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Weight Gain Roleplay rules


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The Red Empress Theona, Queen of a 101 Kingdoms, Scourge of the Goblinoids, Liberator of Men, Shelterer of the Dwarves, Conqueress Unmatched,  Swordswoman Unconquerable, the Hammer of the Undead, Defender of the Angelic Pantheon and Pacifier of the Diabolic Courts, Sorceress Supreme and the Fairest of them All, looked herself over in the mirror.

"Well my overfed, red faced lovelies, after an hour of rushing about I can say that almost all of my girls have really let yourselves go...," Theona smiled, "but then again, I can't say much now, can I?"

Good natured laughter echoed through the out of breath crowd, the horde of concubines drooling over their plumped up goddess. An hour ago the Empress was one of the fittest women ever to walk the planet. Muscles had shown on muscles, her long and sinewy body looking hard as mithril and tough as adamantine, the only extra fat her plump breasts. All of that muscle was still there of course, but like a sword resting in its case, Theona's fitness was now sheathed in 50lbs of soft, succulent fat. Instead of abs she had a well rounded and pampered looking paunch, her legs were now plump and pinchable and when she flexed her bicep there was a jiggle under her arms. But Theona was still a very well balanced hour glass.

The large, enchanted breasts she'd cast onto her self had surged outwards, doubling in size from Ds to immense G cups that had begun to droop just from their mammoth size even though they maintained their ludicrous roundness. They were big enough to be seen from behind, a good match for her ass cheeks that were visible from the front. Her girlish, athletic hips had burst into womanly roundness of a most extreme size, her waist maintained by the wobbling jiggle of her ass. The Empress' 44 inch hips lacked stretch marks despite their rapid growth, but had a healthy ripple of cellulite across her overly chunky ass. She smacked the hefty buns, smiling at the tripple ripple of her fat and showing off some facial dimples as well.

Theona has gained 50 lbs, she is now at 26.4 Fat Points and Overweight! She has gained the Fat Feats: Big Milkers and Badonkadonk! Her Athletics has not fallen due to the Natural Athlete Trait, but her Charisma has risen from 90 to 99 with normie NPCs and to 90 to 99 with Fat fetish NPCs. She can only fail on a natural 100.

"Now, if you laced up this ** belly with a corset and covered up the cottage cheese on my ass, I might be able to pass for merely voluptuous. But we all know that I've gotten quite plump," Theona smiled, hefting her heavy boobs and shaking her ass, '"This is all down to your good work feeding me, so thanks and congratulations to you all on your effort! Now, I think, my huffing, puffing fatties, that we'll have to declare a tie for as you see, my charms to the fore are matched by those behind almost exactly. Which means that I'm going to be your private sex slave two at a time! Joachim, Cassandra, up here please!"

The tall, muscular devilborn man strode up, clearly erect through his trousers, followed by Cassandra, who's red dress was stained black with sweat and who's plump face was still crimson with the exertion of moving her obese body about. Theona looked over her lovers, friends she'd known and fucked since she was a slave girl in a Khan's harem. She smiled and snapped her fingers, summoning clothes onto her naked body. For a moment there was a strange sense of nothingness to her and she could have sworn her power flickered...(99, almost a failure...) but then the clothes of a simple harem girl appeared on her: the wide slit silk dress, the metal breast plates cradling her plump breasts high, and as an edition, a transparent veil across her slightly rounded face with manacles on her wrists and ankles.

"Empress, the chains are not necessary," Joachim smiled.

"Empress? No, at the moment I am Theona and I am your slave," the plump redhead smiled, showing new dimples and cocking an eye at the water clock, "but only for half an hour. Come, I've got a lot of sex to get through. So Master Joachim and Mistress Cassandra, how can this slave pleasure you?"

Now it was Cassandra's turn to smile, the fat woman slowly unlacing her own dress and letting it fall, "Why Empress, now that your breasts are at a suitable state...I propose you and I tit fuck each other."

Theona laughed, "How am I not surprised? And Joachim, I know well what you want..."

A moment later and the Empress was on hands and knees. Her heavy breasts drooped down onto Cassandra's face, the concubine's plump lips and eager hands sucking and tickling the ample tit flesh of the Queen. Theona copied her, 500 years of practiced sucking letting her gently caressing the other woman's nipples. Joachim entered her from behind gently, slapping her ass hard as his barbed dick entered her vag. She was surprised he hadn't gone full anal, but her former champion turned concubine was always a shy one with an audience. Theona gave him more than he'd expected, flexing pelvic muscles made stronger than a titan by a hundred years worth of keegles. She gripped him hard, sliding him in and out, making him pant and moan as her wet, sopping vulva slid up his thick shaft, panting and moaning into Cassandra's breasts, coming with her two concubines. From her perspective his orgasm came quick, a heavy and hot load right into her but she kept clenching and writhing, keeping him hard and getting him to fire another.

There were many enchantments she'd layered into her Harem. One to keep the men in tip top condition, for Theona was quite hypocritical. Another to keep her fat fatties healthy despite their lazy, indulgent life style and to keep any venereal diseases banished and another to keep them young, her masterpiece really and the only thing that had kept her alive when her own powers had failed. Another was a sterility charm, this was a pleasure palace and not one for raising b**s. When Theona wanted to get pregnant she disguised herself and walked the roads, pretending to be some endangered maiden and rewarding some suitable local gallant with a knight of pleasure...or in the case of her two most powerful daughters summoning powerful extra planar beings for a fun night.

She was struck then with an immense desire to get pregnant again, to swell fat with life and to leak milk. As soon as this sex slave stint was up, she was going to go find some chivalrous knight to knock her up...or fatten herself up to immobility, slim herself down to fitness and then get pregnant and fat...ugh she was so horny it was hard to think!

"Empress, Empress the time is up!" Joachim moaned, sliding out and collapsing.

Theona stood up, panting a bit, the first sign of her weight. She cast a spell, cleaning cum from inside her and summoned a bottle of champagne to her hand.

"A moment dearies, I've let myself get a bit out of condition," she smiled and chugged the champagne down, "well, that's 1 session down. 499 to go, who's next?"

The Monrovia Sisters waddled up, the twins hand in hand. Identical gymnasts, the best acrobats and contortionists in the entire world, they'd entered her service as identical beauties, each weighing a hundred pounds and standing five feet tall, their skin a luscious golden tan and their black hair hanging to their ankles to frame their sinewy, fatless bodies. One hundred years and three hundred pounds had changed all of that, their only place in a carnival now as the circus fat ladies. Firm legs now slapped and slopped as they waddled, taut waists bouncing off their fat swallowed knees, small breasts gone floppy and swollen despite their maintained youth. Four identical eyes looked at her, once huge and now squinting and piggish, above two fat girl smiles.

"Sweet slave," Lora Monrovia said, "this one desires we suckle you, to drink your own milk."

"Oh, kinky," Theona grinned, feeling her double chin start to come in, "and you Lola?"

"This one remembers when we entered your service, trim and lean and fit and soon became slaves of our desires, know now that we struggle to touch our toes and walk," the contortionist grinned, "I would like some revenge, I would have you force fed, to see you grow so fat you struggle to move!"

"But, I want both of us to suckle her!" her sister protested, 'its not the same if its just me!"

Theona held up her hands, "Mistresses, Mistresses, my skills as  your slave are vast, both can occur at once! Observe!"

Another two spells fired, (75, 66 crit success!), summoning a vast and gleaming feeding machine loaded up with pudding behind her and a lactation spell that worked with unexpected force. Her pert nipples, still pointing upwards, gushed creamy lactaste with some force, a quick lick showing she was shooting out pure butter milk!

"Now, get the hose into my mouth and get your mouths on my tits if you would," Theona smiled, butter milk pouring down her front, "waste not and want not..."

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1 hour ago, IonMaidens said:

(And here we are. My introductory post. I hope this is up to the standards you expect of your writers, DM! :) )


The temple gardens were one of her favorite places. While still remaining within the safe confines of the monastic compound one could gaze up past the blossoming peach trees slowly waving in the soft breeze, and see the awe-inspiring majesty of far-off mountains and impressive waterfalls thundering ever-downwards from those lofty white peaks. The sun would soon pass above those very same mountains and bathe valley in wonderous light and warmth, signaling the arrival of another joyous spring.

Her fellow initiates would often joke that she missed her calling, with how much she reveres nature itself. They of course did not see the whole picture. Not as clearly as her. The beauty and grace found in nature was another of the Goddess' blessings, for the diligent self-restraint and moderation of the Elves. So long as the temple stood, that beauty would be as ever-lasting as those who called nature home.

"Sister Naphinae. The morning sermon approaches." The deep, muffled voice of the Temple Guardian standing before the garden's entranceway spoke up, his tone as dull and stiff as always. Naphinae herself would of course never admit she jumped slightly with surprise at the Guardian's reminder, though she was happy she did not turn to face him, lest he see her unveiled face. With a practiced motion her gloved hands lowered the almost-transparant silk over her features, and raised her hood over her head. Sufficiently covered, she turned towards the male Elf and replied. "I thank thee, Brother Guardian. You may return to thy duties." Clasping her hands together close to her chest, the young priestess passed him by silently and entered the temple itself once more.

Her walk through the halls of the temple itself was as uneventful as always. She passed by countless Guardians watching over their charges and performing their duties with nary a sound, while initiates and priestesses alike went about their business, around their protectors if possible. In the comfort of her own mind, Naphinae recited the prayers again and again, in preparation for the sermon.

'Goddess, hallowed be thy name. Watch over thine flock. Guide us in our times of need, lest we be tainted by sin and blasphemy. Guard our minds from the temptation of lust, the vulgarity of sloth, the curse of gluttony. Grant us thy tasks so our hands may not be idle. Grant us thy signs so we may know we please ye. Grant us thy blessed bread so we may not waste away.'

All the while she walked and recited, there was no avoiding the words of gossip from those unrestricted by vows of silence. Such words were often poison to the ears, and as such should be turned away from the gates of your ears. Naphinae sadly could not tune away all such words, at least not yet...

"-Mother Nervina's classes-"

"-ye hear the Inquisition was here last ni-"

"-Poor thing was dragged away-"

"-was a time where the Temple would handle such-"

"-could hardly sleep these last few morrows-"

Shaking her head beneath her hood, Naphinae redoubled her recitation beneath her breath. While many priestesses certainly approved of Queen Saree's Inquisition, the methods they employed and the powers they had been granted was too much in the minds of many. Before the Queen's ascension the temples would police their own, and now there always was a shadow of paranoia that hung over the monastery.

The large and heavy doors leading into the main cathedral groaned beneath the capable hands of the Guardians as it was forced open, letting Naphinae almost taste the incense in the air beyond. Candles in their dozens flickered softly on their mountings along the walls, unable to completely brighten the massive chamber despite their best efforts. Pews lined up and down the length of the room, filled with silent Elven priestesses and initiates, their bodies and faces hidden behind layers of robes, cloth and silk. The stained-glass windows along the walls let coloured light slowly seep in as the sun continued on it's daily path, making the depicted artworks within the windows almost sparkle.

Naphinae had seen the artworks many times, far longer than any mortal being could ever count, but today just like any day she could not help but send a few glances their way. They were beautiful, just as she remembered them in her mind. Depicting both history and legend, the Goddess appeared before the early Elves to grant them boons, their prayers in turn granting her the power to slay her opposite number, the Goddess of Gluttony. The golden ages of temperance and restraint that followed would last thousands of years...

Finally she reached her assigned seat, and Naphinae's internal musings were again cut short, as she settled herself comfortably onto the pew, rummaged through her robes pockets for her Tenetbook, and started going through some of her most beloved prayers in her head while she awaited the official beginning of the sermon.

'The faithful must be ever-vigilant, for the minds of mortals are easily swayed by evil and filth. Corruption must be excised where-ever it might be found, lest the Motherless Sins gain entrance to our souls, and damn us ever-more. Use thy will as thy weapon, and banish both blasphemy and sin from thine heart.'

The pipe organ began to churn out the first tones of it's musical sheets, the gathered priestesses humming alongside it in preparation for the psalm. Naphinae was as usual among them. As the organ's music grew and grew, the gates opened once again to allow the monastery's three most senior Reverend Mothers to pass on through, their white robes accented with golden trimmings and intricate patterns along their upper body, resembling vines dancing across their arms and chest. Seating themselves at the raised podium overlooking all of the gathered members of the convent, the organ's tunes died the moment they raised a hand up to silence it.

