work so hard to take care of their children and sacrifice endlessly to ensure that they have a life of enjoyment, but at the same time, still have their own agendas and interests that they want to achieve during their life. It’s quite a perplexing conflict, and I knew of no better example than Ms. Tyler.

We were back for Thanksgiving, packed with a whole new array of stretchy clothing and fitness clothing to make sure that we both did our best to counteract the onslaught of never ending meals and snacks we were sure were being prepared for Heather and I. Even on the drive up, Heather made several comments how she was nervous she wouldn’t be able to fit into her latest clothing, already the biggest size she had ever worn. She looked as beautiful as ever, but I could tell that while her office culture had helped assuage her deep seated anxiety over her expanded figure, it hadn’t completely removed her concerns and we both knew that there would be some struggles with the pants by the end of the long week with her mother.

Pulling back into the driveway, we were both utterly shocked by the sight that greeted us. Wearing the same old apron that read “the only thing bigger than these, is this” we were stunned to see a far slimmer Ms. Tyler. Both of us sat in the car for a second stunned to see a far slimmer, and admittedly sexier, Ms. Tyler standing before us. Gone was the significant round spare tire she’d always carried about her wide hips. No Longer did her thick thighs jiggle and shake with each step, nor do her arms violently shake with each movement. Even her admirable double chin seemed to have vanished since we last saw her months ago.

“Holy shit mom. What happened to you, you look terrific?” Heather exclaimed as she rather embarrassingly waddled over embrace her mother. It wasn’t lost on me in that moment, as Heather squished her far slimmer mother, that this was the opposite of the last time I had seen the two embrace. Sure Heather wasn’t exactly skinny back then, but her mother had been so massive it sort of felt that way. Even more amusing to think as I watched the two embrace, is that it was the polar opposite of the scene that had probably occurred when Heather left for college at the ‘peak’ of beauty

As Ms. Tyler separated herself from her daughter, it was hard not to be just flat out impressed. In the months…admittedly almost year since we last saw her, Ms. Tyler must have gone on something of an epic diet. While there were still hints of softness across her figure (aside from her still gigantic rack), the hourglass from her old photos was now fully apparently. Gone was her burgeoning belly, replaced by a seemingly flat stomach with slight indentations on the sides which showcased her natural hourglass physique. Her hips still flared out, but in a way that looks far more fit than fat. Accompanying those hips were her now slender thighs. While there was no muscle popping out when she moved like Erin had when she first moved in, it was clear that she wasn’t too far from being that fit again. Even her already beautiful face had lost its second chin and while still a tad soft, clearly was returning to its angular glory of the modeling days. Of course her hair looked spectacular, shimmering and voluminous with a nice natural wave too it.

None of that mattered, of course, in relation to her two most “valuable” ASSets. Ms. Tyler’s once truly ridiculous knockers, which maybe in their prime would be overshadowed by the valleys of expansive sweater meat Erin possessed, had admittedly shrunk significantly. No longer was there a canyon of exposed cleavage which I remembered from my first visit, but there were certainly some incredibly impressive and full mounds on her chest. Sure she had gone down from her former custom bras into the realms of ‘mortals,’ if that’s what qualifies as wearing something in the range of 38Gs, but they looked so firm and inviting and full that it was hard to not have them catch your eye. Even more impressive, hard as it was to believe, was her behind. Even at her largest, there had always been something truly unique and captivating about Ms. Tyler’s behind, so round and taut, albeit rather jiggly.  Now though, her jeans were still struggling to contain her behind, but a far more resilient derriere. The jiggling was now fully gone, replaced by two perfectly round and generous spheres that moved oh so seductively, even for a 20-something, let alone someone Ms. Tyler’s age, which really wasn’t that old when you consider how young she had her daughters. With a life all its own, her two bulbous cheeks seemed to float behind her, establishing what many would call a shelf, but on a much more petite though sizeable behind. I was absolutely captivated and both women knew it.

“Ms. Tyler, you look absolutely amazing!” I said encouragingly after a surprisingly firm embrace, doing my best to neither drool nor stare at her beauty.

“Aww thanks lover boy, means a lot coming from a man who looks at such a wonderful beauty every day,” she said with a mischievous wink and a motion towards her rather round daughter. “Now let’s get you two inside before you catch a cold. I lost all my tolerance for the cold with the loss of all that blubber you two have been so quick to point out is missing and I have a fresh batch of scones with your names on them.”

After doing my duty as the bag boy and carrying all of our suitcases up into the bed room we would be occupying for our stay, I joined Heather and her mother at the small kitchen table and very quickly understood how she had lost all of her weight.

Upon entering the kitchen, the smell of baking was impossible to miss as it overwhelmed the nostrils, but there was a strange smell of plastic that seemed to be accompanying it. On the table, as expected, was a giant platter of cookies that Heather was munching on with a few scattered crumbs falling into her massive cleavage, which had become par for the course with her lately. On every inch of the counter, however, were small bags of cookies that Ms. Tyler was whipping up and placing into paper bags.

“Did you start a new side business Ms. Tyler?” I inquired as I entered the room. Heather was too preoccupied with flipping through on Instagram and shoveling cookies absentmindedly into her admittedly eager mouth and Ms. Tyler had just bent over to pull another batch out of the oven.

While she was at first a little startled by my appearance, she quickly regained her composure, placed the cookies in the baking tray on the stove top and slid another couple of dozen in. Finally, after ensuring that everything is in order, she turned around to face me, her generous bust bustling in her low cut V-neck sweater. “You noticed did you? Looks like you caught me with my hands in the cookie jar, no pun intended.”

“I can see that. But a baking business?” I asked, a bit amused.

“Well you know it’s a skill I have always been very proud of and enjoy doing on a far too regular basis. Then my sister’s daughters both moved to town recently with their new husbands. They’re really the ones who inspired me to start this endeavor. When they first moved, they both didn’t have much in terms of family or friends around here, but loved the area and affordable housing around here so they’d move here, anyway…I digress. Each of them came to visit their good old aunt to get a home cooked meal and just to have a familiar face in their lives as they got adjusted. Of course, I was already baking up a storm but each of them greedily devoured all of my baking, much like my daughters have been known to do. Pretty soon they were asking me if I had baked anything today and wanted to know if they could swing by to ‘catch up,’ because clearly a lot can happen in this little town in 24 hours.

“Needless to say, it didn’t take me long to realize that I might actually have been on to something, since both of these young ladies were quite the health nuts when they first moved from the big city. Always watching their calories and not eating too much sugar. To have them essentially hooked to my baking was pretty eye-opening and it was actually one of them who off-handedly suggest I sell this in stores so that I don’t keep bleeding money to their wolfish appetites. Not that I really cared much about the cost, I clearly can afford to keep feeding them, but a couple of their new friends came over and they all begged me for the recipe and that was the moment when I finally caved. A few months short of a year later, here we are, me baking up a storm for the local grocery store.”

“That’s quite the story. I take it business is going well?”

That elicited quite the laugh from her, forcing her slimmer bust to jiggle violently. “I make the things fast enough! They’re hardly ever even on the shelves at this point. I’m almost at the point where I need to go out and buy some kind of second oven or even an industrial oven.”

“Wow Mom, that’s incredible,” Heather said with a childish grin on her beautiful face, a bit of chocolate still slightly smeared on her left cheek as she finally came out of her food daze.

“Yeah, and since everyone else is doing the eating nowadays, I hardly have time to make myself a sandwich and running around on my feet all day has really done a number on my figure,” she joked, flaunting her slimmer waist and healthy behind.

“You’re starting to look like Erin and I!” Heather half-joked with an innocent smile on her face and she reached for the final two cookies on the platter.

Ms. Tyler and I both exchanged a knowing glance as we had clearly arrived on the same thought, ‘Yeah, the two of you when you first moved out, but certainly not now.’

“You do look great though,” I politely reinforced Heather’s remark.

“Aww, thank you both,” she said with a wink in my direction, doing a nice little twirl that left nothing to the imagination and putting on a jaw dropping smile. She truly was beautiful. “Now enough about me, you two have had quite the trip and you need to take advantage of some nice quiet time while I go and prepare dinner so shoo,” she said, practically pushing us out of the kitchen and towards our bed room.

While it wasn’t exactly the most romantic of moods, Heather full from a giant batch of cookies and me still getting over how much more gorgeous Ms. Tyler was now, it didn’t take too long for the two of us to shift our focus back to one another and spend some time together. Ironically, Ms. Tyler had called it quiet time, but I bet we were anything but quiet.

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I awoke later that night, long after a five course meal which the lion share was consumed by Heather and after we had all had our fair share of three bottles of wine. Heather, who had previously been resting her massive mammaries on my chest when we both fell asleep, had shifted in bed and was snoring quietly off to the side. Perhaps it was the effects of the alcohol finally waring off or the amount of spit that I had been sharing, but I had a terrible thirst all of a sudden.

