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Pros and Cons of gaining weight

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Here’s my take on it, keeping in mind, I am a FA and not a girl (which it seems you were trying to get girls to respond), but I’ll give some observations 


- FAs find you more attractive. That’s probably not the biggest pro since we are a bit of a rare breed, but to some there is comfort knowing that gaining weight will make you more attractive to some people. 

- Freedom to eat whatever you want. It seems like a common theme in this community is rejecting diet culture. Diet culture can be restrictive and frustrating but knowing you can eat whatever without worrying about consequences is a comforting alternative for some. 

- To some, it’s a turn on seeing their body grow. I feel like this one’s pretty niche since not everyone you run into is like this, but it’s a pro to some nonetheless. 

- Maybe reaching here, but gaining weight typically means the “conventional desirable areas” (butt and boobs) grow, too.


- While the fat acceptance movement has made it so body shaming is less prevalent, it still exists and there will be people who will try to make you feel less than worthy because of your weight.

- The world doesn’t really design anything with fat people in mind. If you gain to a certain size, clothing options become more limited, you might not be able to fit places like in certain chairs, if you’re very large, you might have to make sure your furniture is extra sturdy so you don’t break it, etc. 

- Ok, elephant in the room time: health. Yes, if you’re only on the chubby side, you’re probably fine, and I know if you stay active and do all the right things, you can be fine even if you’re extremely obese, but there is a point where it generally gets to be too much. That’s all I’ll say.

- Mobility. You have to carry that extra weight which can make moving more difficult especially once you hit larger territory. And I’m not just talking getting too fat to move anywhere, I’m also talking about how your size can impact how certain things are done (i.e. not being able to paint your own toenails because you’re too fat). 

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I'm a feeder, not a gainer, but I have put on over 100lbs since I stopped living on drugs and sadness (am now 230lb at 5'5" tall, UK size 20). 


I don't feel the cold anymore - used to spend all winter wrapped up in big jumpers and blankets and still shivering, it was horrible. Now I'm very rarely uncomfortably cold.

I don't get sick - my body is well-nourished and stronger because of it. I eat around 3000kcal a day and my body has plenty of energy to fight off illness. My personal opinion is that most people (definitely most women) don't eat enough. 

Less catcalling! I used to hate going out alone because of the unwanted attention from men - now, almost nothing. If I didn't have brightly coloured hair and a skull mask no-one would even notice me. Also, the few times I have had a bloke say something disgusting, I've marched up to him and asked him who the fuck he thinks he's talking to, confident in the knowledge that I likely match or exceed him in weight and strength. Couldn't have done that as a small, weak person (disclaimer: I do a lot of strength training and my job revolves around lifting stuff, but just being larger and taking up space is a huge confidence boost as well). 

Built-in cushioning! I used to sleep with a pillow between my bony knees because it was uncomfortable to have them touching, and my hipbones made lying down awkward as well. Now I flop and squish and can get comfortable anywhere, with plenty of lovely soft homegrown padding. Also give good cuddles, hugging thin people grosses me out a bit, it just doesn't feel nice and I'm afraid I'll break them. 


Being bathed in sweat on hot days. I can't cope with the heat like I used to. 

Finding clothes that are affordable, fashionable, and fit well? Good luck with that. 

Constantly knocking stuff over because you're a lot wider than you think. 

Small chairs at restaurants and bars. Particularly those awful plastic ones with arms that cut into your sides. 

People assuming you're unfit/unhealthy/lazy etc because you're fat. Also, people assuming I have type 2 diabetes and brought it on myself by eating too much. Jokes on you, suckers, I'm type 1 and have been diabetic all my life. 

No matter how flexible you are, sometimes your belly just gets in the way. A lot of public toilets are tricky to navigate as a fat person, and my shower stall seems to have shrunk 🤔

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  • 4 weeks later...

not a lady my self but i have heard the following arguments...

pro... getting some nicer curves. no matter the shape of the lady, either boobs or hips or legs, there is always an upside for those who can appreciate it.

con... stretchmarks are not always welcome. for several reasons. their permanent character and their appeareance of an injury probably. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • Curvage Model


can eat whatever whenever without having to worry 

My body is soft

My husband LOVES it

I can make and sell clips to a population that likes my body type without fear of being the "hated fat girl"


Its hard to find clothes that fit perfect

Hard to shave 🤣

Harder to do things I love (barely fit in roller coaster seats)


Not an inclusive list but heres a few :)

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