"We give thanks to the Goddess for her blessings. We give thanks for a short winter, and the arrival of another beautiful spring. We show our devotion to her through our prayers and actions. So say we all." The leading Reverend Mother Artuia began, and her words were in turn repeated out loud by the rest of the seated priestesses. While it was expected that another psalm would come shortly afterwards, the silence dragged on and on. Some began to wonder if perhaps the organ had broken down again? It wasn't exactly new at this point. Instead, the Reverend Mother Artuia stood up from her seating, her hands coming to a rest on the dark wooden surface of the podium with a soft 'thud'.

"We have all seen the signs, have we not? Our dreams haunted by nightmares and phantoms, the diminishing of nature's bounty and beauty, the ghostly cries echoing through these blessed corridors." The Reverend Mother began, and not for the first time Naphinae thought back to her own troubled and restless nights. "The Goddess weeps. She weeps for us all." That statement was like a hard punch to one's very being, and many of the assembled priestesses gasped out loud in surprise. "She has been struck, not by mortal hands, but by her foul sister's spirit. What else can these signs from the West mean? Debauchery, gluttony and lust running rampant throughout the Human lands for the briefest of moments, as if all inhibitions and restraint was gone from the world. This means only one thing. The Motherless Sins are without their matron no longer." If the previous cries around Naphinae were of surprise, the next wave was one of distress and fear.

Naphinae pressed her Tenetbook as close to her chest as she possibly could, despite the discomfort.

With another authorative raising of her hand, the Reverend Mother silenced the convent for a second time. "It is clear that something must be done. The Sacred Realm of The Gods will not and shall not have a Goddess with such vile domains within it's sanctified halls! Like we did thousands of years ago we shall take up arms to defend all our Goddess holds dear, but before such a righteous crusade may take place, the faithful must know more. Were the seat of the wretched sister once again filled doomsday would already be upon us, and so this foul act is nothing more than an arrogant display of powers non-yet-settled. This means whomever holds these powers may yet be slain with mortal steel!" Naphinae could not help but smile beneath her veil, like many of her fellows had already done upon those words being uttered by the Reverend Mother.

After a brief moment of pause to allow the elation to die down, the Reverend Mother continued on. "We require volunteers from the Temple to travel to the west and investigate further." Butterflies began to well up within the depths of Naphinae's stomach. While the prospect of travelling outside the walls of the Temple was terrifying, there were no more direct way of serving the Goddess than preventing the rebirth of her dreaded sister...

So engrossed was she in her own thoughts that she had missed what else the Reverend Mother had said. Nonetheless, with one hand still clutching at her Tenetbook like it was a personal lifeline, Naphinae stood up from her seat with an arm outstretched. "I volunteer, Reverend Mother Artuia! I volunteer to go!" She all but shouted into the open, attempting to keep the eagerness out of her voice. Silence descended across the chamber once more.

Artuia in response simply sat down again, fingers intertwining her hands and resting them upon the podium. "Sister Naphinae. You display your piety before the entire convent by being our first volunteer. While the Temple would be dismayed to see one so young leave our halls, it now seems that the matter is out of our hands." Sharing a look with her fellow Reverend Mothers, Artuia continued to speak. "Report to your quarters, and you shall be given all that you require for the journey ahead." And with a dismissive wave, that was all Naphinae needed to be told. The Elven priestess bows before the Mothers, and gleefully left the chamber afterwards.

In the coming hours she would pack her needed supplies, be provided with maps and the basic instructions to navigate effectively, a golden seal emblazoned with the Temple's insignia for identification purposes, and some Dominion coins in the case of trade. She would be travelling through the Dominion with a minor escort, and then past the borderlands with a Human in service to the Temple. Again that nervousness managed to force it's way to the forefront of her mind, and no matter how many careful prayers she offered to the Goddess, that cold pit in the center of her being would not leave her.

Oh lovely lovely...Hmmm, let's see...

The Fat Camp: during her journey, Sister Naphinae and her escorts stay the night at one of Queen Saree's Fat Camps, witnessing the brutal exercises of those who fail the Queen's strict tests.

The Body Guard: Naphinae is assigned Brother Guardian Aedinor as body guard, a most kind and handsome young elf with stories of how he fought the dread legions of the vile human Empress Theona.

The Addiction: as she packs, a nervous and slightly too chubby friend of Naphinae hurries in, pressing a delicioiusly smelling package into her hands and begging her to take it away. It proves to be a strange, brown, chalky block of ...Elysian chocolate...Just...just a nibble might not hurt...

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2 hours ago, Batman76 said:

The Fat Camp: during her journey, Sister Naphinae and her escorts stay the night at one of Queen Saree's Fat Camps, witnessing the brutal exercises of those who fail the Queen's strict tests.

As the mountains and hills of the Seawall Province continued to shrink and diminish upon the horizon behind them, Naphinae noted with some trepidation that she had now travelled farther out than she had ever done in her lifetime before. Past the walled gates of the monastery, down the cobblestone road into the rural valley villages, past the final problematic hills and finally into the Great Alenwyn Plains at the very heart of the Dominion. According to her map, they should soon be upon the Gold Road that snaked around the banks of the majestic Lake Alynwei. If the weather remained good and the lake clear of mists they might even catch a glimpse of The Capital upon the southern banks...

The priestess could not help but admit she hoped the Goddess would grant her that request on this day. Until now her only experiences with it came in the form of an imagined cityscape filled with marble towers and golden roofs that to this day would only exist in the vivid imagination of a young initiate deeply immersed in dusty books written by scholars long-since gone from the mortal plane.

Cresting a final wheat-covered hill they came upon the banks of the lake. While gazing around for the vaunted city from her childhood's dreams, Naphinae noted the gathering of Elvenkind upon the sandy beaches covering the lake's edges. Even as the sun had begun to dip and dive towards the awaiting horizon hours previously, there was just enough light it seemed to provide the local rural population with an afternoon of relaxation, swimming and fun.

While the laughter and sounds of merriment were pleasing to her ears, Naphinae was also very aware that such things were not meant for the faithful. Offering a brief thanks to the Goddess for her continued protection, she started to descend the hill. Her escorts followed in turn behind her, carefully guiding the horse carrying all of their supplies alongside them down the rock-and-dirt slope. They might have made it into the Barrier Woods already had it not been for a lack of mounts at the Temple...

For a good hour longer did the small convoy walk onwards along the enchanted stone roadway, as impeccably maintained as the day it was first laid down centuries prior. However, they could never outrun the sun, and as the sky above them began to turn red, dark and gloomy, Naphinae began to wonder as to the location of the group's campsite for their first evening beyond the comforting walls of the Temple.

That was when she heard the beating sounds of hooves upon perfect stonework.

Ahead of the convoy a pair of riders arrived, adorned in shining platemail, with sword sheaths hanging loosely at their sides alongside well-lit lanterns. Heading straight for the group, the horsemen slowed their mounts, until they came at a stop a comfortable distance away. The lead rider popped open his visor, revealing the angular face of her people. "Hail, travellers! It is not often the northern roads gets travellers these days. Might I enquire as to your business?" He was at the very least polite, it seems.

Stepping forward in turn, Naphinae rested her hands at the sides of her robes, and curtsied the riders. "We greet thee. I am Sister Naphinae, serving as a representative of the Temple of Temperance. I am travelling west on important business."

"Of the Temple, you say? It is an honor, fair priestess. Given the hour grows ever-darker, do you plan to rest nearby, if I may ask?" The rider in turn asked, and Naphinae in turn nods.

"Yes, that was indeed our thoughts. Given you bring it up though, I assume you have some sort of offer for lodgings. Nearby, mayhaps?"

The rider in turn simply smiles. "That is correct, my lady. We are Knights of the Realm you see, serving Her Majesty The Queen. Our fellow compatriots are stationed at a Camp nearby where we watch over those unfortunate enough to have let temptation rule them. I am certain our compatriots and our charges would welcome to the presence of a Priestess of Temperance in their midst, be it only for a short while."

"I see no reason to decline, good Sir..." Trailing off, Naphinae could not believe she forgot to ask the man's name. Were it not for her veil they might have seen the reddening of her cheeks from sheer embarrassment.

"Ah, my apologies, my lady. I am Sir Elyon, and my compatriot Sir Cail." The aforementioned knight simply give a silent nod of confirmation. "Still, it pleases me greatly you would come with us. If you wish, I may let you ride with me back to Camp Nalyteri and spare your feet the strain." The smile turned saucy, and she noticed.

Despite her cheeks darkening again, the priestess simply shook her head. "While the offer is greatly appreciated, Sir Elyon, the Goddess smiles upon those that travel upon their own feet. It would be a disservice to her for me to accept. My escorts however might be tired from the journey, and could certainly use some rest." The Guardians behind her had the wisdom to remain silent as their charge spoke. A frown flashed across Sir Elyon's features, but nothing remained of it after a moment.

"As you wish, my lady. Come then, let us go before sunlight abandons us entirely." With that said, he clamped shut his visor, ensured her escorts were mounted up alongside himself and his companion, and then they were off to Camp Nalyteri.


It was dark out when they finally cleared the last bit road, the group finding themselves before the grandeur of Camp Nalyteri, though calling it as such would be a disservice in Naphinae's opinion. Expansive rows of small buildings lined up and down the clearing before them, illuminated in the darkness of the night by small blue crystal lanterns, hanging off door-frames and lamp-posts along the length of the buildings. In the center sat a large open area, likely used for physical exercise and meetings, separating what the priestess could only be barracks of some sort with a larger complex of buildings on the other end of the compound. All of it were surrounded by a barrier of runestones projecting magical fields in-between them, forcing any traffic into or out of the camp through a fortified gatehouse.

"My, such effort." She could not help but say out loud after gazing upon the compound. "Would it not have simply been better to send these corrupted souls to the Temples where they might learn restraint and moderation in a peaceful environment? Such security measures are no doubt expensive..." And if the rumors were to be believed, this was not the only Camp of such a nature in the Great Plains alone.

"We would do so if it were practical, my lady." Sir Elyon noted from his mount as he dismounted alongside her Guardians. "But since the Humans came there have been far too many cases for the Temples alone to handle. Can you believe there were tens of thousands of such sinners in The Capital alone when Her Majesty came to power? Far too many for even the mightiest of monasteries to take in." He noted with clear sadness in his voice. "Drastic measures had to be taken lest the soul of the very Dominion come at risk."

Putting it in such a way made Naphinae more understanding. There were less than a thousand souls including Guardians and servants at her Temple, and it was the foremost of it's kind dedicated to the Goddess of Temperance. The lesser monasteries would not survive this level of debauchery. "You need not convince me, Sir Elyon. I am already convinced. It is indeed sad to see Elvenkind reduced to such moral degeneracy, but my heart is warmed at your valiant efforts here." That at least seemed to get the knight to smile again.

Offering a hand to her, which she reluctantly accepted, Sir Elyon lead her past the runestone barriers and the gatehouse leaving Sir Cail to see to her Guardians accommodations while they were staying. All the while they walked, Sir Elyon continued to speak. All the way to her quarters in what she assumed to be some sort of guest wing of the camp's administration area.

"-and as such it is the only available food for our charges here. It is tasteless and odorless to avoid the temptations of gorging, and contains enough nutrition to sustain an Elf from dawn til sunset. Our charges must after all be strong enough to rise from their beds to perform their daily activities and rehabilitation, yet not be too full to destroy their efforts of the day with careless gluttony."

"Such a fine invention that Her Majesty's magisters have discovered. If I am able to, I would be most eager to observe the morning rituals and activities of those led astray by their base desires. I mayhaps even perform a sermon for them, if the camp commander allows me." Naphinae notes as Sir Elyon opens the doors into her quarters for her. What lays beyond is spartan, as would be preferred by a priestess of the Goddess. A single bed and nightstand rest against the far wall of the room, while a simple desk sitting before a window allows her a fine view of the exercise yard. A plain wardrobe sits in the corner by the bed, likely containing little more than storage room for spare clothing.

"I shall bring the matter up with Commander Pevonis at first light, my lady. I am certain he would not disapprove, as he is a pious and honorable man, more so than anyone else within these walls." Sir Elyon shot her a look, and for once Naphinae was unsure what he meant by it. After a few awkward moments, the Elven knight bid her good night, and left her room.

Finally alone for the first time in the day, the priestess furled up her veil and began the length process of disrobing herself, creeping under the welcoming covers of the bed not long afterwards.

Once more, her dreams were dark and troubled, and she would not enjoy much sleep or rest that night due to lengthy nightmares, or far-off cries of despair and pain in the distance...