After relieving myself in one of the numerous downstairs bathrooms, I ventured into the kitchen where, much to my surprise, I found Ms. Tyler drinking a glass of ice water. Clearly she had been deep in thought as she didn’t notice me immediately when I walked in and then jumped as I quietly said good morning.

“Oof, you startled me lover boy! What are you doing up so late?” she inquired, suddenly shifting her full focus onto me.

After pouring myself a glass of water and taking a good long chug, I finally managed to organize a response, “Well, I woke up and was thirsty so I decided to come downstairs to get some water.”

It was just as I was finishing my sentence that I finally realized that Ms. Tyler clearly had not been expecting anyone else to be downstairs with her. While she still was wearing a bathrobe, it was very apparent that Ms. Tyler was wearing nothing but perhaps a bra and panties underneath and her bathrobe was admittedly rather large on her, leaving several gaps where there used to be more abundant curves, now displaying some skin.

“You and me both lover boy,” she remarked, finally shifting her attention back to her half empty glass of water. “It is nice to see you again though.”

“Oh, well thank you for having me. It’s pretty hard to say no to a week of your delicious cooking and just to get away from the city for a little bit,” I stated, trying to keep the conversation light incase Ms. Tyler wanted to go back to bed because of her attire or being at all uncomfortable.

She seemed quite comfortable in her chair, sipping on her water, though. In fact, it was subtle, but I thought I noticed her slightly adjust her bathrobe to display more of her perky cleavage through the top of her robe. Immediately thereafter, she turned her attention back to me put on a heartwarming smile, “Why thank you lover boy. It is always nice to have some wonderful company such as yourself around for the holidays. Especially since you do such a wonderful job of taking excellent care of my daughter.”

“I’m just lucky to have her,” I dutifully replied, with genuine meaning behind it.

“Well of course you are, my dear. She is a Tyler woman after all and as you can tell, we are all quite wonderful women,” she teased as she jiggled her breasts, shamelessly teasing me and causing just a bit of an increase in the blood pressure. “Though I think in her case, she’s luckier to have you than you to have her, even with your prior track record.”

“Well…thank you?” confusion clear in my voice.

A weak smile broke out across her face again after the more serious comment. “Oh relax lover boy, I am just teasing you. We both know that you two make a great couple and will have a happy life together. It more just amazes me that my two stupid daughters, much as I love them both, were able to land such great and dedicated men. That fiancée of Erin’s practically worships the ground she walks on and you oh so dearly love my daughter that it almost makes me jealous.”

“Jealous? What for?” I asked encouragingly, trying to understand where Ms. Tyler was going with this as I moved around the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye I suddenly noticed that where there had previously been three empty bottles of wine, there was now a fourth with a wine glass in the sink. Of course, as I sat down across from Ms. Tyler, it became all the more apparent where the wine had gone as the alcohol was still on her breath and helped to explain her odd demeanor.

“That they both have such wonderful men to take care of them. Who will tell them how much they love them and will do everything they can to satisfy their many, perhaps too many, desires. You see, lover boy, I was never so lucky. The man I married didn’t truly do either of those things. I was a young and foolish model who still hadn’t quite made it yet when I fell in love with him. He was such a charmer, so confident and passionate, I practically wanted him to fuck me before he even asked me out on a first date. I was so naïve then, so eager to please him and he, so eager to love me, or at least what I thought was love. It didn’t take us long to spark quite the passion in the bedroom and he played his part of the good boyfriend / fiancée for a time, but somehow, work always seemed to get in the way or some friend was in town who he had to go see without me.

“It never bothered me because I adored him so much and just so badly wanted to be with him that I thought it was just a necessary part of love. Shows you how foolish I was. Even when he did bring me out with some of his friends, it was so clear to everyone but me that I was just his trophy and sex toy. I mean, I looked absolutely stunning back then so how couldn’t I, and I’m sure I helped him impress many of his old drinking buddies, clients, and business partners. How could I not? But I don’t think he ever really loved me. He definitely only ever said it a handful of times. To him, I was just the perfect looking other half for him and I think that’s what really helped him pull the ring out, he knew that he had found his biggest and best trophy. All he had to do was lock it down. We were married within two years of dating, and my modeling career seemed to have been shoved to the side by my adoration of him.

“Then I got pregnant with the girls. By then, his passion for his work clearly had begun to take priority over me. Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t have a hole he could slide his dick into for nine months or maybe it was that his perfect trophy was suddenly getting bigger, but he could hardly bare to be with me. By the time I had the girls, the passion for each other was gone and I finally was starting to wise up to how little he cared for me at all. That’s when I saw my chance to play hardball and at least get something out of being his damn bimbo trophy wife. He was so focused on his work and everything else that he was probably scheming about on the side that he never even thought that his dumb, big titted, fat assed, blonde wife could divorce him for almost everything he was worth. Maybe, at least, he would start to give a fuck.

“Yet, somehow, even as we were going through the whole divorce process, not once did he seem to show any compassion or longing for me. Even less for the girls. By then I did my best to take care of the girls, but that somehow always came simultaneously with a hearty, albeit poorly cooked, meal. His trophy was getting too big for his trophy case I guess. Hell, by the end of it, I think he was so relieved to just be done with it all so he never had to see me again that he hardly even disputed any of what I was asking for. I’m sure in his mind, he could just make it all back if he threw himself back into his work.

“I say of that, my dear lover boy, to put it in perspective how much better my daughters have it. Whether you care to admit it or not, you do love my daughter quite deeply. Sure you also have a career which seems to be going well, but as a mother, you can tell whether someone is a good person or not and you fit the bill perfectly. I’ll admit to you that I am not quite as sold on Erin’s fiancée, but from what I have heard about my daughters’ office, he’s had quite the pickings for a while now and never actually had the courage to date one before so she must have done something right. Maybe he’s a really good guy, but Erin has even admitted to me that you are the true catch. So my daughter better get your sperm inside of her soon,” she stated with a dead serious tone to her.

I sat there speechless, holding my water firmly on the table with both hands. After several seconds of us staring at each other, she finally broke out in laughter. “You should see your face right now. Oh my god. You actually believed me on that last part! Hahaha”

It was a beautiful laugh, I must admit, and she looked quite spectacular while doing it. At the same time, her laughter caused her bathrobe to slide down off of her shoulders suddenly and she went a little wide eyed as the robe fell down her chair, giving me an all access pass to quite a view. Suddenly, a mischievous glint came across her eyes and much to my awe, Ms. Tyler stood up without warning.

Her healthy bust, now contained by just a poor undersized bra, shook violently as the bra groaned trying valiantly to hold her healthy chest in place. With surprisingly little effort, she shimmied around the table and spread her admittedly slender legs across my lap with surprising ease, in doing so, placing her now heaving chest just inches from my face as she stared deeply into my eyes. Before I could do anything, she started gently rocking against me, instantly causing me to go erect and adrenaline practically flooding my body.

“How long has it been since you had a lithe body up against you?” she naughtily whispered into my ear as she pushed her breasts harder against me, causing them to rise up due to the limited space and bump against my chin. “How long has it been since you had a sexy, slender body to plow into, hmm? My guess is far too long, and it would have been my incompetent daughters at that. Let me show you how it’s done”

With surprisingly dexterity and expertise, she reached down towards my pajama bottoms (yes I had the decency to put on pants) and began to unbutton the pitiful fly. At that moment I finally worked up some courage after the sheer shock and awe of having the 40 something year old Ms. Tyler doing her best to arouse me and tease me, “Ms. Tyler, what…what are you doing?!”

“Aww, are you getting a little nervous? Just relax lover boy, and let me take care of everything,” she cooed. That, for me, was enough. Using my strength while simultaneously trying to be delicate I picked Ms. Tyler up and placed her on the floor, effectively ending whatever ambitions she had of helping me hit the Tyler triple.

“Ms. Tyler, you shouldn’t do this,” I quietly, yet sternly scolded. Like a drunk toddler, she sat there on the floor for a minute, staring down at the floor. Getting up and moving around her, I place her bath robe on her shoulders and then went to refill her glass of water. Lying next to the sink, hidden among the bottles of wine was a small tray of cookies that I thought might cheer her up.

“Here, drink some water and have a cookie,” I said, placing the tray in front of her. Dutifully, she sipped the water then started to chug it, but didn’t touch the plate of cookies. “Don’t you want a cookie?”

Staring up at me with slight tears in her eyes, she replied, “I can’t. I can’t…”

“Can’t what?” I asked, once against confused.

“Can’t let myself get fat again! It’s the only thing I have going for me right now,” she said, showing the first true signs of weakness that I had ever seen from her.

“What are you talking about? You are an amazing cook, you seem to be very well off and sure you look great, but it sounds like that is what got you here in the first place,” I defended.

