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Why haven’t I seen a fat woman in a lead role?

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I think the reason for this is the same reason there are unnecessary remakes of way too many movies, it's a sure bet and it pleases the shareholders of the studio.  I just don't why everything has to be so extreme. (As far as this thread) Movie studios are appealing to the lowest common denominator so everything has to be spelled out and obvious.

I will stand by this theory because it's kind of obvious. These things are made to be commercial. I do not think the majority of men are attracted to women who are a B cup and have visible abs. It's not overtly sexual- *it's clean- it's marketable* and we all mistake it for gospel- women must look this way! Men must be turned on by this!  What ? like mannequins? 

What is pathetic to me is that men just follow along with it, I am also sexually attracted to women so before everyone jumps all over me, I get enjoying looking at sexy women just as much as anyone else. But to me the whole system is like "the emperor's new clothes" everyone is lying to themselves and everyone else to fit in, and the cycle continues.  There is no reason to feel guilty for being turned on by fat women!!!! The conflict of it is ridiculous- luckily when I was around 13 I discovered Marilyn Manson- who is ALL about embracing taboos and fuck everyone. So I feel bad for anyone who didn't have that type of influence. And the fact that my overall look and vibe is representing that influence is something I'm proud of. And - it's great asshole repellent.

If people felt good about themselves they wouldn't buy things, so keep people unhappy, keep people afraid- they buy shit they don't need so they can be just like everyone else "Keeping up with the Jones's". 

This is artifice, this is nonsense. Commercial enterprises aren't going to cater to what you want if they don't think it's wanted. So this becomes an issue of people accepting themselves.

I don't really buy that this submissive virgin bride breeding machine thing is every guys dream. Like wake up dude, women aren't objects, men aren't repulsed by self expression- that's you, YOU hate the fact that women are even biologically given a brain.  Also men get turned on by the visuals of what hopefully what THEY think is attractive, not what everyone else tells them is attractive. ITS OK TO GET TURNED ON BY SOMETHING OUTSIDE THE NORM. IT'S * NO ONE * ELSE'S FAULT THAT YOU CAN'T ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE. And It's ok to want to see shit that gets your dick hard, why have time for pretending to be into anything else?

But enough people want to keep pretending and keeping fat admiration dark and dirty and super taboo, so you get what you pay for. You want power and control over fat women so you keep up this charade, you want acceptance because you can't stand to be yourself,- you are biting your own hand off- when do you stop? You please EVERYONE else and pretend to be just like everyone else until you're dead? Not how I want to live, sorry, and I'm fucking glad my "alternative look" represents that.








Edited by NogutNoglory
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  • Curvage Model

* also one year it's Paris Hilton, the next it's Kim K. It's always changing- When should your dick get hard? -Don't worry, we'll let you know. 

I'd LOVE to know how gender difference makes that ok or not compared to - we will let you know if your body is acceptable? It's the same fucking thing!!! To make really anything a gender issue is a thing only .......(let me not call anyone out ahem...🐸 would do-)-----everyone is suffering from brain washing.

If you took a group - half male/ half female and "Clockwork Orange"-ed them- is one more effected than the other?

There is a quote from the movie Gia- I'm going to adapt it for this -movies are advertising and advertising is money and in the end someone has to pay.


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