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27 minutes ago, IonMaidens said:

As the mountains and hills of the Seawall Province continued to shrink and diminish upon the horizon behind them, Naphinae noted with some trepidation that she had now travelled farther out than she had ever done in her lifetime before. Past the walled gates of the monastery, down the cobblestone road into the rural valley villages, past the final problematic hills and finally into the Great Alenwyn Plains at the very heart of the Dominion. According to her map, they should soon be upon the Gold Road that snaked around the banks of the majestic Lake Alynwei. If the weather remained good and the lake clear of mists they might even catch a glimpse of The Capital upon the southern banks...

The priestess could not help but admit she hoped the Goddess would grant her that request on this day. Until now her only experiences with it came in the form of an imagined cityscape filled with marble towers and golden roofs that to this day would only exist in the vivid imagination of a young initiate deeply immersed in dusty books written by scholars long-since gone from the mortal plane.

Cresting a final wheat-covered hill they came upon the banks of the lake. While gazing around for the vaunted city from her childhood's dreams, Naphinae noted the gathering of Elvenkind upon the sandy beaches covering the lake's edges. Even as the sun had begun to dip and dive towards the awaiting horizon hours previously, there was just enough light it seemed to provide the local rural population with an afternoon of relaxation, swimming and fun.

While the laughter and sounds of merriment were pleasing to her ears, Naphinae was also very aware that such things were not meant for the faithful. Offering a brief thanks to the Goddess for her continued protection, she started to descend the hill. Her escorts followed in turn behind her, carefully guiding the horse carrying all of their supplies alongside them down the rock-and-dirt slope. They might have made it into the Barrier Woods already had it not been for a lack of mounts at the Temple...

For a good hour longer did the small convoy walk onwards along the enchanted stone roadway, as impeccably maintained as the day it was first laid down centuries prior. However, they could never outrun the sun, and as the sky above them began to turn red, dark and gloomy, Naphinae began to wonder as to the location of the group's campsite for their first evening beyond the comforting walls of the Temple.

That was when she heard the beating sounds of hooves upon perfect stonework.

Ahead of the convoy a pair of riders arrived, adorned in shining platemail, with sword sheaths hanging loosely at their sides alongside well-lit lanterns. Heading straight for the group, the horsemen slowed their mounts, until they came at a stop a comfortable distance away. The lead rider popped open his visor, revealing the angular face of her people. "Hail, travellers! It is not often the northern roads gets travellers these days. Might I enquire as to your business?" He was at the very least polite, it seems.

Stepping forward in turn, Naphinae rested her hands at the sides of her robes, and curtsied the riders. "We greet thee. I am Sister Naphinae, serving as a representative of the Temple of Temperance. I am travelling west on important business."

"Of the Temple, you say? It is an honor, fair priestess. Given the hour grows ever-darker, do you plan to rest nearby, if I may ask?" The rider in turn asked, and Naphinae in turn nods.

"Yes, that was indeed our thoughts. Given you bring it up though, I assume you have some sort of offer for lodgings. Nearby, mayhaps?"

The rider in turn simply smiles. "That is correct, my lady. We are Knights of the Realm you see, serving Her Majesty The Queen. Our fellow compatriots are stationed at a Camp nearby where we watch over those unfortunate enough to have let temptation rule them. I am certain our compatriots and our charges would welcome to the presence of a Priestess of Temperance in their midst, be it only for a short while."

"I see no reason to decline, good Sir..." Trailing off, Naphinae could not believe she forgot to ask the man's name. Were it not for her veil they might have seen the reddening of her cheeks from sheer embarrassment.

"Ah, my apologies, my lady. I am Sir Elyon, and my compatriot Sir Cail." The aforementioned knight simply give a silent nod of confirmation. "Still, it pleases me greatly you would come with us. If you wish, I may let you ride with me back to Camp Nalyteri and spare your feet the strain." The smile turned saucy, and she noticed.

Despite her cheeks darkening again, the priestess simply shook her head. "While the offer is greatly appreciated, Sir Elyon, the Goddess smiles upon those that travel upon their own feet. It would be a disservice to her for me to accept. My escorts however might be tired from the journey, and could certainly use some rest." The Guardians behind her had the wisdom to remain silent as their charge spoke. A frown flashed across Sir Elyon's features, but nothing remained of it after a moment.

"As you wish, my lady. Come then, let us go before sunlight abandons us entirely." With that said, he clamped shut his visor, ensured her escorts were mounted up alongside himself and his companion, and then they were off to Camp Nalyteri.


It was dark out when they finally cleared the last bit road, the group finding themselves before the grandeur of Camp Nalyteri, though calling it as such would be a disservice in Naphinae's opinion. Expansive rows of small buildings lined up and down the clearing before them, illuminated in the darkness of the night by small blue crystal lanterns, hanging off door-frames and lamp-posts along the length of the buildings. In the center sat a large open area, likely used for physical exercise and meetings, separating what the priestess could only be barracks of some sort with a larger complex of buildings on the other end of the compound. All of it were surrounded by a barrier of runestones projecting magical fields in-between them, forcing any traffic into or out of the camp through a fortified gatehouse.

"My, such effort." She could not help but say out loud after gazing upon the compound. "Would it not have simply been better to send these corrupted souls to the Temples where they might learn restraint and moderation in a peaceful environment? Such security measures are no doubt expensive..." And if the rumors were to be believed, this was not the only Camp of such a nature in the Great Plains alone.

"We would do so if it were practical, my lady." Sir Elyon noted from his mount as he dismounted alongside her Guardians. "But since the Humans came there have been far too many cases for the Temples alone to handle. Can you believe there were tens of thousands of such sinners in The Capital alone when Her Majesty came to power? Far too many for even the mightiest of monasteries to take in." He noted with clear sadness in his voice. "Drastic measures had to be taken lest the soul of the very Dominion come at risk."

Putting it in such a way made Naphinae more understanding. There were less than a thousand souls including Guardians and servants at her Temple, and it was the foremost of it's kind dedicated to the Goddess of Temperance. The lesser monasteries would not survive this level of debauchery. "You need not convince me, Sir Elyon. I am already convinced. It is indeed sad to see Elvenkind reduced to such moral degeneracy, but my heart is warmed at your valiant efforts here." That at least seemed to get the knight to smile again.

Offering a hand to her, which she reluctantly accepted, Sir Elyon lead her past the runestone barriers and the gatehouse leaving Sir Cail to see to her Guardians accommodations while they were staying. All the while they walked, Sir Elyon continued to speak. All the way to her quarters in what she assumed to be some sort of guest wing of the camp's administration area.

"-and as such it is the only available food for our charges here. It is tasteless and odorless to avoid the temptations of gorging, and contains enough nutrition to sustain an Elf from dawn til sunset. Our charges must after all be strong enough to rise from their beds to perform their daily activities and rehabilitation, yet not be too full to destroy their efforts of the day with careless gluttony."

"Such a fine invention that Her Majesty's magisters have discovered. If I am able to, I would be most eager to observe the morning rituals and activities of those led astray by their base desires. I mayhaps even perform a sermon for them, if the camp commander allows me." Naphinae notes as Sir Elyon opens the doors into her quarters for her. What lays beyond is spartan, as would be preferred by a priestess of the Goddess. A single bed and nightstand rest against the far wall of the room, while a simple desk sitting before a window allows her a fine view of the exercise yard. A plain wardrobe sits in the corner by the bed, likely containing little more than storage room for spare clothing.

"I shall bring the matter up with Commander Pevonis at first light, my lady. I am certain he would not disapprove, as he is a pious and honorable man, more so than anyone else within these walls." Sir Elyon shot her a look, and for once Naphinae was unsure what he meant by it. After a few awkward moments, the Elven knight bid her good night, and left her room.

Finally alone for the first time in the day, the priestess furled up her veil and began the length process of disrobing herself, creeping under the welcoming covers of the bed not long afterwards.

Once more, her dreams were dark and troubled, and she would not enjoy much sleep or rest that night due to lengthy nightmares, or far-off cries of despair and pain in the distance...

My my, now this is rarely well written, its really coming through as a character piece, good work!

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In a world of magic, evolution could work rapid miracles.

Only two thousand years earlier, slavers from the cruel dwarven empire of Dawiheim had captured a small band of humans fleeing the hobgoblin conquest of a now long forgotten human empire. Set to mining ore and working bellows, most had died, but the strongest lived. Their children and their children's children lived without seeing the sun, but their great grand children revolted and fled from the dwarf holds in the warm valleys, pursued by golem dogs and gyro copters into the mountains. Those who could not survive the cold peaks died, but those who lived were affected by the strong, mutative magic that whistled about the peaks... And by mass interbreeding with curious silver dragons who decided to help these poor wretches by introducing beneficial traits into their genetic pool.

Magic made their circulatory system trap heat more effectively, their skin turned a light blue in consequence. Only the tallest hunters could hunt the great mountain beasts through deep snow drifts, they improved their size by  a foot every generation, until they were at least twice the size of a normal man, able to stride through difficult terrain with ease. Reproduction was difficult in the harsh environment, made harder by many smaller, weaker women dying in the cold, in response the ambient magic, and polymorphed silver dragons who liked big mates, made more and more girls be born ever year until they outnumbered males 50 to one, the women growing on average three feet taller and hundreds of pounds heavier than the males. Life was still hard, many dying young, but the wind and draconic genetics altered their telomeres so that they aged at a fifth of a human rate. Finally, because food was scarce in the peaks, their metabolisms slowed down, so they could pack on warming blubber and keep it, while any food found was thoroughly digested for any nutrients. This explained why the jotuns had survived the peaks and why a few generations after driving their old oppressors from the mountains they were fattening up in record time.

And why Aurora was late to her meeting.

While Aurora maintained the gift of long youth, looking and acting twenty at  near a hundred, her species tendency to pack on blubber slowed her five mile journey from harem to tavern by half. And the fact that she was now a petite five feet, with her soft, thick thighs rubbing together under her cloak, made the temporarily short giantess take even longer!

After losing half her leg length to her spell and most of her stamina to laziness, the curvy Sorceress didn't get to the Golden Girdle until after dark despite leaving in the late afternoon. She was exhausted, sweaty despite the chill fall breeze and increasingly hungry and horny! Aurora was used to being constantly stuffed, not eating combined with exertion was making her ravenous! And despite the vigorous finger fucking the divine Empress had given her, she ached for her lovers touch. She vaguely remembered something that the rampant, obese feeder goddess had said, something about blessing her union with the gallant Sir Typhus, but right now she wanted his mouth on her clit and his dick inside her.

So distracted was she, that she barely remembered to cast an illusion that made her blue jotun skin the cinnamkn brown of the southern 101 kingdoms, least her skin color give her away and made this death march pointless.

"Thor give me strength, Loki give me speed and Freyja keep me from going lobby enough to make a report," the plush woman groaned as her weak arms pushed open the heavy tavern door.

Theonas powerful pleasure wave had pulsed through the world at 8:30 am. Between her 8hour calorie coma, a two hour walk and a thirty minute break to catch her breath, Aurora was arriving more than half a day into the biggest orgy the capitol had ever had, even eclipsing the celebration following Theonas defeat of the vampire Queen Eleveth 259 years earlier. Taverns were doing ludicrous business, to be followed by tailors the next day and midwives nine months later.

The Golden Girdle was no exception. It was packed with revelry, food and fucking. Tavern maids, bodices half unbottoned to show sloshing tummies, carried heavy trays of beer and food to tables, many of which were paying extra to stuff the waitresses.

The band the Studded Sublets were still playing on stage, but their lead singer, Angel born Jet Blackheart had her corset open to accommodate her engorged tummy. She was eating a turkey drumstick in-between lyrics and the bassist was eating her while still playing.

The famously slim and prudish Princess of Rustlehaven was stark fucking naked on a table. The clever corset she wore to hide the tummy the pair of twins she'd birthed nineteen years earlier was off, said stomach immense from a gallon of beer and far too much ham, her husband's valet pouring more into her mouth while her ladies in waiting sucked her tits and her lord husband pumped a set of quadruplets into the forty year old beauty's for now slender hips. Her snooty, classist and brilliant eldest daughter Roxanne was coincidentally a table over, equally bare, hammered, stuffed and five minutes pregnant with her own quadruplets from a sugar sweet, devil born stable boy named Ronald. The scandal of her flunking out of university as baby brain temporarily dimmed her wits to airhead levels during final exams, marrying a commoner and never again weighing under three hundred pounds would be eclipsed by her younger sister Barbara running off with a Nymph gladiatrix. The chubby younger daughter would within three months train herself into a veritable killing machine, within six win the championship belt and within a year feed the ultra fit Nymph who would bear her children into immobility.