“You know lover boy, you’re not wrong,” she replied after an awkward silence, presumably taking her drunken self some time to process what I had said.  Finally helping herself up from the floor and putting back on her robe, she completely changed her mood and apologized. “I’m…sorry about this.”

“No need to apologize Ms. Tyler. It’s not exactly the first time a member of your clan has aggressively approached me unfortunately,” I joked.

“Oh don’t pretend that you didn’t love it,” she suddenly replied with restored confidence. “It’s nearly impossible to resist us Tyler women.”

“So I have noticed,” I teased.  “At least, until the Tyler curse takes into effect.”

“Tyler curse?” Ms. Tyler inquired, sudden confusion on her face.

“You know, how everyone in your family is an absolute bombshell until around the time they get married and then they seem to naturally just balloon?” I asked, confused as to how the matriarch of this side of the family was unfamiliar with curse she was supposed to have explained to her daughters.

“Oh the ‘curse.’ Silly me. I forgot I had made that whole thing up years ago. Wow, I can’t believe both those two still believe in it after all of this time…” she remarked.

“Wait, you mean it’s not a real thing?!” I asked, shocked. 

“About as real as pregnancy. Heaven’s lover boy, I thought you would be smart enough to put two and two together that I had made that up. It was my pathetic excuse for why I had continued to gain so much weight after having the girls. It just so happens that my entire family happens to have been full of attractive ladies who get fat once we marry. Nothing to do with some curse, just the classic biology of aging, combined with the traditional role of managing the house. Much like I have clearly demonstrated, almost all of the women in my family were excellent cooks. With no need to worry about pleasing their husbands any more, and spending more than sufficient time in the kitchen, most everyone tended to balloon up. It was just the way things happened.

“Unfortunately for you, poor lover boy, you really got the short end of the stick on that one. Sure you got to fuck Heather a couple of times in college, right towards the end if I recall correctly from what she told me back then. Other than that, her weight has done nothing but continue to rise, rise, rise! Such a glutton that one was. I guess you could blame my parenting but I like to think I raised my daughters’ right, there were just things that they had to experience for themselves. If it turned them into little sex monsters with high appetites, that is their decision, I don’t control their sexual urges and I clearly didn’t control their metabolisms.

“I at least, for a while anyway, had hope with Erin. Heather had already shown that her metabolism was shit by the end of sophomore year of college, but Erin did such a wonderful job of staying in shape and taking care of her body in college. Almost a little bit like me back in the day. Then she met you, and then Terry, and then her fiancée. Now she’s undoubtedly the biggest of us all and might be the biggest in the Tyler clan soon, if she’s not already. But…such is life lover boy. Sometimes you come out on top with the trophy and sometimes, you lose.”

Ms. Tyler took a final swig of her water, letting her sudden honest drunken rant sink in. It took me some time to process, but I finally as Ms. Tyler got up from the floor and went to refill her water (still in just her underwear mind you), I put together a response.

“Ms. Tyler, I know you are never supposed to correct a lady, but you are wrong on one count,” I replied, hoping to bait her in.

A bemused expression broke out across her face as she filled up her glass. “Oh? And how do you figure that lover boy?”

“You said that I got the short end of the stick, right?”

“Well, yeah, you did. All of the weight and not much of the fun.”

“But, if what you said earlier is true, then I actually got lucky that Heather, and even Erin for that matter, ballooned up when they did. That way I never truly fell in love with the 11 out of 10 blonde bombshell with killer tits. I fell in love with the woman who used to be the 11 out of 10 blonde bombshell, but now is the most beautiful woman I know, both inside and out.”

“Oh fuck you and your poetic shit lover boy,” she teased, taking another long drink of water.

“Hey, you said that I got the short end of the stick. The way I see it, I feel like a champion.”

That brought a genuine smile on her face. The kind that a mother gets when they are most proud of their children, only in this case, she was proud of me and probably her daughter.

“Well, you better go put a ring on that trophy soon. Then again, she’s not exactly going anywhere and certainly not anywhere in a hurry, any time soon,” Ms. Tyler half-joked as she picked up her robe from the floor, giving me another shot of her jiggling cleavage before she strutted off into the darkness.

“That’s been my intention all along,” I replied.

“Good. Now go be the champion in the sack you are rumored to be and then marry her. Best of luck lover boy.”

As I sat there at the table, pondering the rather absurd series of events and conversation topics that had transpired, I couldn’t help but feel a little giddy for the first time in ages.

Heading back upstairs, I tried to quietly re-enter the bed room but it appeared that there was no point. Even in the darkness, Heather’s silhouette was clearly outlined thanks to the alarm clock on the night stand and a few lingering streaks of moonlight. Her eyes blazed with a hunger that, for the first time in a few hours, wasn’t for food.

I couldn’t only help but smile as she put out her pudgy finger and beckoned me to the bed, causing waves to cascade across her arms, her massive chest and her soft belly before settling into her big, wonderful, fat ass. This was a woman who I absolutely wanted to have sex with, but more importantly, this was undoubtedly the woman I wanted to marry. When I woke up in the morning, I knew that I would have Heather by my side, content as can be; the opposite of what it had been like all those months and years ago when we had sex in my room in college. 

Unlike then, I knew there would be one big difference: I would finally know what a champion feels like.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey All,

I had been debating between posting this or not for a while now. I actually have written both a prologue and Epilogue for this story and decided to at least post one of the two. My debate has been centered around potentially posting this, as well as some other short stories, onto Patreon since finances are a little tight at the moment, but I wasn't sure if I would attract much of a crowd. Let me know what you guys think and enjoy this late but new installment!



Friends, and even more accurately roommates, always find ways to surprise us. They do things or say things that you never would have expected in a million years, especially when you are just first getting to know them.


That reality was something which Jessica could certainly attest to from that very first day on campus when she met her new roommate: Heather Tyler. It was, by at least her account, probably the most polite and tame moment she could ever recall when thinking of Heather.


There Heather had been, her ample bust more recessive in nature as she sported a loose fitting athletic t-shirt of her HS soccer team, her jeans still amply displaying her incredible rump, but not in an unacceptable way. Her hair had been rolled up into a simple pony tail, accentuating her beautiful face and unique features, but with only minimal makeup, she was still stunning but not absurdly so. Her mother, dressed in similar attire, was no less stunning if not for different reasons, namely her absolutely incredible bust.


Jessica arrived with her family in tow, a smile planted on her face as she came into the room and met her soon to be good friend for the rest of college. In the way women tend to do, they embraced in a warm and busty hug, Jessica’s own 36D cups on her slender frame squeezing against the slightly shorter but more outstanding Heather. Having been e-mailing and texting for some time, the two already knew that they were going to hit things off and felt like best friends.


Heather seemed like a sweet, relatively innocent and absolutely stunning young woman. A perfect companion for the 5’8 Jessica, a stunner in her own right. Born to a black mother and white father, her mixed genes really shown through with her tan complexion, full lips, extremely curly black hair and prominent physique. Her long slender legs led up to slightly flaring hips, a pert yet hearty behind and relatively wide hips, particularly when compared to her incredibly slender waist. Of course, most men never made it past her heartwarming smile and generous bust which she could do very little to hide due to their pert nature.


To any onlooker, the women were both stunning in their own right and certainly not lacking in curves. It seemed logical that they were both going to be popular with the boys and Heather certainly gave off a vibe of being a future partier. On that day, however, Jessica would never forget the sweet, warm and friendly Heather who helped her unpack, make her bed and showed her around campus since she had been there earlier in the day.


The girls went over to the dining hall and dutifully did what they had been advised to do: eating hearty salads and grabbing a piece of fruit. They were like two peas in a pod, spending the entire orientation together and both instantly hitting it off. That was at least until classes started.




The reason Jessica would remember that day was simply due to its contrast to the rest of their time together and how Jessica would go from loving her roommate to ultimately rooting against her, even occasionally sabotaging certain efforts. There was something so pure about those first couple of days, how great friends they had been and almost sister like they had seemed.


What was missing from those first few days, however, was the combination of food, alcohol and boys. Those first few innocent days had been just that, innocent, even naïve days.


It had started casually enough. Heather, Jessica and their small, but growing clique of girls from their hall would go over to the boys’ dorms whenever they were going out. Like clueless freshman, most of the girls were dressed in a variety of going out clothing, Jessica naturally dressing on a little bit more of the conservative side, but making sure that her chest was still well accentuated. Heather, by contrast had always been one to fully embrace her figure, a major contrast from that first day, and the boys were undoubtedly interested in her heavenly build, providing only positive feedback.


They would greedily imbibe the disgusting tasting beers that the boys had paid some upperclassmen to bring to them, playing a whole variety of drinking games that all seemed to inevitably revolve around playing cards or tossing a ball into a solo cup. Invariably they would all rush through a few more quick shots to make sure they were sufficiently over inebriated and borderline sick before heading to the fraternity houses and go dancing, as well as drink even more.