Aurora barely made her way through the throng, collapsing into the back booth Sir Typhus was waiting for her in.

"Apologies dear lady, although you appear beautiful and are no doubt charming, my heart is expecting another...," The Knight began, eyes bulging as Aurora threw back her hood.

"Whew, sorry I'm not as big as you normally like me," the flushed woman gasped, breathing hard, "but soon I'll be back to normal..."

"While relieving to know you will soon tower over me again, I wouldn't say you look small,' Typhus said, eyeing the oceanic rise and fall off her plump bosom under the cloak, "but you look wiped out! I was about to go find you!"

"I'm a bit out of condition," Aurora flushed yet redder, "they fed me quite well on my mission, sorry if you were expecting me to still be slender."

"Aurora, when I met you your beauty was a brilliant beacon on a dark night. Now you are the very sun in my sky," Typhus grinned, "and milady, after your report I am certain to enjoy every new inch of you."

The giantess grinned, showing off her new double chin, "My knight, you risk this seat being soaked. And I feel that you might like big girls, if I can guess..."

"My lady, no, I can love only the kindest and lovliest of maidens, which I knew the moment I saw your gentle step was you," he told her, running a strong hand up her soft thighs, "your normally towering height, cyan shaded skin and your new melon sized breasts, even at this height, are merely icing on the cake."

"If your words were any sweeter I'd grow too fat to walk on hearing them," she teased, pulling his hand higher, "but I have a report to give...but first, well, I've become accustomed to being very well fed and can't make a good report until I am absolutely stuffed."

"Of course my lady, I will risk the sex maddened crowd for your growling, soft, surprisingly malleable tummy," Typhus grinned, "would you like some duck ala orange? Chocolate mousse? Or perhaps the hydra neck stew, its absolutely to die for I've heard."

"How about all of it? As long as I get a few tankards of ale to cool me off with, this may be fall to you but even with my skin pink I feel about ready to burst into flame," the plump woman said, "and I can't change out of this warm cloak due to my whole wardrobe spontaneously shrinking several sizes."

"Dear queen of hearts, are you saying you are naked under that cloak?" he smiled at her, sliding his hand higher to find her sopping wet puss.

"Save for stockings and underwear that don't begin to fit. And after we eat, I wouldn't mind a long soak in a tub. I exerted myself far too hard after growing far too soft in the harem," she admitted, sliding the cloak off to reveal her short, plush, sweaty figure, easy to ignore in a room full of naked women.

"Of course, of course," Typhus told her, "I've already bought us a room with a wonderful tub for the mission, my lovely goddess of voluptuous curves..."

He had two fingers in her and Aurora was about to explode, "Goddess? Oh we'll discuss that later. Order the food as room service will you? Because as much as I need food in me, I also need you in me as soon as we order."

"Oh absolutely and if I may say," he said, standing up and undoing his cod piece, while picking her up from the bench, "the fortunate combination of your decreased height and the certain...relaxed state of decency right now we can begin fucking right here, and I can carry you to the register and go upstairs all while in the state of coitus..."

Aurora leaned back, wrapping her plump thighs around his hard muscled back while his cock, suddenly a snug fit, slid easily into her sopping slit.

"Oh yes, that is a capitol idea. Oh.OHHHH. OHHH," she moaned, "I'll do the ordering, you starting sucking my tits..."

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8 hours ago, IonMaidens said:

Oh man. Making me blush here! :) Still, very glad you have liked my writing so far. Haven't really done character-focused writing in forever so I was afraid I was gonna be a bit off still.

Its still great! tell me when and if you need a prompt.

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3 minutes ago, IonMaidens said:

A response/text that I can work from would be greatly appreciated. While the writing has been fun so far I am unsure myself where exactly I should put rolls for example. Do you edit them into our texts? Or give us a heads up via PM whenever we should try to include rolls?

Batman76 will include rolls to go with certain options sometimes. Personally I roll whenever I have the character do something that seems like it should require it. Like if she is in a situation where she has to lie or charm someone, or just figure something out, she's gotta roll for it. If she fails a willpower roll (for perception) then she's not going to notice much, etc. Then there are the rolls that are tied to the rules, like rolling for weight gain if the character overate.

Just my 2 cents! I'm not in charge here!

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8 hours ago, IonMaidens said:

A response/text that I can work from would be greatly appreciated. While the writing has been fun so far I am unsure myself where exactly I should put rolls for example. Do you edit them into our texts? Or give us a heads up via PM whenever we should try to include rolls?

Escorted into rooms in the central keep, Naphinae took a moment in the spartan quarters assigned to her to refresh herself, merely a bed, wash basin and a small mirror. A true follower of her goddess, she was in good shape but several days of walking had made her legs sore. Sliding off her dress, the young priestess used the basin to wash sweat from herself. 

Feeling her flat belly, narrow hips and firm limbs felt good, a sign that Naphinae was in tune with the Queen of Heaven. She looked in the mirror, expecting to see a lean elven maiden in the first blossom of her beauty and stiffled a scream.

A vast blob of fat stared back at her. Drooping breasts, heavy as the udders of a cow and drooping low as a matriarch of a thousand winters. So much belly fat it drooped down in rows, folded and layered over itself as a pattern welded sword, purple striations rippling from her saucer sized belly button. Thighs piled with lard and dotted with cellulite, thicker than the pillars of her temple. Malformed hips so wide they stretched past her mirrors edges. A face round as a ball, her patrician features buried by blubber and the sinful stains of diabolic chocolate on her lips.

"No, nonononono, Goddess of Moderation gird my loins, Goddess of Patience quiet my fears, Goddess of Temperance quiet my hunger," Naphinae prayed, falling to her knees and closing her eyes, "keep this humble servant in her slender state!"

When she dared open them again, the young elf saw but herself. Slim, fit and lean as ever.

"Goddess, what a frightful vision. What was that? An admonition to keep my vows in a foreign land? Or was it but stress and fear manifesting as I leave home for pagan lands?" She asked herself, feeling herself up for any excess and finding none.

Getting nimbly to her feet, the shaken priestess heard a knock at her door...

Guardian Aedenor: "Greetings Priestess it is time too escort you to a ceremony...oh, oh my pardons!" The shaken priestess was so unnerved she answered the door in the buff, making her handsome body guard, and herself go beat red. Hopefully it won't lead to awkwardness for the rest of the trip, or anything right now, especially as she is to give a sermon on temperance to the camp in mere minutes.... Roll WILLPOWER to avoid flirtation, at least!

Mutiny! The fat camp prisoners are revolting, kidnapping the priestess and force feeding her! Hopefully this doesn't awaken anything in her! Roll CONSTITUTION to avoid wg.

No one expects...: One of Queen Sarees inquisitors, Most humble deaconess Restraint, has heard rumors of physical laxity among the priestesses at Naphinaes Temple and is here to examine the clerics body.



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@IonMaidens you’re a gold mine of plot development. It’s rare to balance kinky fan-service with story structure, but the last few posts you put down tease my imagination two-fold: what exactly are the ramifications of Theona’s ascendancy, and will the elf-nun resist the temptations of her Red Empire?

We skinny elves need to work together.

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6 minutes ago, >_< 0_0 said:

@IonMaidens you’re a gold mine of plot development. It’s rare to balance kinky fan-service with story structure, but the last few posts you put down tease my imagination two-fold: what exactly are the ramifications of Theona’s ascendancy, and will the elf-nun resist the temptations of her Red Empire?

We skinny elves need to work together.

Oh, that we can agree on. ;) Perhaps there is a possibility of the two meeting later. There's a few ways into the Kingdoms after all, and one of them might pass through a certain merchant republic?

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7 hours ago, Batman76 said:

Guardian Aedenor: "Greetings Priestess it is time too escort you to a ceremony...oh, oh my pardons!" The shaken priestess was so unnerved she answered the door in the buff, making her handsome body guard, and herself go beat red. Hopefully it won't lead to awkwardness for the rest of the trip, or anything right now, especially as she is to give a sermon on temperance to the camp in mere minutes.... Roll WILLPOWER to avoid flirtation, at least!

If there ever was a time to wish one could disappear entirely, this was the time for Naphinae. Redder in the face than the ripest beetroots carefully cultivated in the Temple's greenhouses, the priestess shied away from her escort's sight, much in the same way he recoiled from her uttering stuttered apologies. She knew it was not out of disgust of course, but to see the unveiled face or bare skin of a Priestess was a grave sin still in many regions of the Dominion.

"You may halt thy apologies, Brother Guardian." Naphinae eventually forced out as she desperately searched for her robes and clothes in the darkness of her room. "'Tis very much my fault that you saw my bare form." She would leave it at that for now as she carefully slid the cotton weave panties across her mercifully thin legs.

"A-Are you troubled, Priestess?" the Guardian half-stuttered out, and despite an attempt to not show further weakness and tempt the poor boy, she nodded.

"That I am. The Goddess weeps for Elvenkind, for foolhardy Humans seem determined to claim her sister's dreaded throne. It is especially difficult for her priestesses." Fastening her robes properly over her shoulders and around her waist, Naphinae's head began to turn, stealing a glance at the young Guardian sent to retrieve her. A few strands of blonde hair sticking out past the rim of his helmet, while his face was as gaunt and angular as was expected of a Temple Guardian. His sea-blue eyes seemed as deep as their namesakes...

"-Priestess? Are you alright?" His words suddenly finally registered, and once again Naphinae felt her cheeks grow warm.

[Roll WILLPOWER to avoid flirtation. 1d100=59. Success!]

"I am fine, Brother Guardian. Simply tired." She in turn replied, finally adorning her head with it's hood and veil, and her meek hands with their gloves.

"If you are not feeling well perhaps I should inform the Camp Commander? I am sure he would understand." The Guardian offered, and the priestess could not help but think it was sweet of him to do so personally.

'-What am I even thinking?!' The thought suddenly rushed through Naphinae's mind, and she in turn almost physically recoiled from the poor boy for a second time. Clasping her hands together and setting them to rest upon her stomach, the Elf muttered a quick prayer to the Goddess.

'Watch over me, Goddess. The spirits of wanton lust and desire dwell within your mortal domain. I shall not stray again.'

With that behind her, Naphinae finally stepped into the light cast by the lanterns in the corridor beyond. With veil unfurled once more there was thankfully a barrier between herself and her Guardian, and she felt her inner peace return with it. "I am ready to depart, Brother Guardian. Please escort me to where-ever the Commander needs my services."

Seemingly taking the hint to put this entire embarassing episode behind him aswell, the young Guardian nodded and straightened his back. "As you command, Priestess. Commander Pevonis requested that you perform your sermon before his assembled charges in the dining hall." And without another word he was away, with Naphinae following silently behind him.

Though now that her mind was free from embarrassment, it was also free to dwell on her terrifying nightmare. An involuntary shudder passed up her spine, as the mere thought of her bloated and enlarged form was like a dagger of ice forced into her back. What was the Goddess trying to tell her?


The Camp's dining hall was obviously a rather expansive building despite the intended purpose of the compound. Rows upon rows of benches and seats lined the otherwise bare longhouse, with the only visible decorations within being a set of royal banners. An adjoined kitchen area was kept under lock and key for most of the day, granting protection to the camp occupants and the culinary magisters from the other. From what quick gossip she had heard amongst the patrolling camp guards, a number of previous violent incidents had led to unacceptable casualties amongst the mages and charges of the camp.

As for the charges themselves, arrayed up and down the house? They were a sorry lot in Naphinae's eye, not just spiritually but physically as well. Sunken tired eyes seemed to follow her every move as she arrived within the hall and marched up alongside Brother Aedenor to the makeshift stage the guards had assembled the night previously in anticipation of this event. Most bore some kind of bruise or marking upon their arms and face, which in turn made the priestess wonder if they hid further signs of old wounds beneath their ill-fitting roughspun garbs.

That too made the Elf muse silently to herself. Was Camp Nalyteri not one of the oldest Camps established by Her Majesty? If so, why did most of it's occupants appear as though they just arrived, despite the obviously worn nature of their uniforms? Her tired mind swam and swam in this ocean of doubts and questions, and Naphinae struggled to escape it on her own. The light of the Goddess seemed so far away from her thoughts.

And that was when it struck her, just as she ascended to the platform. This was a test of faith! The Goddess had provided her with an opportunity to repay her past transgression by spreading her light and wisdom to those unfortunate enough to have lost both. It was all so clear now. Resting her hands together close to her pelvis, she prepared to speak.

"Alright, you useless lardasses! Listen up!" Came a bellowing voice behind her as the tall Commander Pevonis made his presence known. Even behind a thick layer of platemail Naphinae could see his powerful build and musculature, gained from a lifetime of service to Her Majesty. "This is an ordained priestess of Enteia!" With an outstretched arm he gestured towards her, so hard in fact Naphinae was worried for a brief moment he would strike her in the ribs. "She has travelled far and must still travel further, but in her benevolence she has come before you to perhaps finally do what I could never do myself. And that is get restraint through your thick skulls! She demands respect, and so I will not accept anyone missing something as rare as a sermon within these walls. Any blubberballs that try to sneak off or take a nap will spend a week in The Box!" It seemed however that diplomacy or oratory work was not his strong suit. Not that a soldier ever had need for such things.

Clearing her throat, Naphinae herself began to speak once th Camp Commander had withdrawn back from the stage. "While the honorable Commander used far cruder words than I would have preferred, I will say I am here to provide you all with some spiritual guideance and relief. It is not an easy road you walk, but it is a fulfilling one. Many would and have simply abandoned all pretexts and reasons aside from desire itself once their lusts and gluttony became apparent to all. But you, valiant every single one of you, have decided to renounce sin with your body and soul, and strive to regain the ideals set down by our ancestors and Goddess alike." Retrieving her Tenetbook and calling up Brother Aedenor to stand beside her for the upcoming psalm, she then continued.

"I will now begin this sermon with a simple passage from our holiest of works. You need not have studied the scriptures as I shall recite them in their entirety before you all. All I ask in return is that you together as one, repeat it after me. Use the time between the given verses to reflect and pray, alongside myself and your protectors." Bringing her intertwined hands up to rest against her chest, Naphinae sang.

"Oh Goddess! Hallowed be thy name! We humbly ask for your blessings, so we may do thy work upon this world and into the next. Let our actions of restraint and moderation show you our devotion. Beneath your guiding light we swear to be both humble and chaste, dedicating all that we create to you and your sisters in the heavens above. Turn us from the Motherless Sins, and shelter us from their touch, while we pray for the day when even temptation itself might die. Oh Goddess! Hallowed be thy name!"

[Roll CHARISMA for the sermon's impact upon the crowd. 1d100=22. Success!]

What followed was a lengthy and exhaustive sermon for the tired Elven priestess. Despite the pains affecting her voice and lungs she continued through the chapters of the Tenetbook, slowly bringing growing smiles to the tired faces of the camp's charges. By the time she finally finished the sermon with the Hymn to The Goddess, there were a few outbreaks of happy applause amongst the unfortunate souls. It warmed her heart, despite her fatigue. Carefully stepping down from the stage with the aid of Brother Aedenor, she was thankful that the Commander once again stood up to speak to the assembled guards and charges, allowing the Priestess and her escorts to quietly exit the dining hall.

Pressed up so close to the young knight for support, Naphinae let a smile form on her lips beneath her veil, despite the edge she was again precariously standing before...

'He is warm...even through the armor, I can sense his inner flame. Goddess above...' It seemed she still had not quite banished the Sins from her mind, despite her pleas to the heavens and her dedicated work and fasting. It would be a difficult day still.

With little fanfare, the convoy left Camp Nalyteri and headed towards the thick woodlands of the Border Forests, where they might finally cross over into the Human realms and beyond.


(The idea for me at least is to provide some seeds for the future, and some more world-building regarding the Dominion where possible. Perhaps if I am lucky, and Naphinae unlucky, for whatever reason the convoy must move by boat for the final stretch of the journey, and allow my dear priestess to wallow in self-denial alongside a fellow Elf? @>_< 0_0 :P Just a suggestion of course, if the DM has other ideas.)

(EDIT: Also hope my charisma roll was not out of place there I hope?)

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23 hours ago, Batman76 said:

In a world of magic, evolution could work rapid miracles.

Only two thousand years earlier, slavers from the cruel dwarven empire of Dawiheim had captured a small band of humans fleeing the hobgoblin conquest of a now long forgotten human empire. Set to mining ore and working bellows, most had died, but the strongest lived. Their children and their children's children lived without seeing the sun, but their great grand children revolted and fled from the dwarf holds in the warm valleys, pursued by golem dogs and gyro copters into the mountains. Those who could not survive the cold peaks died, but those who lived were affected by the strong, mutative magic that whistled about the peaks... And by mass interbreeding with curious silver dragons who decided to help these poor wretches by introducing beneficial traits into their genetic pool.

Magic made their circulatory system trap heat more effectively, their skin turned a light blue in consequence. Only the tallest hunters could hunt the great mountain beasts through deep snow drifts, they improved their size by  a foot every generation, until they were at least twice the size of a normal man, able to stride through difficult terrain with ease. Reproduction was difficult in the harsh environment, made harder by many smaller, weaker women dying in the cold, in response the ambient magic, and polymorphed silver dragons who liked big mates, made more and more girls be born ever year until they outnumbered males 50 to one, the women growing on average three feet taller and hundreds of pounds heavier than the males. Life was still hard, many dying young, but the wind and draconic genetics altered their telomeres so that they aged at a fifth of a human rate. Finally, because food was scarce in the peaks, their metabolisms slowed down, so they could pack on warming blubber and keep it, while any food found was thoroughly digested for any nutrients. This explained why the jotuns had survived the peaks and why a few generations after driving their old oppressors from the mountains they were fattening up in record time.

And why Aurora was late to her meeting.

While Aurora maintained the gift of long youth, looking and acting twenty at  near a hundred, her species tendency to pack on blubber slowed her five mile journey from harem to tavern by half. And the fact that she was now a petite five feet, with her soft, thick thighs rubbing together under her cloak, made the temporarily short giantess take even longer!

After losing half her leg length to her spell and most of her stamina to laziness, the curvy Sorceress didn't get to the Golden Girdle until after dark despite leaving in the late afternoon. She was exhausted, sweaty despite the chill fall breeze and increasingly hungry and horny! Aurora was used to being constantly stuffed, not eating combined with exertion was making her ravenous! And despite the vigorous finger fucking the divine Empress had given her, she ached for her lovers touch. She vaguely remembered something that the rampant, obese feeder goddess had said, something about blessing her union with the gallant Sir Typhus, but right now she wanted his mouth on her clit and his dick inside her.

So distracted was she, that she barely remembered to cast an illusion that made her blue jotun skin the cinnamkn brown of the southern 101 kingdoms, least her skin color give her away and made this death march pointless.

"Thor give me strength, Loki give me speed and Freyja keep me from going lobby enough to make a report," the plush woman groaned as her weak arms pushed open the heavy tavern door.

Theonas powerful pleasure wave had pulsed through the world at 8:30 am. Between her 8hour calorie coma, a two hour walk and a thirty minute break to catch her breath, Aurora was arriving more than half a day into the biggest orgy the capitol had ever had, even eclipsing the celebration following Theonas defeat of the vampire Queen Eleveth 259 years earlier. Taverns were doing ludicrous business, to be followed by tailors the next day and midwives nine months later.

The Golden Girdle was no exception. It was packed with revelry, food and fucking. Tavern maids, bodices half unbottoned to show sloshing tummies, carried heavy trays of beer and food to tables, many of which were paying extra to stuff the waitresses.

The band the Studded Sublets were still playing on stage, but their lead singer, Angel born Jet Blackheart had her corset open to accommodate her engorged tummy. She was eating a turkey drumstick in-between lyrics and the bassist was eating her while still playing.

The famously slim and prudish Princess of Rustlehaven was stark fucking naked on a table. The clever corset she wore to hide the tummy the pair of twins she'd birthed nineteen years earlier was off, said stomach immense from a gallon of beer and far too much ham, her husband's valet pouring more into her mouth while her ladies in waiting sucked her tits and her lord husband pumped a set of quadruplets into the forty year old beauty's for now slender hips. Her snooty, classist and brilliant eldest daughter Roxanne was coincidentally a table over, equally bare, hammered, stuffed and five minutes pregnant with her own quadruplets from a sugar sweet, devil born stable boy named Ronald. The scandal of her flunking out of university as baby brain temporarily dimmed her wits to airhead levels during final exams, marrying a commoner and never again weighing under three hundred pounds would be eclipsed by her younger sister Barbara running off with a Nymph gladiatrix. The chubby younger daughter would within three months train herself into a veritable killing machine, within six win the championship belt and within a year feed the ultra fit Nymph who would bear her children into immobility.

Aurora barely made her way through the throng, collapsing into the back booth Sir Typhus was waiting for her in.

"Apologies dear lady, although you appear beautiful and are no doubt charming, my heart is expecting another...," The Knight began, eyes bulging as Aurora threw back her hood.

"Whew, sorry I'm not as big as you normally like me," the flushed woman gasped, breathing hard, "but soon I'll be back to normal..."

"While relieving to know you will soon tower over me again, I wouldn't say you look small,' Typhus said, eyeing the oceanic rise and fall off her plump bosom under the cloak, "but you look wiped out! I was about to go find you!"

"I'm a bit out of condition," Aurora flushed yet redder, "they fed me quite well on my mission, sorry if you were expecting me to still be slender."

"Aurora, when I met you your beauty was a brilliant beacon on a dark night. Now you are the very sun in my sky," Typhus grinned, "and milady, after your report I am certain to enjoy every new inch of you."

The giantess grinned, showing off her new double chin, "My knight, you risk this seat being soaked. And I feel that you might like big girls, if I can guess..."

"My lady, no, I can love only the kindest and lovliest of maidens, which I knew the moment I saw your gentle step was you," he told her, running a strong hand up her soft thighs, "your normally towering height, cyan shaded skin and your new melon sized breasts, even at this height, are merely icing on the cake."

"If your words were any sweeter I'd grow too fat to walk on hearing them," she teased, pulling his hand higher, "but I have a report to give...but first, well, I've become accustomed to being very well fed and can't make a good report until I am absolutely stuffed."

"Of course my lady, I will risk the sex maddened crowd for your growling, soft, surprisingly malleable tummy," Typhus grinned, "would you like some duck ala orange? Chocolate mousse? Or perhaps the hydra neck stew, its absolutely to die for I've heard."

"How about all of it? As long as I get a few tankards of ale to cool me off with, this may be fall to you but even with my skin pink I feel about ready to burst into flame," the plump woman said, "and I can't change out of this warm cloak due to my whole wardrobe spontaneously shrinking several sizes."

"Dear queen of hearts, are you saying you are naked under that cloak?" he smiled at her, sliding his hand higher to find her sopping wet puss.

"Save for stockings and underwear that don't begin to fit. And after we eat, I wouldn't mind a long soak in a tub. I exerted myself far too hard after growing far too soft in the harem," she admitted, sliding the cloak off to reveal her short, plush, sweaty figure, easy to ignore in a room full of naked women.

"Of course, of course," Typhus told her, "I've already bought us a room with a wonderful tub for the mission, my lovely goddess of voluptuous curves..."

He had two fingers in her and Aurora was about to explode, "Goddess? Oh we'll discuss that later. Order the food as room service will you? Because as much as I need food in me, I also need you in me as soon as we order."

"Oh absolutely and if I may say," he said, standing up and undoing his cod piece, while picking her up from the bench, "the fortunate combination of your decreased height and the certain...relaxed state of decency right now we can begin fucking right here, and I can carry you to the register and go upstairs all while in the state of coitus..."

Aurora leaned back, wrapping her plump thighs around his hard muscled back while his cock, suddenly a snug fit, slid easily into her sopping slit.

"Oh yes, that is a capitol idea. Oh.OHHHH. OHHH," she moaned, "I'll do the ordering, you starting sucking my tits..."

Sweat pouring down her brow, Theona kept up her focus.

"67, 66, 65, 64...," Sycathrill counted downwards, between bites of candied apples, the fat dragon grinning, "you won't make it!"

Theona glared at her, then set her mind to the task. She inhaled deeply, jutted her sore jaw forwards and wrapped her tongue around the cock in her mouth. The concubine before her, a sweet eyed and well muscled farm boy named Tomas she'd spotted during a royal procession 80 years ago, let out a massive groan, shook with a massive spasm and blew his load deep down the Empress' throat. She swallowed without missing a beat, grabbed the bottle of mead next to her and downed four great droughts to clean out her mouth, then started shuffling towards the next erect cock, hampered by exhaustion and how much Theona there was getting to be.

"62, 61, one minute left!" Sycathrill yelled as the Empress shuffled, her stomach dragging on the polished marble.