It was there, at what some would consider the quintessential college experience, that Heather had begun to reveal her true colors. Already able to better handle alcohol than her peers, presumably attributed to some drinking in HS, Heather happily chugged beer after been, downing shot after shot with reckless abandon. That willingness to drink profusely, coupled  with all of her assets on full display and never one to shy away from another dance or another drink, Heather quickly rose to the top as one of, if not the, number one for all of the young men she was frequently around.


Jessica, admittedly in her own drunken stupor, would watch from afar unless Heather had dragged her along for some silly reason. This was pure torture for Jessica, as was forced to admire her roommate’s incredible ability to get any and every boy she wanted, continuously leaving poor Jessica with the friend or whatever other scraps entertained her. This was not to say that Jessica was struggling to secure an attractive boy or two, for she certainly her own set of suitors outside of the ludicrous situations she was put in, but Heather could literally have anyone she wanted at any time and then inevitably meant that once they arrived at a party, Jessica was as good as on her own despite countless promises that they would go home together. Jessica could count on no hands how many times Heather had made good on her promise.


Perhaps the only silver lining to it all was the simple fact that Heather at least had the decency to never bring a boy back, always forcing them to go back to their dorms. Had she done that, Jessica might not have been able to tolerate Heather at all after her first few months on campus, but fortunately she did and they were able to maintain their ‘friendship’ when Heather wasn’t busy with some form of extracurricular activity or other.


What truly baffled Jessica, however, was not the sheer sex drive and willingness to always spend time with an attractive male, or perhaps even males, but how she had no regard what so ever for schoolwork.




It was late in the semester with finals starting the following week and Jessica had been hard at work studying in preparation for her final exams. While Heather was trying to become Sigma Cum Partier, Jessica still had her eyes on her academic achievements, letting her partying schedule and sexual life go on hold or a couple of weeks while she focused on her exams.


Heather, as was now typical for Heather, was out partying with some upper classmen boys and presumably scouting out her next target. Heather had quickly established a reputation as a fantastic and seductive lay, news that was not missed on either her or Jessica. It had in turn meant that Heather had begun to instigate mental ‘standards’ and be more selective with whom she deemed worthy of playing with her more intimate parts.


Jessica had just finished studying for the evening when in strutted Heather, her skinny jeans straining against Heather’s thighs, her ample derriere straining the denim to its absolute limit, which still paled in comparison to how severely her bountiful bosom was straining her tank top and pushing against her leather jacket. Heels muted as she strutted across the carpet, Heather made a bee line for the dorm room mini fridge for another tradition of late.


Greedily, Heather pulled out the left over half of the pizza she and Jessica had split the night before as Heather was getting ready to go out and Jessica was taking a break from studying.


“Hey Jessica, do you want your half of the remaining pizza?” Heather asked with surprisingly clear language.


‘I guess she didn’t drink that much for once,’ Jessica mused to herself at Heather seeming to be more coherent than was usual at this time of the year. “No, you can go ahead and have it, I am going to hit the hay in a second. I have a study date with David in the morning to prepare for one of our exams next week and I want to make sure that I can fit into my dress for him.”


It was almost indiscernible but Jessica noticed a slight startle from Heather as she placed the first two slices into their small, but dorm room approved microwave. Trying to play it cool, Heather started cooking the pizza and gave a thoughtful pause before asking Jessica without looking, “I didn’t know you two were a thing. When did that happen?”


“Well…it hasn’t happened yet but he seemed interested in me when I went out a few weeks ago and I was kind of hoping to see what would happen,” Jessica played it off innocently, but was now absolutely raging inside as it was clear Heather had been at it again.


“Oh, well that’s great. He seems like a good guy and besides, with a body like yours, how can he ever say no to you?” Heather teased as she started stripping down.


“Yeah…I’m pretty excited but I also really need to make sure I keep studying. I’m pretty nervous about my first finals,” Jessica stated as she curled up onto her bed in nothing but a bra and panties, intentionally changing the subject to subdue her rage that Heather had gone ahead and slept with him already, probably recently based on Jessica’s knowledge. Jessica made sure to stay clearly above her covers as she flaunted her svelte body subtly to her roommate.  


“Better you than me. I don’t seem to have a knack for studying,” Heather joked as she began to disrobe, a sight that Jessica had quickly come to enjoy of late.


Much like her studying, Jessica was diligent about her gym time and diet, making sure to take great care of her overall health and doing her best to avoid the fabled freshmen 15. As a result, she still had her incredible physique in immaculate form, something which almost none of her friends were able to even pretend was true. In fact, Jessica liked to at least believe that she was in better shape and was better toned than in her high school years.


Heather, needless to say as she bit into the first of four slices of large pizza, was not as fortunate. For a time, Heather had seemed impervious to all of the alcohol consumption, late night pizza and endless eating at the all you can eat dining hall. Jessica quickly had become shocked when she saw how much Heather was able to put away, far more than those salads the two had consumed on their first days. At one point, about midway through the semester, Jessica was almost starting to get envious of her roommate and her incredible ability to avoid packing on the pounds. Almost.


It had started slowly at first, presumably as her metabolism did its best to keep on fighting despite being inundated with too many calories and too few soccer / lacrosse practices. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Heather’s incredible physique was no different.


Standing before the svelte and sexy Jessica, her own bra comfortable supporting her ample bust, was a far softer, albeit curvier Heather. That in and of itself had enraged Jessica at first. Those first few pounds that slipped on seem to have gone straight to Heather’s ample bust, straining her bras to the point where they had to go shopping so she could purchase large ones. Jessica, ever one to pay attention to the details, quickly notice.


At the start of the semester, Jessica had quickly admired the tone and litheness of Heather’s fairly muscular yet slim thighs. Very quickly she began to notice that tone evaporated as her alcohol consumption had gone up. Even faster, however, was the formation of cute little love handles over her expanded hips, and a bit more strain to the backside as more weight began to settle into her lower half.


That evening, however, Jessica’s eyes feasted on the latest development in Heather’s figure, the beginning of a small pot belly that rolled over her panties. Trying not to hide her grin as she tilted her head to look past her prominent bosom to admire her own flat and partially toned stomach. A contrast to the slight convex curvature and expanding love handles of her roommate, all too clearly on display as she got changed.


Jessica had never been great with weight estimates, but she had to assume Heather had easily slipped on 20-25 pounds since the start of their college semester, a trend she couldn’t help but foresee continuing in the coming months. By her best guesses, Heather would really start to turn bottom heavy, despite her incredible bust. Oh what a day that would be, Jessica thought amusingly to herself as she watched her roommate don a far tighter XL t-shirt, presumably a parting gift from one of her earlier college experiences.


“Damn Jessica, look at you,” Heather remarked as she finally noticed her roommate, lying prone and still mesmerized by her roommates large physique. “You look absolutely fantastic, good lord!”


Jessica couldn’t but giggle and blush a little by the compliment. ‘At least she isn’t a total bitch’ she thought to herself. “Thank you so much Heather, I think may have even lost a few pounds lately.”


“That’s really awesome, I’m so jealous. You really look incredible and did your boobs somehow get bigger? They look huge!” Heather stated in genuine admiration.


“Maybe it’s just my waist is smaller? I don’t know!” Jessica giggled and was rapidly turning different shades of red, but was very proud and appreciative that her roommate admired her hard work at the gym. “I have been working out a lot so that must be it.”


“It’s clearly working. Wish I could share some of my weight with you though, I can’t seem to fend off the pounds anymore,” Heather remarked as she greedily bit into the third slice of pizza.


“Well if you need any help, let me know,” Jessica sincerely expressed before turning off the light next to her bed. While she was just as happy to watch her roommate balloon, she was still a human at the end of the day. Her hunch, however, was that Heather was not going to start expressing self-control, nor was she about to start working out. The only logical conclusion was a higher number on the scale.




A higher number would have been an understatement when Jessica returned to campus sophomore year and first saw her roommate. In spite of every logical ounce of her saying that she should go live with someone else, she had decided that it was better to deal with the whirlwind of Heather than to be stuck with some irrational psycho.


Thus, there she had been upon Heather’s glorious return to campus for the start of her sophomore year, another solid amount having crept onto her figure with clearly a summer of tanning and no exercise as her top priority. Another moment that would forever be emblazoned into her memory as she had struggled not to gasp in surprise.


For better, or really for even better, Heather had gone from the campus hottie to the ‘fat’ girl of any of their more elite friend groups over the span of only a year. After only a few weeks, it was clear that she was no longer having her choice with the men, some even seeming revolted by how far gone she seemed to be, and for a woman with whom she had spent her whole first year focusing on having fun, it quickly knocked her back down to reality.