The Red Empress wasn't sure what hour of the orgy it was but it was dark again outside and she didn't it had been dawn. She did know that as soon as she blew the next man in line she'd have finished off the last unfucked male in her harem, for the last thirty had gathered as a team and bet her that the Empress couldn't blow all of them in half an hour. As her time "enslaved" to her own harem had dragged on, the groups of concubines had kept forming into larger and larger groups for increasingly elaborate challenges, stunts and contests. There had been plenty of vanilla screwing, but after centuries of fucking they were getting creative. Having to eat everything on a massive table while getting fucked by three men without letting their cocks fall out, having to eat several gallons of whipped cream off of a dozen plump women, a nymph cleric summoning a massive berry tree and eating all of them out of said nymph's vulva and a fifty person gang bang...as well as at least ten sessions of simultaneous feeding and milking in between.

People loved seeing their Empress being force fed to bursting and they loved the taste of her immensely sweet milk. Between the pudding pumps, the eating contests, the whip cream and the nymph berries, Theona was getting big. Her initial state of a over fed hour glass was long buried under fat, she had to guess that she'd never been this fat save for in her manic divine state. She was so corpulent she was about to come everytime her thighs touched and her cankles wiggled, to say nothing of how her breasts (turned temporarily droopy and saggy from the repeated milking of gallons of buttermilk) dragged across the floor. Her gut was catching up with her immense ass and tits, swollen into a heavy, sagging sphere that she had to fight to move past.

And worst, or perhaps best, Theona was getting so fat her rude, almost divine good health was now failing her. She couldn't quite catch her breath, panting constantly through her mouth when there wasn't food or a cock in it, the start of asthma. Her heart thundered louder than it had after killing  a hundred hob goblin champions at the battle of the red fork due to her rising blood pressure. Once spending half an hour on her knees sucking would have been easy, but now the morbidly obese monarch's knees and elbows were killing her, arthritis making itself known. She really needed to cast some healing spells on her abused body, and also adjust the palace so these things didn't happen in its enchanted walls...

After the Empress finished getting off on how hot it was. Call it vanity or perhaps just linking it to her power, but grey in her hair and lines on her face devastated her, yet easy actions becoming difficult and her own health throwing up warning signs was sexually thrilling!

Name: Theona

Race: Human

Class: Sorceress, Spell types: Buffing, Destruction, healing, Charming, Fat, Alteration. Level: 10

Age: 523

Height: 6 feet, 1 inch

Weight: 342lbs

Hit points: 150

ATHLETICS: 90 - (2.5 x 4=10) =80 -25=55

CONSTITUTION: 90 (2.5 x 4=10) =80 -25=55




FAT-FETISH   99+/.  NORMIE: 90-40: 50

FAT POINTS: 45, Morbidly Obese. 8 lbs per Fat Point

FAT FEATS: Natural Athlete, Obesity Loves Company, Big Milkers (24), Badonkadonk (26), Big Boned (28), Heavy and Horny (30), Thunder Thighs (32),  Heonistic hotty (34), Dress for my size (36), Pass,  Poor Health (40), All in the Gut (42), Big Fat Nerd (44)

"Theona, you need to rest for the sake of the Gods, you can't do this!" Sycathrill told her, "I can hear your heart from here!"

"Heal me then," Theona panted, getting her elbows onto the knees of Sir Sisyphus, "but keep counting!"

"Fine, 20, 19, 18," the dragon sighed, rolling silver eyes.

Once a very handsome captain of the guard, he'd saved Theona from an assassin and earned a place in her harem for fifty years. And Sisyphus' meaty, handsome dick tasted sweet as sugar to her mouth. The sight of the Queen's lumpy, cellulite dimpled ass wobbling as she worked his shaft and her huge, sagging breasts falling across his legs brought him to climax just as Sycathrill counted down to zero.

The Empress swallowed and flopped onto her side, panting and moaning. She chugged down a fresh bottle of mead, a permanent anti-poison spell on herself keeping her alcohol immune, and tried to get up. That brought protestations from back and knee, the ancient enchantress deciding that laying down would be a better solution.

"Ne, ugh next?" Theona groaned from the floor, seeing Sycathrill come padding over.

The plump dragoness looked down at her ballooned mistress, making small "tisk-tisk" sounds with her mouth, "Empress I believe you have had enough for the day. Let us get you some fruit juice, tooth paste and mouth wash and put you to bed."

The Empress took as deep a breath as her obesity allowed, painfully rising into a sitting position with her drooping tits still on the floor.

"This humble slaves hasn't been released by her mistresses," she huffed, casting an eye to her crowded, adoring harem.

Most of them were looking pretty tired to be honest, making Theona wonder exactly how long she'd been at this. Sycathrill sighed.

"My Lady, you have been fucking since 7 am, it is now 3 am," the dragon told her, "in that time you've had, well, 241 acts of sexual congress of some form or another. And gained nearly as many pounds of fat. I can hear your heart thundering from twenty paces away and your harem, as much as they love you, don't want you to have a heart attack giving them head."

Theona was a stubborn bitch, as she described herself, but she did take into consideration her total exhaustion and how her fat rolls were touching the ground. Her normal vitality was gone, vanished more thoroughly than when she was old and decrepit. But...she was still extremely fucking horny and being so weak and helpless was turning her on further.

"Nine more damn it, nine more. Get me some healthy juices, from fruit or something, with lots of pulp and I'll cast some spells upon myself to deal with the symptoms," the massively overweigth woman insisted, "and I'll take a bit of a break, I guess. Boys, would you help me to my pillow throne?"

Half a dozen studs carefully picked up the Imperial lardass, laying her on one of the vast piles of pillows that dotted the harem. Glasses of fruit juice, a wash basin and tooth paste were brought to her, some of her concubines cleaning and feeding her while she rested. A former award winning academic who'd abandoned her career for gluttonous indulgence long ago, began coming her long hair, while the best female wrestler in 101 Kingdom's history (now so fat she could barely stand herself) used her still powerful hands to knead Theona's abused belly, finding no trace of the Empress' famed abs beneath the thick pudge. The Red Empress had almost passed out when the squeak of wheels woke her up.

"Red Empress, we are happy for this opportunity to enslave you," Gwendolyn the Grey smiled at her, dimples showing on each side of the Nymphs plump lips.

"Oh, always ready for a good time, mistress. What...uhnnff," Theona said as she pulled herself up, "what were you eight planning?"

Nymphs were strange creatures, even to Theona who had lived for five hundred years. Some acted just like humans, but others, especially from their southern continent home land, could act quite strange. Such as the eight diplomats sent to Theona nearly a century ago to discuss the maintenance of the wilderness in Imperial lands, a discussion that had gone very, very well...to the point that Theona had fucked all eight of the sisters in the throne room and gotten all of them pregnant. She'd birthed over a hundred children but being the impregnator was new to her and having no wish to be a dead beat had offfered the diplomats the luxury of the harem until they gave birth...which they were still waiting on. Functionally immortal as Nymphs were, their pregnancies lasted decades for every month of a human gestation.

"We are planning to bathe your beautiful softness," Gwendolyn the Green said, from next to her sister, "it is tradition to bathe your love in milk and honey."

All eight of the Nymphs were named Gwendolyn and all eight of them were about five feet tall, clad in diaphanous gowns that showed off all of their extremely plump, pear shaped yet busty figures. Shapely legs that smacked together when they walked, with door filling hips and catapult ball bellies beneath their swollen breasts and pointed chins, the hundred and fifty pounds of fat they'd packed on in their long gestations stopping right beneath their shoulders. Unlike most of the harem they insisted on working, some were master apiarists they tended the massive hives that produced honey for the Empress mead and biscuits, others herded the sheep, cows and llamas that kept the place swimming in cream and three others worked the palatial green house to cultivate all of the hashish and hallucinagens Theona used to take her edge off.

"Oh that sounds like something I can do," Theona smiled as a vast metal hot tub was wheeled up to her, brimming with fresh milk and rose petals, a small burner beneath it keeping it bubbling warm.

She stood with some difficulty, waddling stiffling towards the tub. The sorceress' mind insisted that she was a spectacuarly fit and deliciously lean swords woman, an athlete par excellence!  But her body insisted it was dangerously overweight, very weak in every major muscle group and damn exhausted. Theona almost came just from the slap of her thighs and the huff and puff of her breathing, she had to get help from her nymph-baby mommas to slide into the tub, the warm, warm cream heavy on her skin.

"Oh, oh this is delicious," Theona groaned, "Gods I feel three hundred again! I should do this more often but...were is the honey?"

She waved her hand through the milk, finding only cram and no honey. The eight nymphs crowded around her, sliding down their gowns to reveal their heavy breasts in full. All 16 tits before her blue eyes were shiny and swollen, bigger than the last time Theona had made love to the pregnant nymphs, the small nipples stretching and grown heavy. She'd had enough pregnancies of her own to realize they were ready to lactate.

"You must draw it out of us," Gwendolyn the Red smiled, stepping gracefully into the tub and stradlingly Theona's thick thighs, filling her lap with her firm pregnant paunch pressing into Theona's puffy gut, "suckle us!"

A nipple was in her mouth and well, the Empress loved titties. She sucked gently, being immediately rewarded with a warm, thick, sticky stream of something that was very much not milk. She swallowed, licking the sticky, sugary sweetness from her red painted lips and saw the golden liquid dribbling from the nymph's nipples.

"What the fuck, is this...are you, are you leaking honey out of your tits?" Theona gasped.

"Yes, it has taken us many decades to reach this state," Gwendolyn insisted, pressing her tits back into her Mistress' mouth, "and if you can drain all of us in one go, why that means our unions will be further blessed! Suck quickly and swallow deeply, you must suckle us all dry!"

Theona wondered how much more their unions could be blessed given the size of their bellies, but was in more of a mood to suckle than ask questions. She sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed, the sweet honey filling up her stomach and digesting just as fast. Sycathrill walked up as she finished Gwendolyn the Red and Gweyndolyn the Green slid up into her fuller lap.

"Empress, you should really stop, your body surely can't take this even as powerful as you are," the Dragon pointed out.

"I'm taking it easy, don't worry. I"m sure this is all natural," Theona sighed, latching her lips around the next offered nipple.

"Theona, you are getting visibly fatter per word. You've grown another chin in the time its taken me to say this sentence," Sycathrill said, reaching out and jiggling the Red Empress' fifth chin, "you are already the fattest girl in this harem and you are blowing up."

It took a bit for Theona to get enough air to answer after polishing off the honey, "I'm...oh boy...*huff* a goddess of Gluttony, a bit of chub is expected...and you need to taste this, its delicious, I think this is Royal Honey!"

"And I think your fat ass is not going to be able to get out of that tub without help," Sycathrill pointed out, reaching out and picking up the Empress' heavy tit, "but these are starting to get rounded again, your regeneration spell is still working at least. I must insist that you go to bed after sucking off these nymphs."

Theona belched, head swiming from the honey, "One more after them, just one more..."

Theona rolls 16d12s...for a result of 85lbs!

She is at 432lbs and is at 56 Fat points! She gains the Feat Natural Breeder (46), Lazy Bones! (48), Sweet Tooth (50), Wide and Weak Willed (52), Too full to work out (54), Sleep Problems (56),

ATHLETICS: 90 - (2.5 x 4=10) =80 -65=15

CONSTITUTION: 90 (2.5 x 4=10) =80 -65=15

INTELLIGENCE: 85+2: 87+8=99

WILLPOWER: 90-8: 82


FAT-FETISH   99+/.  NORMIE: 90-40: 50-20=30

FAT POINTS: 45, Morbidly Obese. 8 lbs per Fat Point

FAT FEATS: Natural Athlete, Obesity Loves Company, Big Milkers (24), Badonkadonk (26), Big Boned (28), Heavy and Horny (30), Thunder Thighs (32),  Heonistic hotty (34), Dress for my size (36), Pass,  Poor Health (40), All in the Gut (42), Big Fat Nerd (44), Natural Breeder (46), Lazy Bones! (48), Sweet Tooth (50), Wide and Weak Willed (52), Too full to work out (54), Sleep Problems (56),


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3 hours ago, IonMaidens said:

If there ever was a time to wish one could disappear entirely, this was the time for Naphinae. Redder in the face than the ripest beetroots carefully cultivated in the Temple's greenhouses, the priestess shied away from her escort's sight, much in the same way he recoiled from her uttering stuttered apologies. She knew it was not out of disgust of course, but to see the unveiled face or bare skin of a Priestess was a grave sin still in many regions of the Dominion.

"You may halt thy apologies, Brother Guardian." Naphinae eventually forced out as she desperately searched for her robes and clothes in the darkness of her room. "'Tis very much my fault that you saw my bare form." She would leave it at that for now as she carefully slid the cotton weave panties across her mercifully thin legs.

"A-Are you troubled, Priestess?" the Guardian half-stuttered out, and despite an attempt to not show further weakness and tempt the poor boy, she nodded.

"That I am. The Goddess weeps for Elvenkind, for foolhardy Humans seem determined to claim her sister's dreaded throne. It is especially difficult for her priestesses." Fastening her robes properly over her shoulders and around her waist, Naphinae's head began to turn, stealing a glance at the young Guardian sent to retrieve her. A few strands of blonde hair sticking out past the rim of his helmet, while his face was as gaunt and angular as was expected of a Temple Guardian. His sea-blue eyes seemed as deep as their namesakes...

"-Priestess? Are you alright?" His words suddenly finally registered, and once again Naphinae felt her cheeks grow warm.

[Roll WILLPOWER to avoid flirtation. 1d100=59. Success!]

"I am fine, Brother Guardian. Simply tired." She in turn replied, finally adorning her head with it's hood and veil, and her meek hands with their gloves.

"If you are not feeling well perhaps I should inform the Camp Commander? I am sure he would understand." The Guardian offered, and the priestess could not help but think it was sweet of him to do so personally.

'-What am I even thinking?!' The thought suddenly rushed through Naphinae's mind, and she in turn almost physically recoiled from the poor boy for a second time. Clasping her hands together and setting them to rest upon her stomach, the Elf muttered a quick prayer to the Goddess.

'Watch over me, Goddess. The spirits of wanton lust and desire dwell within your mortal domain. I shall not stray again.'

With that behind her, Naphinae finally stepped into the light cast by the lanterns in the corridor beyond. With veil unfurled once more there was thankfully a barrier between herself and her Guardian, and she felt her inner peace return with it. "I am ready to depart, Brother Guardian. Please escort me to where-ever the Commander needs my services."

Seemingly taking the hint to put this entire embarassing episode behind him aswell, the young Guardian nodded and straightened his back. "As you command, Priestess. Commander Pevonis requested that you perform your sermon before his assembled charges in the dining hall." And without another word he was away, with Naphinae following silently behind him.

Though now that her mind was free from embarrassment, it was also free to dwell on her terrifying nightmare. An involuntary shudder passed up her spine, as the mere thought of her bloated and enlarged form was like a dagger of ice forced into her back. What was the Goddess trying to tell her?


The Camp's dining hall was obviously a rather expansive building despite the intended purpose of the compound. Rows upon rows of benches and seats lined the otherwise bare longhouse, with the only visible decorations within being a set of royal banners. An adjoined kitchen area was kept under lock and key for most of the day, granting protection to the camp occupants and the culinary magisters from the other. From what quick gossip she had heard amongst the patrolling camp guards, a number of previous violent incidents had led to unacceptable casualties amongst the mages and charges of the camp.

As for the charges themselves, arrayed up and down the house? They were a sorry lot in Naphinae's eye, not just spiritually but physically as well. Sunken tired eyes seemed to follow her every move as she arrived within the hall and marched up alongside Brother Aedenor to the makeshift stage the guards had assembled the night previously in anticipation of this event. Most bore some kind of bruise or marking upon their arms and face, which in turn made the priestess wonder if they hid further signs of old wounds beneath their ill-fitting roughspun garbs.

That too made the Elf muse silently to herself. Was Camp Nalyteri not one of the oldest Camps established by Her Majesty? If so, why did most of it's occupants appear as though they just arrived, despite the obviously worn nature of their uniforms? Her tired mind swam and swam in this ocean of doubts and questions, and Naphinae struggled to escape it on her own. The light of the Goddess seemed so far away from her thoughts.

And that was when it struck her, just as she ascended to the platform. This was a test of faith! The Goddess had provided her with an opportunity to repay her past transgression by spreading her light and wisdom to those unfortunate enough to have lost both. It was all so clear now. Resting her hands together close to her pelvis, she prepared to speak.

"Alright, you useless lardasses! Listen up!" Came a bellowing voice behind her as the tall Commander Pevonis made his presence known. Even behind a thick layer of platemail Naphinae could see his powerful build and musculature, gained from a lifetime of service to Her Majesty. "This is an ordained priestess of Enteia!" With an outstretched arm he gestured towards her, so hard in fact Naphinae was worried for a brief moment he would strike her in the ribs. "She has travelled far and must still travel further, but in her benevolence she has come before you to perhaps finally do what I could never do myself. And that is get restraint through your thick skulls! She demands respect, and so I will not accept anyone missing something as rare as a sermon within these walls. Any blubberballs that try to sneak off or take a nap will spend a week in The Box!" It seemed however that diplomacy or oratory work was not his strong suit. Not that a soldier ever had need for such things.

Clearing her throat, Naphinae herself began to speak once th Camp Commander had withdrawn back from the stage. "While the honorable Commander used far cruder words than I would have preferred, I will say I am here to provide you all with some spiritual guideance and relief. It is not an easy road you walk, but it is a fulfilling one. Many would and have simply abandoned all pretexts and reasons aside from desire itself once their lusts and gluttony became apparent to all. But you, valiant every single one of you, have decided to renounce sin with your body and soul, and strive to regain the ideals set down by our ancestors and Goddess alike." Retrieving her Tenetbook and calling up Brother Aedenor to stand beside her for the upcoming psalm, she then continued.

"I will now begin this sermon with a simple passage from our holiest of works. You need not have studied the scriptures as I shall recite them in their entirety before you all. All I ask in return is that you together as one, repeat it after me. Use the time between the given verses to reflect and pray, alongside myself and your protectors." Bringing her intertwined hands up to rest against her chest, Naphinae sang.

"Oh Goddess! Hallowed be thy name! We humbly ask for your blessings, so we may do thy work upon this world and into the next. Let our actions of restraint and moderation show you our devotion. Beneath your guiding light we swear to be both humble and chaste, dedicating all that we create to you and your sisters in the heavens above. Turn us from the Motherless Sins, and shelter us from their touch, while we pray for the day when even temptation itself might die. Oh Goddess! Hallowed be thy name!"

[Roll CHARISMA for the sermon's impact upon the crowd. 1d100=22. Success!]

What followed was a lengthy and exhaustive sermon for the tired Elven priestess. Despite the pains affecting her voice and lungs she continued through the chapters of the Tenetbook, slowly bringing growing smiles to the tired faces of the camp's charges. By the time she finally finished the sermon with the Hymn to The Goddess, there were a few outbreaks of happy applause amongst the unfortunate souls. It warmed her heart, despite her fatigue. Carefully stepping down from the stage with the aid of Brother Aedenor, she was thankful that the Commander once again stood up to speak to the assembled guards and charges, allowing the Priestess and her escorts to quietly exit the dining hall.

Pressed up so close to the young knight for support, Naphinae let a smile form on her lips beneath her veil, despite the edge she was again precariously standing before...

'He is warm...even through the armor, I can sense his inner flame. Goddess above...' It seemed she still had not quite banished the Sins from her mind, despite her pleas to the heavens and her dedicated work and fasting. It would be a difficult day still.

With little fanfare, the convoy left Camp Nalyteri and headed towards the thick woodlands of the Border Forests, where they might finally cross over into the Human realms and beyond.


(The idea for me at least is to provide some seeds for the future, and some more world-building regarding the Dominion where possible. Perhaps if I am lucky, and Naphinae unlucky, for whatever reason the convoy must move by boat for the final stretch of the journey, and allow my dear priestess to wallow in self-denial alongside a fellow Elf? @>_< 0_0 :P Just a suggestion of course, if the DM has other ideas.)

(EDIT: Also hope my charisma roll was not out of place there I hope?)

Hmmm....in that case...

The Smuggler's ship...the ship Naphinae and her escort hire turns out to be a smuggler, bearing human goods into the Dominion. And Naphinae happens to find a strange brick of a brown substance that turns out to smell just so heavenly...Elynsian Chocolate. Roll Willpower to avoid eating it, if so roll Constitution to avoid gaining 4 lbs, with disadvantage.

The Sister's ship: the ship Naphinae and her escorts take upriver is by circumstance a military boat Captained by Brother Adenor's big sister, an unusually carefree Elf who thinks her brother looks real cute with the priestess. To the point that it looks like they're rooming together with just a thin sheet seperating them...oh and where did the pack with all of Naphinae's pajammas go? Roll Willpower to avoid temptation!

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(Whew. This was the longest blurb I've ever written in forever. Think it is worth it though. :D )

20 hours ago, Batman76 said:

The Sister's ship: the ship Naphinae and her escorts take upriver is by circumstance a military boat Captained by Brother Adenor's big sister, an unusually carefree Elf who thinks her brother looks real cute with the priestess. To the point that it looks like they're rooming together with just a thin sheet seperating them...oh and where did the pack with all of Naphinae's pajammas go? Roll Willpower to avoid temptation!

It is said the Barrier Forests were raised from tiny saplings in a single day by the Gods and Goddesses of Nature to repel a demonic invasion into the Dominion's infancy. The woods certainly lived up to their name. Giant and ancient trees blocked out much sunlight even with the sun at it's brightest of the day, while equally old roots and branches that had been allowed to grow freely for millenia ensured the Green Road would be forever-cursed with potholes and fractures from where bark-covered tendrils emerged to happily bask in the dim light above.

Where before they could make a few miles within a reasonable hour or two, their progress had all but stalled the moment they entered the forest. Having discovered a small pond to rest by, Naphinae had retreated into the confines of her tent to observe her provided maps. While most were old, yes, they should not be this out of date? Should they...?

"My Priestess?" Came a soft voice from outside. Ah. Brother Aedenor. It was comforting to have him near, even if his presence also brought darker thoughts and feelings.

"Is there something you require, Brother Guardian?" She eventually asked, a hand resting unconsciously at her midsection, as if trying to contain the bubbling sensation within her core.

"May I step inside, My Priestess? I have some things to discuss with you." Came his reply, and the heat instantly leapt upwards to her face. Unfurling her veil and placing it before her face, she quickly answered back with a simple "Enter.". Anything else and she feared her voice would once again quiver.

The flap of her tent moved, and in came the aforementioned Guardian, helmet resting beneath his arm pit, allowing his flowing blonde mane to flicker and flow in the cold breeze passing them by through the trees. For what felt like the millionth time Naphinae thanked the Goddess for her veil. If Brother Aedenor noticed her discomfort he did not mention it, instead focusing his attention upon the rolls of maps before her. "Are you plotting our route forward, My Priestess?" His melodious voice wavered slightly. Uncertainty and doubt hung above his shoulders, but for whatever reason Naphinae could not tell.

"I am. We must continue forward even if the terrain continues to confound us. Reaching the border should be our highest priority."

Brother Aedenor in turn only raised an eyebrow. "You wish for us to cross the land border with the Kingdoms?"

"That I do." Naphinae replied matter-of-factly, turning her gaze back to the maps. Why did the Green Road end at the port of Geledran? She knew these maps were old, but clearly someone had to have extended the roadwork further north...

"I would not recommend it My Priestess." Brother Aedenor settled on his knees beside her, and the priestess suppressed a gasp of surprise at his sudden proximity. "The Barrier Forests are not the only thing protecting the Dominion. A range of fortifications and earthworks guards the edges of the woodlands from intruders, and it is not meant for travelling. At least not anymore." He trailed off, and Naphinae was uninterested in bringing it up.

"How would you know, Brother Guardian? Surely it has been centuries since you last saw the Dominion's borders?"

Sending her a knowing, but friendly smile, Brother Aedenor nodded. "Many would think so given my youth, but I served in the Royal Army under Her Majesty's predecessor, during the last Great War. The fortifications were built when the Army had to retreat from the Kingdoms during those final days." They had retreated? They had fled from battle? Had they...lost? She could not say, and Brother Aedenor's eyes revealed nothing.

"The Dominion is the greatest realm upon the mortal plane, is it not? We have been blessed by so many gods and goddesses after all. Why did we retreat?" This was all unknown to her, and it shocked her that she did not know. Why did their history books not mention these events?

"I do not claim to know what the gods think, it is why I remained a soldier even after the war, even if it is in service of the Temple than the Dominion itself. I know what I saw though, and remembered what I heard. United as one, the Human Kingdoms are simply too great of a force for Elvenkind to overcome. Their Red Empress alone is a frightful entity, able to toss aside regiments on her own with that blasted hammer of hers. Before I witnessed her in battle, I lent no credence to the rumors regarding her being a devil in disguise. Now, I am not so sure..." An oppressive silence followed as Aedenor relieved some painful memories, and Naphinae absorbed what she had just learned. It was disquieting information to be sure.