In terms of its impact on Jessica, it simply meant that her roommate wasn’t out partying as often or gallivanting around bed rooms with the hottest boys on campus, leading to a slightly quieter room, though certainly no increase in studying and absolutely more eating. On those rare occasions that Jessica did go out, or was seen walking with Heather, it worked to her favor that she was still the slim, sexy siren with a great bust. Sure it paled in comparison to Heather’s hefty melons, but her slender physique was seen as far more desirable, her toned derriere causing heads to turn towards her instead of away from her.


That was all but solidified for Jessica on the fateful evening that she considered the true rock bottom for Heather.


In spite of her desire to study for a big exam, Heather had coaxed Jessica to come to one of the biggest parties of the year. Recently single again with her most recent interest having ‘cheated’ on her after a few hook ups, Jessica caved in and donned one of more revealing outfits, ironically one she had taken from Heather as she was donating old clothes that had no longer fit after her first fifteen pounds or so.


After a few beers, a surprisingly tame amount by Heather’s standards but just the right amount by Jessica’s, several cute boys started talking to them. Typically Heather would have been the main target, particularly of the most attractive one, but all of their eyes seemed to be on Jessica, particularly her fully on display cleavage which Heather’s old outfit had naturally been elected to amplify.


It was much to her relief when an incredibly handsome and well-built young men came into the group and all of the other boys seemed to back off a little. By Jessica’s best guess, he must have been a more senior fraternity brother, particularly after he barked for them to all go elsewhere and apologized to Jessica for their rudeness. What had seem strange to Jessica, in her drunken stupor, was that he had yet to acknowledge Heather who was standing right next to her. He offered to grab Jessica a drink and after she drunkenly nodded yes, ventured off into the crowd for a moment.


“Holy Shit, that’s Michael Jacobs!” Heather whispered to Jessica, who somehow noticed that her roommate’s cheeks seemed to be even more flushed than could be induced by alcohol. It took her a moment but then she remembered his name. He was the one man that Heather, even in her prime, had never been able to land.


Coming from a very well to do family, one would have expected Michael to be a silver spoon sort of guy, very entitled and probably very much a jerk. The thing with him was that he never came across as someone from a wealthy upbringing. Sure he’d always be well put together, but he took care of himself and had always earned the respect of others. That was how he had become fraternity president. That good hearted and gentle nature, combined with his semi-secret wealth and good looks had made him the top of Heather’s list. And there he had stayed throughout her entire collegiate career. And there Jessica was, clearly an object of his fascination.


Heather clearly was trying to think of how to engage him, but after his return, it was all too evident that he was interested in Jessica and not Heather that he even politely asked if Jessica would like to go somewhere quieter to get away from the party, a polite way of saying ditch Heather.


As if she wouldn’t be grinning anyway from having the top of Heather’s list hitting on her, regardless of how drunk she was, and to have him completely put down Heather in the process, was incredible. Jessica, who gladly took her arm as he escorted her through the crowd, watched as Heather stood there dejected and lost, her face revealing that she was deeply crestfallen from the interaction. The image caused a brief stirring of regret and even sympathy within Jessica, for she was not a spiteful woman by nature, but to have the opportunity to be with Heather’s dream guy was just too good to pass on.


Much to her surprise, he did not lead her to one of the bed rooms as she had expected, but down into the basement where the fraternity had built a rather impressive gym.


“I thought we might sneak in a workout,” he teased, seeing the confusion on her face before leaning in to kiss her.


After a few moments of passion and teasing, she finally cognitively brought herself back enough to ask, “Did you really bring me all the way down her just to say that line?”


He grinned, a mischievous smile on his face. “I did indeed. Well that and I wanted to set expectations for the relationship.”


“You are a piece of work, you know that,” she said as she playfully smacked his rock hard muscular chest. Even she was a little surprised by how firm he was, and no not his member. He simply smiled and then leaned in for another kiss. ‘Heather is going to be so jeaous!’


- - - -


That following morning had been a glorious day for Jessica. Her first true win outside of the weight category and it couldn’t have been any better. Heather had surprisingly come back alone, her glum look not having worn off when Jessica returned the following morning.


“How….how was he?” Heather asked.


“He was great, but we didn’t have sex,” Jessica stated matter of fact as she stripped down into her underwear, revealing her toned and svelte body, a clear contrast to her roommate’s pudgy physique.


“Wait, really?” Heather asked, clearly surprised.


“Yeah, he seemed more interested in just kissing and being intimate, letting me feel his muscles and him feeling my toned body…”


“Ok, I get it. Well I’m happy for you Jessica. You just landed yourself a great guy,” Heather stated dejectedly, but with a hint of sincerity that almost made Jessica feel bad.


“Thanks. How about we go get some brunch since I’m feeling great?” Jessica proposed as she pulled on some skin tight yoga pants.


“Don’t have to ask me twice!” Heather exclaimed as she perked up at the thought of food.


‘God, she is really addicted to food,’ Jessica thought as she headed out with her roommate for one of their many brunches where Jessica ate fruit and Heather ate everything.




In truth, Heather never really did stop eating throughout her sophomore, or even her junior year. By that point she had clearly earned the title of hardest fall from grace, particularly as one of her close friends was waltzing around with her dream guy, the perfect couple by most all accounts, something that had inevitably led to some awkward turmoil between the two of them, but not enough to disrupt their loose friendship.


The division, however, had gradually gotten worse as Heather continued to balloon and Jessica continued to become more and more intimate with Michael. It was a vicious cycle that ultimately ended their time as roommates, mostly due to Jessica living off campus with Michael while he started his job at a local, yet surprisingly successful, advertising agency.


As time progressed, Jessica saw less and less of her former roommate, not just because of all of her wonderful time with her incredible boyfriend, which she had to commend Heather on at least wanting the right stallion, but just their paths didn’t cross much anymore.


In fact, the only time she could recall seeing her was right at the start of their senior year where Heather was absolutely chunky by this point. Weighing in at easily 50-60 pounds more than she had started with, Jessica almost felt bad as she watched her former roommate try to hit on guys and get utterly rejected. Not that she was really surprised, though Heather’s rack was positively massive by that point that even she was a little curious how it all felt.

‘I wonder if she will ever wind up with a guy who loves her?’ Jessica thought to herself as her boyfriend wrapped his arm around her slender waist.

“Everything OK babe?” Michael asked.


“Everything is perfect. At least for me,” she grinned, beaming up to meet his smile. “Can we go fuck?”


“Of course babe,” he smiled with that same heartwarming grin that melted her heart every time.


With one final parting glance at Heather, who being her classic self and knocking back shots, Jessica giddily followed her boyfriend back to their apartment for another night of happiness, not knowing that that night would be special for someone other than herself.

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  • 8 months later...

Apparently I never posted the epilogue to this story:


Does it ever frighten you how fast we adjust to change and struggle to imagine what our reality only a short time ago was? Our brains are an incredible pieces of biological work if there ever was such a thing. Between the ability for our cells to adjust and adapt to learn new things through the process of neuroplasticity, to our abilities to critically think, write and be innovative, building upon other’s ideas or our own. Our brains are a marvelous wonder. Fortunately so are our bodies.

As I walked into the lobby of what recently became the new home for Heather’s office, it was strange to me how much it already felt as if the company had always worked there. It certainly made sense given how pristine and wonderful the building, as well as the lobby was, reflecting their continuous growth of late from a financial perspective, though the women seemed to be growing in number and size as well.

A growth which was still very accurately reflected on the coworkers’ waistlines, especially those who seemed to be able to progress rapidly through the company. That, or those who happened to be married to the head of the entire operation in the case of Erin. 

It was with much amusement that I watched three rather young, very attractive women strutting through the lobby, likely returning from lunch of salads out at one of the local spots around the building. Their tight bottoms all sashaying on their high heels or heeled boots. Their hips flailed delicately out to help provide some support below their slender waistlines and potentially ample busts. They were the definition of an attractive recent graduate hire who was just learning how to handle the transition to the real world, working at their job and getting used to sitting on their tight behinds for anywhere between eight and sixteen hours a day. Such youthful vibrancy and most surprising, such slender bodies. It reminded me of a time when Heather used to do something similar back in her college days and when she first started her job, not that she was as skinny as these young fashionable ladies were by that point, but that same feigned innocence. At this company, however, I knew that in six months not a single one of those young ladies would still be able to fit in their nice new “professional” business attire.

I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them go around the bend towards the elevator, only to have Heather, Erin and Terry emerge from around the same bend moments later, a stark contrast to the lithe beauties who had just disappeared. The foreshadowing of what those young ladies were going to experience in the coming months, years really, as they stuck with the company and continued to watch their meals stick to their currently trim thighs, was hardly lost on me and it seemed that Terry could read my grin instantly and smirked herself as she looked back around the corner. 

“Enjoying watching the future of our company, lover boy?” Terry joked as her heels clacked on the marble floor, in sync with her colleagues. 

“Future is right. Those three are so smart it terrifies me sometimes,” Heather commented, clearly missing Terry’s subtle hint at the company culture.

“What do you have to worry about Heather? With an ass as big as yours, we both know you have some of the best job security in the company,” Terry teased. “Besides, Miss Princess here is screwing the owner so I imagine you’ll be fine.”

“Hey now, those are fighting words,” Erin sharply replied, feigning slight anger at the comment but a pleasant smirk giving away her true sentiments on the matter.

“Have you looked at your ring Erin,” Heather pointed out, teasing her sister about her absolutely gorgeous and very expensive engagement ring and wedding band. 

“Oh shut up, you’ll both be there soon, ain’t that right lover boy?” Erin teased.

“But what if one of those three starts to balloon and has a bigger ass than mine? What about my job security then?” Heather half teased, with a hint of underlying concern.

“Well first of all, it’s not if but when because we all know first-hand what our office does to a ladies figure,” Terry joked patting her rather voluminous belly. “Secondly, in case you hadn’t noticed, you have the number two ass behind only yours truly and the odds of one of those three skinny little things ever rivaling our ballin’ behinds is next to none…”

“Did you just say ballin’ ?” I asked, purposefully interrupting Terry’s rather surprisingly honest statements.

“Shut up lover boy. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,” Terry said as she shot me a warning glare that told me to shut up and revel in the conversation. “Your assets have all but secured you your job. Third, you are very smart in your own right Heather, sure they’re all bright but that doesn’t mean they’ll get the job done which is what’s gotten us both so far in the company anyway. Finally, and most importantly, your sister sleeps with the owner…”

“Fuck you Terry,” Erin chimed in in a bemused tone.

“…so you have nothing to worry about, everything will be fine my dear. We’re also far too tenured at this point for anyone to say anything to us,” she added on a positive note.

“I guess, but like, how do we know they couldn’t come in and undercut our positions? They’re only a couple years younger and…” Heather was starting to go on when Terry placed her hand on Heather’s arm.

“Heather, let’s be real here. They’re smart, sure, but they won’t be able to take your job because they’re honestly not smart enough to. If you doubt me, give it a few years and we’ll see what happens. In either case, there are hardly any women in the company who are quite as stacked as the three of us are and you know it. Sure maybe one of those three girls will plump up to around our level, but it’s pretty hard to match our girth these days,” Terry said with a jolly laugh that seemed to alleviate Heather’s concerns, though she did absentmindedly start rubbing her generous paunch and shifted her breasts in their bra. 

Recognizing that Heather seemed to have calmed down a bit, though a tad concerning that she was still having confidence issues, I took the opportunity to bring up the most important matter of the day. “So are we ready for lunch?”

All three woman looked at me in unison and the clear hunger in their eyes told me everything that I needed to know. Fortunately, right next to the building was a small hub of different restaurants which seemed to rapidly expanding their lunch business as the company practically flooded their business with patrons at lunch time. After a quick, or rather slow, stretch of the legs down the street, we were nestled cozily into a rather tight booth of a quaint Italian restaurant where the ladies were clearly regulars and recognized by several of the staff who worked at the restaurant. 

“Uhhh, so Erin, I keep forgetting to ask you but how was your honey moon?” Terry politely asked after the three had all caught their breath, a task far more strenuous for Erin and Terry than for Heather. While she may not have looked it, Heather at least made a valiant effort to stay somewhat in shape, taking walks every day when she was home early enough and even occasionally frequenting a gym. While certainly not doing much to move the dial, she at the very least had managed to maintain her most recent physique, which was certainly not the case for the two ladies sitting across from her.

Erin in particular had absolutely skyrocketed in weight since she officially became engaged with her now husband. Not that it was really much of a surprise given his preference for larger women and her preference to eat anything that is remotely tasty in front of her without a care for her figure. The damage, or stupendous growth depending on your perspective, was positively jaw dropping. 

Looking at her from across the table, greedily sizing up the overflowing bread basket that had just been placed at the table, grinning from ear to ear, which highlighted her second and rapidly growing third chin, it was hard to imagine that not too long ago, Erin had been a slim trim fitness beauty. Sure it had been yoga classes and what not but she at least had a flat stomach, firm breasts and a delightfully tight yet robust ass that anyone could have bounced a quarter off of with sheer delight. Her once oval face, hard as it was for me to draw memories of, had absolutely rounded out into a dangerous almost sphere like appearance. Sure she was still pretty, but her now much more dimpled smile did nothing to hide how much weight she had gained.

The theme of weight gain was true across her entire body and was practically impossible to ignore as it had accumulated in both favorable and what most would consider less desirable. Her once slender arms that had once held a good amount of definition now had those same muscles encased in a layer of jiggly fat. In truth, they positively strained any set of sleeves she wore and even the sleeveless dress she wore today did little to hide how thick and soft her arms had gotten. Similarly with her lower limbs, her once lengthy and lean seductive legs that used to have that nice hint of muscle to them were all but lost in her rather thunderous thighs and thick calves. While certainly far sturdier now, there was no hint that Erin had ever even remotely been a fitness junky.

This was most apparent right smack dab in the middle of her body. From what I vaguely could remember of those days of tight shorts and sports bras, Erin had always kept a nice flat stomach no matter how much food she inhaled. Probably just in order to match the sheer amount of food she was consuming now a days, her belly had done more than its fair share of growing at this point. While dangerously closing in on a half beach ball in size, her soft belly comfortably oozed over any and all waistbands, forming a nice double roll whenever she sat down and forcing her to sit further out just when at a desk or eating in order to not squish it against the table.

Of course, that wasn’t the only reason she had to sit further away nowadays. Much like her once flat stomach, her prodigious behind had lost all of its illustrious shape and tone well over 100lbs ago, devolving into a giant double globular mass jiggled violently with every step she took, which was admittedly less frequent than ever before. The singular advantage, in her opinion, was that her voluminous behind had helped elevate her up several inches in her chairs, making her more intimidating as the head administrative assistant. Of course, it was also needed in order for her to have a shot at being able to walk with her unsurprisingly most dominant asset, or rather assets, her utterly massive mammaries. 

Back in what could have been called the good old days, Erin’s breasts had been incredibly round and firm, yet delightfully bouncy at all of the right times, in a way making them true fun bags. Now a days, it would probably be more appropriate to label them as bags of fun instead of fun bags due to their sheer sizes. Nowadays they still bounced and jiggled delightfully, though perhaps not quite always at the right times, since they jiggled all the time, and they certainly weren’t quite as spherical as they used to be, but they certainly were big. Pushing the boundaries of missiles, Erin’s breasts had continued to swell until they were unquestionably the largest in the Tyler clan, very full in their size but ever increasingly longer as well, much to her displeasure. 

Long gone were the days of her ample but healthy round mounds of flesh, and much like explorers of the western frontier, they had continued to go further and further outward. While she had once been able to let them hang loose on days when she didn’t want to wear a bra have them somehow defy gravity; that was no longer the case anymore as they had grown too large to keep up their act of defiance against the laws of nature.  Of course, with her custom sized bras to handle her positively gigantic melons (well past M cup at this point) she was able to use their size to her advantage and flaunt cleavage showing dresses like no other, partially because there truthfully wasn’t anyone else with melons as gigantic as hers. With cleavage easily now measuring over a foot and approaching two feet in the right bra and dress, Erin still certainly felt confident in her eyeball trapping cleavage and shamelessly flaunted what had been, and always would be her best asset. Sure it came with some frustrations like her inability to ever see a scale (not that she ever went on one anymore), find her silverware at a table unless she turned slightly sideways or scouted out the table beforehand, but overall she was quite proud of at least one part of her outward expansion and made it quite clear to everyone. 

“It was amazing, we went to this wonderful chateau in France which had the most delicious wine I have ever tasted in my life and some truly amazing food. French cooking is something else,” Erin chuckled as she bit into some lovely Italian loaf bread, a longing look lingering in her eyes as she clearly began to daydream about her presumably gargantuan meals.

“Well we can see that, you seem even rounder than before you left,” Terry teased. “Though you probably had to have eaten half of the food in France knowing their portion sizes.”

“You’re probably right, all we pretty much did was enjoy the view, eat, drink lots of wine and fuck. What more could a woman want in life, right? And…probably only a quarter of France” Erin retorted with a smile. 

“Here! Here!” cheered Heather, much to my surprise as she had become more reserved since her sister’s wedding a few weeks back. 

“Oh is that coming from personal experience, Heather?” Terry teased.

“None of your business, and I’ve watched you two pampered princesses long enough to know that is the good life anyway,” she retorted with a rather subtle jab at their new lifestyles.

“Hey, it’s the way to live, let me tell you,” Terry purred as she clearly was reflecting on her daily life.