"If what you say is true, I would not be surprised if the Red Empress is housing the foul Usurper that wishes to sit upon the vile Throne of Gluttony within her court. How are we to do our duties in such an environment? We simply cannot strike the Usurper down if they are under the protection of a demonic being masquerading as a weak Human. It would mean war." And that word alone made her feel ill. "And if they are not with her, then where would we even begin to look?"

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it, My Priestess. I say we focus on our current predicament for now." Aedenor flashes another warm grin, and she feels the bubbling within her return. "Since we cannot move across the border by land, I suggest we find room upon a ship. I know that Geledran services a number of Dominion vessels. I'm certain we can book passage on such a vessel to the Human Republics, and then travel north into the Kingdoms to begin our search." Brother Aedenor traced a line on her map, showing the route towards the west and north, ending at the Court of the Red Empress...

Seeing no other alternative, Naphinae nods. "Thank you for your wisdom, Brother Ae-..." Blushing for a third time, she cleared her throat and continued. "-Brother Guardian. We shall march towards Geledran as soon as our packhorse is rested and ready." Aedenor in turn simply nods, and with a silent bow he steps out of her tent.


*Many Hours Later...*

Geledran, also known as the Green Harbor, was one of the Dominion's most busy ports. Not surprising given the short distance between it and the rich merchant cities of the Human Republics to the west, and the exotic realms of the Great South. It had grown rich off this trade and it proudly showed off with it's white marble city walls and rich merchant quarters, but with the rise of Queen Saree it's continued prosperity was now an open question. While the official trade of Human goods had ceased entirely, the Elves and Humans that had been honest businessmen a decade ago were now smugglers, delivering highly illegal and sought-after goods such as alcohol, rich meats, sugar-filled treats and so on. Despite official attempts to curb the smuggling trade and black market, all that had been accomplished was that the smugglers had gotten craftier and a permanent delegation of Inquisitors would now all cargo going in and out of the port. A punishment assignment if there ever was one in the Inquisition.

The sun was once again lowering once the convoy passed through those very same stark-white walls, though they would not remain together for long. It was agreed that to prevent suspicion the group should be as small as possible, and so only Brother Aedenor would remain as a bodyguard while the other Guardians returned home again. They had redistributed their supplies and gear before arriving thankfully, leaving much behind so the two could carry all they would need within a twin pair of backpacks hauled off the packhorse once it was brought into the stables.

Brother Aedenor in turn brought up the risk of staying overnight in such a dangerous port, and so urged Naphinae to come with him to the docks to search for a vessel to carry them across the sea posthaste. There was no doubt in her mind as to her answer, though as the duo walked across the wooden piers looking for a suitable ship flying the proud standard of the Dominion, the priestess could not help but notice her Guardian's growing unease. It was as if he had seen something and was hoping to ignore it long enough for it to vanish.

"My Priestess, we should check the Merchant's Dock. I fear if we stay longer we will attract undue attention." Brother Aedenor finally spoke up after a few awkward moments. Naphinae in turn could only raise a questioning eyebrow.

"Draw attention? From whom? Do you believe we are in danger, Brother Guardian?"

Aedenor was quick to shake his head at that, thankfully. "Of course not, My Priestess, it is simply that I do not believe any of these vessels are fit for you. We should move on and see what the traders have to offer."

Behind her, Naphinae swore she heard shouting of some kind, and someone running. Turning towards the sounds, she thankfully avoided hearing Aedenor curse something beneath his breath. "Gods above and below, why do you curse me so?"

"Aeddy! Aeddy! I see you there, little rascal! It's your big sis! Over here!" The shouting came from a female Elf emerging from the masses of the docks as if she were a ghost phasing through a wall. This grace was all the more surprising given her stature and figure. While her hips were puffed up and large, of the perfect fit for childbearing, and her bosom was it's equal in every measure, pushing out a hearty distance from her chest all the while happily bouncing about unsupported. At this point Naphinae wondered how many times she would feel the embarrassed heat of a blush upon her cheeks throughout this journey, and averted her gaze.

Though before she did so, she also noted the woman's midsection, and the lack of tunic cloth covering it. Somehow this Elf had thought it prudent to bare her midsection for all to see despite the clear convex shape of her stomach, jutting out like she had just stuffed herself to capacity, yet it's softness was abundantly clear to the priestess, even from a distance. At the very least her face remained fairly angular, as is proper for an Elf, adorned with a crown of short golden hair that was not quite as befitting of a maiden.

Brother Aedenor stepped forward, shooting an apologetic look Naphinae's way before finally meeting the gaze of the mysterious Elf. "Greetings to you too, Thessalia. I had hoped though that you had not noticed us." Was this why he had wanted them to move on? Naphinae could only muse and wonder.

"Oh there you go again, taking that oh-so-formal tone with me. What did I ever do to serve such cruelty?" Dramatically resting a hand upon her forehead, it was clear by her voice that Thessalia was not at all taking this as seriously as she ought.

Aedenor seemed to almost force the words out, like he didn't want to say them. "Maybe if you had not run off to play pirate, mother would not have had to worry so much about you. It was certainly not a stress-free period for myself either."

Thessalia in turn only waved him off. "It was either "running off" as you put it, or be saddled with a guy centuries older than me, or be confined to some chapel with a chastity belt locked around my hips." Pausing to look behind the Guardian, a knowing smirk grew upon her lips. "And what do we have here? Is my itty bitty brother running off with a lover, even though the gods forbid them?" The blush returned ten-fold, and Naphinae could swear she felt as though steam just flew out of her ears.

The Temple Guardian could only retort with a heavy facepalm, and something grumbled out beneath his breath. Thessalia replied with an outburst of laughter, straight from her middle. "Are you quite done, sister?" Aedenor grounded out, clearly frustrated by the whole display.

"Oh, I'm never done. After so many decades together you really should have learned that by now!" Thessalia noted in-between hearty giggling. "But if you aren't running off to consummate a marriage with a priestess, then what are you doing here? The Temples are on the other side of the nation, ya know?"

Sighing, as if defeated in some great duel, Brother Aedenor lowered his hand from his face. "If you must know we are to travel to the Republics on important Church business. Business that doesn't involve outsiders."

His sister in turn simply placed a hand upon her heart, a pout appearing upon her face. "Ouch, your words hurt, truly they do brother." The smirk returned. "But if you are here, then that means you are looking for a ship. No other ways into or out of the Dominion these days, yeah? And I don't see anybody particularly important standing around waiting for you..."

"Where are you going with this farce, sister?" Aedenor finally asked after a few brief moments of silence, seemingly using the time to recollect himself.

"My, such barbs little brother. If I were anyone else I'd have thought you wished to bed me!" And this time Brother Aedenor did truly blush, becoming as red in the face as though he ran for miles. His sister in turn only burst out into laughter yet again. "Ok, ok. I'm done tormenting you, little one." She added with a hefty snerk. "I'm just saying there aren't a lot of Dominion ships leaving the harbor these days, and from what I heard the smugglers charge a hefty sum for shipping people. Sums I doubt a priestess and her shadow could afford. How close am I?" Her Guardian could only nod in reply. "See? Was that so hard? I got a ship myself you see, and I'm just about ready to leave this uptight hellhole. If you want I can drop you and your girlfriend off in the Republics, and I won't even charge you a penny for it! Swear it on the family honor!" Naphinae moved to protest, but all that came out of her mouth was a short sound of disgust and shock in equal measure. Who did she think she was?!

"Seeing as, knowing you, you won't leave us alone until we accept, I see little reason to drag this out, Thessalia." Aedenor reluctantly accepted, and subsequently both him and Naphinae found themselves with a surprisingly strong arm around their shoulder as Thessalia giddily led them away from the pier. "You're going to love The Sea Maiden, little brother! Fastest ship this side of the continent!" And so on it would go for a very long time...


Once they were finally aboard the vessel and shown to the room Naphinae would be staying at, the priestess allowed herself to release a nervous breath she hadn't know she was holding since the trio got on. With a soft "My thanks." offered to Thessalia, the young Elf closed the door and looked about the small cabin. Not too dissimilar from her previous quarters, these would do nicely for the journey to the Human Republics. As she moved to undress however, Naphinae could not help but overhear a discussion brewing up outside her door, despite the wood muffling it somewhat.

"What are you doing here Thessalia, especially looking as you do now?!" Came Aedenor's exasperated voice through the door, followed by a giggle from his sister.

"Careful, little brother. You know I'm ticklish there!"

"This is serious! There are Inquisitors around every corner in this port. Do you want to get dragged off to a camp? Mother would surely die from the shock alone if she heard."

"I didn't know you cared." His sister replied, tone as willfully childish as before. "This isn't the first time I've had to do this dance since the restrictions came into place. I've been at it this for far longer than you seem to think. I know how to take precautions."

Brother Aedenor in turn sighed loudly. "Please do not tell me you are a smuggler as well as a pirate?"

"Fine." Came the merry reply. "Then I won't tell you." Aedenor could only sigh again in response to such.

"I do not have the energy for this, I can already feel it. Please show me to my quarters so I may get some rest." The exhaustion was clear in Aedenor's voice as he spoke, ending it with a soft yawn.

"Oh sure, just turn around!" Came Thessalia's response, followed by a cry of surprise from both Naphinae and Aedenor as the Guardian's sister burst the door to Naphinae's quarters open and pushed Aedenor through it. With her brother sprawled out on the carpeted floor, Thessalia only giggled at the pair, grabbed the door handle, and shouted: "Sleep tight, lovebirds!"

And with a slam the door was shut, leaving the two alone.

Carefully looking up to Naphinae, as to not gaze upon her face, Brother Aedenor spoke. "M-My Pri-Priestess..." He could only stutter out, as surprised as her, it would seem.

Looking back upon the single bed and it's thin sheeting, Naphinae worked hard to avoid yet another blush and accompanying foul thoughts emerging.

[Roll WILLPOWER to avoid flirtation. 1d100=99. Failure!]

"T-There appears to...to o-only be one bed." Naphinae could not help but stutter herself, mind already roiling with a feeling she had not felt before.... Desire.

Brother Aedenor remained silent for a few moments. "I...I should sleep upon the floor, My Priestess. It is not fitting for you to do anything else."

Her fingers twitched, alongside her lips as she struggled not to show a smile. "N-No." She finally uttered out. "It...it is n-not ideal. I agree on t-that." She continued, the words feeling like they weighed a ton each. "But I...I trust your judgement and your restraint." And with that, she began to undress herself, Aedenor audibly shifting to avert his gaze behind her.

Slipping beneath the covers, Naphinae could not help but shiver at the coolness of the bedding. She did not know if it was because of the weather or her own internal struggles. "Brother Gua-No.." She breathed out. "Aedenor. Brother Aedenor?" She asked, the afformentioned Guardian shifting in the dark shadow he had sequestered himself in.

"Y-Yes My Priestess?"

A long pause followed. "Please. Come join me. It is cold and...I have noted your inner warmth in the past."

Another long pause. "As...as you say, My Priestess." And in the shadows, she heard the distinct clicks of his armor being unlocked and discarded.

The two would fall asleep beneath the thin covers, embracing eachother tightly for warmth and comfort.

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On 10/17/2020 at 1:44 PM, IonMaidens said:

Thank you. Was afraid I couldn't quite nail down the sister's personality. I'm not used to writing a carefree character. :V Then again, I suppose until recently I wasn't used to writing any characters. :P

Well you did an amazing job, tell me if you want/need any prompts for your next part.

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I'm thinking about starting a second story in Grossia.

Was thinking about a young woman bargaining with a demon who was expelled from the abyss.

The minor demon is cut off from his plane and needs her as a host and new power source for revenge and escaping the inquisition.

They form a symbiosis - a bit similar to "Venom" (Marvel/DC) - where the demon protects her but also needs her slim body like some kind of overchallenged battery for powers that are used to the "abyss' power grid". It would be some warlock'ish thing with lots of combat, chaos, mayhem and a main character that alternates between losing weight from battles with the inquisition and stuffing to refuel in between - of course the demon wants his power source well charged. So she and the demon keep bargaining about increasing her "energy level".

edit: I could also put some of my real life combat expertise as a renowned participant in tournaments with the "German Longsword" across Europe into it - I won't add any details since it would most likely reveal my identity - let's just say I know some things about swords and the pace of combat...


Would you like that or should I stay focussed on the "Pledged Elf" story?

If you want that second story, please add a reaction to this post or send me a DM.

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