It was also quite evident that she had been doing an excellent job of living that very life style to the max as she was rounder than I ever had seen her.

Looking at Terry from across the table, it really was almost a tale of two lives. On the one hand, you had the attractive co-ed who had originally plumped up in order to rise to the top in an office environment which put almost as much merit in your weight as it did your actual performance. Then you had the plumped up office trophy who had undergone significant weight loss due to her colleague and roommate becoming the object of a scheme to ruin her dreamlike physique, which had ironically terribly backfired on her as she became slim and fit, losing all the focus of the very men she had worked so hard to attract through a formerly soft figure and ultimately losing her chance with the man that she had so desperately wanted to be with.

Then, almost as if coming full cycle, there was same attractive co-ed in better shape after all of her weight loss than before she even joined the company, who now had an even better incredibly shaped and bulbous behind that left most any man positively drooling than before. Complimented by a flat stomach and just a naturally healthy look about her, Terry had truly been in a place most women would have died to have been in. Yet as if watching the same movie twice, she inevitably falls right back into that old cycle of eating habits and readjusting to fit back into the same old toxic corporate environment she had managed to somehow best for an impossible period, the only employees ever to do so. While her gain the second time around was only partially driven by her desire to take back her position of power within the organization, the rest by her love for her newfound boyfriend who clearly had no objections to a more voluptuous girlfriend, it seemed doubtful that there would become a trilogy to her story of ups and downs as it pertains to the scale. 

Sitting next to Terry, it was impossible not to be a little in awe of how rapidly she had put her weight back on, and then continued with her growth. Long gone were the good old days of a slender face with an almost chiseled look that really accented her beauty, arriving in it’s place were the days of a round double chinned face with that rare sneak peek at her impending 3rd chin. Much like Erin, where once there was solid muscle and almost chiseled biceps now was layer upon layer of squishy fat on her arms, causing them to force any shirt or blouse, much like she was wearing today, to stretch and struggle against her girth. Similarly, her once lean and muscular thighs from all of those hours at the gym, designed to help support her then bountiful behind had all but vanished under a jiggling coating of fat. It was now inevitable for her that her thighs continue to squeeze and rub against each other even when walking, having long ago run out of room to go elsewhere thanks to her impressive growth. 

Then of course, there was her respectable chest. While once perky and firm with good sized B cups at the peak of her fitness, they had swelled to an admirable DD cup by my best guesstimates. Relative to her friends at the table and the rest of her physique, her chest paled in comparison but still was rather impressive with its own handful of cleavage at any given time. Particularly when it was pushed up by her arguably most dominant feature: her giant belly. While Erin had been fortunate enough to have monstrous melons which helped to at least somewhat distract from the size of her stomach, it was clear that Terry was not so fortunate. With roll upon roll of fat around her waist, a minimum of two and sometimes as much as four or five when she sat down, Terry had long ago lost her fight to have her chest become her dominant frontward facing asset. Her sizable stomach certainly was not helped by her slightly shorter frame versus her friends and colleagues. 

But, or rather butt, her most dominant feature still belonged to her positively massive behind. If Erin had the biggest front shelf in the office, Terry absolutely dominated the back. Long, long, long gone, in a time far into the past when she was still going to the gym, Terry had two drool worthy cheeks of solid muscle. They moved and swayed with such a confidence that could only be found from hours at the gym and great genetics, serving as two perfect spheres which sucked your eyes in and made it nigh on impossible to break away from, similar to Erin’s canyon of cleavage. Now, however, was a far different story. Building upon that old frame of muscle, her butt had expanded in the only direction that was logical: outward. Like two over inflated small yoga balls, her giant spheres bounced and jiggle violently with even the slightest of movements, her hips subsequently also flaring out to help provide some form of balance to her ginormous behind. Were it not for her layer of muscle buried deep underneath her current layers of fat, it would have been far more of a soft landing for her every move, but thanks to her former gym build, she at least had a smidge of control over her jiggling, though she still rose several inches from her seat whenever she sat down. 

As if to help me break away from admiration of the two beauties and their rapid gains, the waiter appeared suddenly with an appetizer from the kitchen.

“Compliments of the house,” he said with a smile at Terry and Erin in particular. The gesture was not lost on them as a small thank you for their continued patronage, which I imagine with their continuously increasing resources at their disposal, was increasingly frequent. Thankfully Erin was usually generous enough to foot the bill so I didn’t have to cry whenever I checked our credit statements every month.

With gusto, both women held their breath with anticipation and clear excitement on their face as the chef revealed wonderful looking cheeseballs in a lustrous sauce. He muttered something about Ricotta Gnudi, but he and I both knew that his words were falling on deaf ears as the women continued to hungrily eye the gnudi, having effortlessly polished off all of the bread already. The moment he turned his back, all three of the women practically pounced on the plate with their forks, greedily taking their first bites and suddenly having a blissful expression erupt across their faces. Even Heather, much to my surprise, seemed unable to resist the urge to devour these cheese filled delights. 

That theme continued as the lunch plates seemed to suddenly arrive with nearly impossible speed, as if the kitchen had already known what these women were all going to order, which I guess was totally possible given how frequently they ate at this restaurant. But it didn’t matter because the food just seemed to vanish as soon as it was placed on the table.

Before too long, all four of us were sitting back, at least to the degree that Terry and Erin in particular could do so, stuffed to the gills and just enjoying the hustle and bustle of an unsurprisingly busy restaurant at lunch time. It was a pleasant time and gave me ample time to admire the three wonderful women around me, particularly my beautiful fiancée.

While Heather had certainly done her best to avoid packing on the pounds in her essentially toxic work environment, it was inevitable that she would have put on some weight. Particularly in conjunction with the sheer amount of food she already ate on a regular basis from her normal life, combined with an even more sedentary life of sitting at her desk or in a chair for a meeting, the perfect storm had been brewing practically since she had moved in with me.

The results, unlike her sister, weren’t quite as catastrophic to her figure but they had certainly done their fair share of developing out her physique. While nothing compared to Terry and Erin, her face had certainly rounded out to an inevitable degree, with flashes of that second chin gradually becoming more and more of a mainstay. While still beautiful in her own right, her blonde hair wonderfully framing her more cherubic face of late, it was a different kind of beauty than the smoking hot model beauty that she had displayed in her prime at college. Some might have called it a gentle girl next door kind of beauty or that of a softened model, but all that really mattered was that she was still undeniably beautiful in her own way.

Much like the other two healthy ladies around the table, her arms had inevitably become encased in a soft layer of fat, but hardly to the same level that her sister and coworker had developed. In truth, her arms looked relatively normal, of course the rest of her rather voluptuous body made it difficult for them to look seemingly out of place at all. As was inevitable, Heather’s once generously perky bust had long ago succumbed to gravity, yet happily continued its expansion outward at a steady pace after her initial growth. Blowing through cup sizes seemed to have been a family tradition and Heather had been no exception for a time, her breasts greedily rising back up to G cup and beyond, until they could hardly take any more, practically halting around L cups and letting the rest of her body catch up.

Ever up the challenge, her body happily did so as well. While not nearly the size of her colleagues, Heather’s belly had certainly taken on some of her excess office weight, forming a nice spare tire but nothing too overwhelming compared to her simply gigantic breasts. More formidable, were her significantly wider hips and thick thighs which were rubbing against each other with increasing frequency despite her best efforts to stunt any growth that she could.

To help round her out, much in the vain of Terry, was Heather’s rather full behind. Where once were two slender but significant cheeks, now were two overinflated and very jiggly volleyball sized butt cheeks with a bit of extra padding all around to help balance her out. Sticking out several inches behind her, it was nearly impossible not to notice her significant behind, especially whenever she wore heels which was practically every day of the week for her work, leaving me with continuous parting images of my fiancée’s incredible behind, resting atop her thicker legs and wide hips. She really had developed into quite a magnificent image, if not quite the old slender goddess beauty that she had been in her youthful prime. Either way, I certainly wasn’t going to be one to complain. 

The peace, and pleasurable quiet of our meal, was inevitably destined to be interrupted, as all good things tend to. Fortunately for my eyes and libido, that came in the form of Terry’s newest little minion, a gorgeous young Spanish woman straight out of college who was desperate to just find any form of work that would permit her to obtain a visa to stay in the US. 

Much to everyone’s shock and awe, Erin’s now husband took one look at her and immediately decided she was an asset for the company and needed to be brought on…as a operations specialist, which essentially put her as a glorified secretary. 

As I watched her in a rather stunning red dress and 4” black pumps sashaying across the restaurant looking for Terry, it was hard not to be mesmerized by her beauty. At around normal height, it was immediately apparent that this young woman was an absolute smoke show, with her dress doing nothing to hide her flaring hips that rested just below her ample derriere, two wonderfully shaped spheres that tended to trail behind the rest of her body when she wore flats, let alone in the heels she traditionally adorned every day. 

Of course, that is assuming you ever made it that far down her body when you were inspecting her. If her gorgeous tan face with full lips and warm chocolate brown eyes, accented by flowing dark brown / black hair didn’t stop you in your tracks, her perfect rack certainly would. Much like Erin and Heather when they were in their primes, her breasts were nigh on perfect, even perhaps a smidge more so which would have been sacrilege given my history with the Tyler women. At what I would have taken to be a fairly well informed guess after years with Heather, her probably pert 36DD were just the right amount of handful to warrant any and all attention. They were so firm, with just that slight hint of softness when they were caressed by a dress or a slightly too tight bra, giving them a life all their own and helping her to develop her own impressive cleavage. While certainly nothing compared to Erin’s legitimate grand canyon of cleavage, her little valley was impressive…and likely to only grow from what I had consistently heard. 

As Rita approached the table, Erin noticed her presence and everyone got quiet and put on their warmest smiles to welcome the young beauty.

“Rita, I can’t even escape you during my lunch hour can I?” Terry half joked, already starting to adjust to prepare herself to leave. 

“Oh Miss Terry, I am so sorry to have to interrupt your lunch meeting, but one of our clients is looking to sign a new contract today and insisted, no, demanded that you be there to help finalize the agreement,” Rita explained, clearly in a fluster as she looked around an realized that Heather and Erin were also at the table, two admittedly powerful women within the organization.

“Rita my dear, it’s no trouble at all. Sorry ladies and lover boy, while I am sure our legal and sales departments are more than capable of closing this one without me, I am never one to turn down a request from a client. I’ll see you all later, and I’ll make sure Andre charges the bill to my tab so don’t worry about picking it up,” Terry said with a warm smile, trying her hardest to toot her own horn and her new role within the company. It quite the subtle power play that was not lost on all of us and causing poor Rita to go even more flustered at the seeming power of her boss. 

“Terry, please, let me pick up the check this time,” Erin chimed in, not one to shy away from having the opportunity to flaunt her own wealth.

“Well, we’ll happily let you two fight over this one since some of us aren’t married to or engaged to millionaires,” Heather chirped in. 

“Oh hush dear and Erin, you can pick up lunch tomorrow. Now Rita, take me to this adoring client of ours,” Terry said with a quick shift of her heels. 

It was hard not to stare at the two rather contrasting forms as they moved through the restaurant, Rita graceful on her heels and naturally sliding between different gaps while Terry did her clumsy best to not bump her massive behind into every other patron on the route to the exit. Perhaps more entertaining was the sheer difference in the size of their waist lines, as the slender hourglass of Rita sharply contrasted to the abundant and rather round shaped Terry, whose only slight advantage towards a pear versus an apple was her simply enormous ass. In truth, however, it was the stark contrast of Rita’s seemingly firm and shapely spheres as they alternated for lead position in her dress versus Terry’s spheres, more like rotund blobs that fought for every inch of lingering dress space. 

“Terry, ever the attention whore,” Erin joked to the two of us. 

“Well that isn’t exactly news. She always enjoyed the attention, now she just happens to be in a position where she gets it consistently,” Heather replied, acting as if she had been long time friends with Terry like her sister had generally been.

“True, but with that young little Spanish girl, it must be getting under her skin that someone else in the department is getting some attention, even if it is her secretary.”

“Give her some time, and with Terry’s sheer amount of influence, it won’t be long before that poor little thing plumps back up though,” Heather pointed out.

“Plumps back up?” I broke in, confused.

“Oh yes, it sounds like little Rita has been one of those yo-yo girls where she has six months where she slims down and looks like she does now, but then plumps back up for a period. The girl has quite the appetite and an amazing sweet tooth from what I have observed and apparently got fat a few times throughout college but managed to somehow always get back down,” Erin explained.

“But in our office, Terry is the only woman I have ever seen go down at all while working here,” Heather pointed out.

“Yep. Well I think we both know where that poor girl is going to end up,” Erin said as she emphatically patted her rotund belly. 

“Well if she does well in the company, she probably won’t be complaining too much,” Heather teased, subtly making fun of all of them and their clear success thanks to their girth, particularly Terry as well as Erin’s ability to leverage her weight into a husband. 

“Probably not, though it might give Terry some concern if her secretary starts to steal the show,” Erin joked, giggling at the thought of Terry not being the star of the show. 

“You might even have to watch out, if she starts rising up the ranks of the secretaries,” I joked, giving Erin a playful poke that went far deeper than I expected, showcasing just how soft she had become. 

“Please, no woman can compete with me for my husband’s attention,” Erin joked, shifting her hands from her belly to her massive melons and giving them a gentle push up which caused ripples across her entire body as everything jiggled uncontrollably. 

“That’s what they all say,” I teased.

“Whatever lover boy. Well look at the time, I think you both have had enough of your daily dosage of me, time for me to go back to my loyal husband and whip him into shape for the afternoon,” Erin joked as she rose up after checking her iPhone for the time, causing further ripples across her entire body and good look into the window of cleavage she had on display. 

Both Heather and I exchanged a bemused glance at the mention of whipping someone into shape as Erin was so far from being able to either whip someone in general, or whip them into shape. At best she was probably going to give her husband some love before one of his meetings, which probably would lead to them leaving early and him cancelling all his meetings to have sex with her which was not uncommon. Fortunately the company was able to run efficiently without him.

After Erin struggled to get out of her seat, her heavy body making the challenge increasingly difficult with every day, she did her best to proudly waddle through the establishment, but Heather and I could easily detect the struggles she was having just to get through what would be considered comfortable passing space for most restaurant patrons. Of course, Erin and her giant hips, belly, butt and bust was hardly your normal patron.

Finally, after watching Erin wiggle through the doors to the establishment, one last parting image of her curvaceous figure emblazoned within my mind, a sense of completion swept over me. Maybe it was the fact that I had seen the progression from fit Erin to fat Erin and how much of a glutton for everything she had become, or maybe it was Terry’s overconfidence and comfort in all situations that had put me off of each them, not that I had any problems with a confident or greedy woman. Perhaps it was the simple fact that they had both ballooned to an absurd size for their man instead of being truly comfortable in their own skins, though both seemed more than happy with their size and sex appeal it brought them among a certain audience. Maybe it was the fact that Heather had always been my dream girl from before I knew either of them, even if they each had their own unique appeal. What I knew for certain was that I found myself genuinely happy that I was with Heather and not either of the two lovely ladies whom we had been dining with that afternoon.

Heather was a beautiful woman after all. Certainly not lacking in the curves department as she snacked on some leftover bread and stared idly off in the direction of Erin, clearly thinking about her sister’s astonishing size versus her own, if I were a betting man. I greedily took advantage of her distracted manner to admire her generous bust, wide hips and just all around dynamite physique. Sure it wasn’t the rock hard hourglass that I had first fallen for back in freshman year of college or again senior year when she decided to force her way into my life, but I much more enjoyed this softer and seemingly happier Heather. There was an unnatural beauty and charm to her that hadn’t been there in her early days, something so endearing that I couldn’t quite explain it. The only words I could say to her that described how I felt were the three words any woman wants to hear.

“I love you,” I stated confidently.

Snapping out of her daze and turning her warm eyes on me, she fixed me with a heart melting smile and replied in sort as she grabbed my hand, “I love you too babe”

With that, we both got up from our table like two love sick puppies and with Heather naturally leading the way on her steep stiletto heels, maneuvered our way out of the restaurant. I truly felt at ease and happy about my decision like I never had before, particularly as I watched Heather’s sizable rear. Finally, as we exited the restaurant and started walking back towards her office, she whirled around with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“You know…my boss is out the rest of the day at an offsite meeting. We could probably sneak away for another hour or two if you can stay away from the office and…go workout,” she proposed, doing a terrible effort to hide her smile.

“Will this workout be rather strenuous?”


“Will it involve a lot stretching and abdominal work?”


“Will we be getting all hot and sweaty?” I asked, leaning in towards her and wrapping my arm on her soft backside.

“Among other things, yes,” she said with a wink and a subtle pat in the region of my member.

“How much is it going to cost?” 

“Oh, I was thinking a free dinner might be nice,” she said with a smile before I pulled her in and we locked lips for several seconds. 

“I think I can pencil you in for this afternoon,” I teased.

“Fabulous, glad you can fit me into your busy schedule. Though you may have to help me out of this pencil skirt,” she joked as she wiggled her ample behind and conveniently bumped against my lower region. 

“It would be my pleasure,” I said with a smile on my face as I wrapped my arm around Heather’s soft waist, hormones rushing as we eagerly headed to the car where we would rush home and do it like it with an incredible amount of passion and joy. As I wrapped my arm around her soft waist, admiring how her generous behind stuck out quite significantly beyond my reach, I truly understood for the first time what a champion feels like, and it felt great.

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