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DC Universe Overweight


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Chapter 33, pt 3: Cat in the Cream

Living near Washington, D.C. could bring frequent problems for Diana.

Enemies of the United States, of all stripes, were drawn to the place already, as were the leviathan of conspiracies and black budget intelligence groups hiding within said government. Add in Wonder Woman's many enemies and it was a challenging gig, one that was in its own way worse than Gotham or Metropolis in terms of daily super fights. The Amazon Princess hadn't minded it much, she was an Amazon after all, born to speak peace and if necessary bring battle. For several years she'd seen it as keeping her in shape...

Until it rapidly didn't of course.

At which point the heavy press corps presence in the city, especially now that it was bored after a recently ended election, focused in on the rapidly expanding perfect woman.

Diana could hear the camera's snapping pictures even before she landed at the ARGUS command post in front of the Smithsonian. She was glad the wind was cold, the mid November breeze bringing icy rain with it, as it let her blame her reddened cheeks on the chill instead of her deep embarrassment over being well...a disgrace to her people. Diana tried to press the thought away from her mind, but failed to remove it the same way she'd failed to remove 190lbs of American fat from her Amazonian frame. The thought that she'd become a joke kept pounding into her brain, threatening to throw off her landing.

"Urhf," the Amazon exclaimed, almost falling as she hit the side walk, the concrete slab giving a mighty crack at the weight of her impact.

Immediately there were more camera clicks and Diana could already envision the headlines: "Wonder Woman so fat she breaks sidewalk" or perhaps "Wonder Whale can barely fly". In truth Diana could fly just fine...she was just a little slower than before due to the much expanded air resistance of her 350lb body. And given how dense she was, handling her momentum at stopping was rather hard especially if she was distracted. Trying to put on a good face, she waved to the cameras and walked with as little of a waddle as she could towards the command tent of the police/military perimeter around the Smithsonian.

"Wonder Woman, any comment on your immense weight gain?"

"Wonder Woman, any comment that your dangerous obesity makes you a poor role model?"

"Wonder Woman, how do you respond on being a plus size icon?"

"Wonder Woman, is it true your new costume is from Lane Bryant?"

The last made her pause, almost answering. Diana's old costume, the skirt and breast plate made from oricalium ore by her people, was made to cover a 160lb woman with almost no fat on her. Diana had had to have hers custom made due to having bigger breasts than most of her sisters before she'd left the island. There was noway its plates would ever cover her again, meaning that the Princess had had to go a bit more modern. Instead of archaic armor, she wore tough, navy blue kevlar weave leggings spangled with white stars leading down to her new combat boots, which while hiding her plentiful cellulite also stuck to her fat, hefty legs like a sausage casing. Her upper torso, not changed that much, was covered by a red and gold armored vest and a black leather jacket hid just how flabby her arms had gotten, to the point that her bracers didn't fit anymore, a sword and shield replacing them. Shaking her head, she pressed into the command tent, the guards letting her in without question. Clearly this was Wonder Woman, even if she was so much...bigger than before.

From the top of her belly button to her shoulders Diana looked basically the same, save for the cup sized she'd gained, bumping her up to a DD and a layer of flub over what had been firm muscle. At the moment her face was just somewhat chubbier, with one extra chin, but of late another had begun poking out beneath it. However her arms were heavy and toneless, jiggling with the weight of a true pear despite the muscle buried deep underneath and her hard exercises every day. Everything beneath the belly button though...whew. Wonder Woman had one hell of a FUPA bulging beneath her belly button, an ungainly and very lazy lower gut that had buried her abs. Long, slender legs fast as the messenger of the Gods Hermes were now elephantine in scale, fat enough that they'd begun losing their shape as their cellulite coated skin touching three fourths of the way to the knee and her cankles so big she couldn't wear her old greaves. Her hip measurements had gone from an already fairly large 40 to an immense 69 inches of droopy cellulite and sagging stretchmarks, a decided pear shape complete with ass cheeks big enough to use as a shelf that were merging with her thighs.

"Di, I'm glad to see you finally got here. What, were you doing your hair for the press?" Commander Etta Candy asked her immediately, looking up from her coffee and a holographic map of the museum.

Etta was an old friend, one of the first people she'd met in the outside world in fact. An African American woman of medium height, in the past twelve years she'd gone from a svelte college athlete to a sorority princess with too much beer weight to lean and dangerous intelligent operative to a high ranking member of the military intelligence agency known as ARGUS. With higher rank and a return to technical civilian ship, as well as turning thirty, Etta had gotten rather hefty again, even before the current pandemic softening back up to a stocky 165lbs. Diana had been trying to find a way to diplomatically bring it up to her friend, before her own body had gone literally pear shaped. Etta had gained another forty pounds in the meantime, which was nothing compared to Di's collossal gain, and was a rather belly heavy 200lber now.

"Ha, I wish I was on such good terms with the press still. Their questions are on much...weightier matters," Diana sighed, glad they were alone and patting her considerable fupa, which pressed against the seam of her leggings.

"Hey, never let them tell you how to look. Us big girls have to stick together," Etta told her, patting her own rather hefty stomach for emphasis.

Etta could really use going up a few sizes. Her chocolate colored muffin top hung out over her jeans, whose button and seams visibly strained to hold her in, and drawing her pistol would be difficult considering her love handle.

"Thanks, I'm just not used to being, well, a big girl," Diana said, trying not to waddle forwards.

"I mean it when I say it looks good on you. The stick thin look was getting old and if booties weren't in before they would be now," the non judgemental Etta told her, "but I do have to ask, are you doing alright? I know your mom is a bit of a bitch and that you've got some serious body issues to work out, so doubling in size isn't in your normal wheel house. Is this something you need help with?"

"I'm...," Di began, "well I'm not fine but this is nothing more than my own mistakes catching up with me. I'll either lose it myself or well, stay like this. But needless to say, I am still an Amazon, thick or thin. So, with that said, what's the emergency? I was running when you called me and as you can probably tell, I needed it..."

Diana had been running when called...a twenty mile sprint that had been quadruple interrupted with fast food stops. The Princess' belly was pretty puffy with greasy burgers, chicken fingers, potato wedges and milk shakes, more than enough to make up for the calories she'd burned. While she had plenty of will power to exercise, the slightest whiff of food was enough to make Wonder Woman forget herself and start munching, only snapping out of it later. Unlike most of the other heroines, Diana had had fat girl genes since birth, the once nomadic Amazons were programmed genetically to pack on weight quickly and easily to survive harsh times, much of their stringent cultural beauty norms aimed at preventing their now sedentary existence from letting the consequences show. Ivy's plague and the judgement of the Gods had just given Diana room to show her true self.

"Well," Commander Candy said, plucking a donut from a box on the table, "about thirty minutes ago, our old friend Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva walked into the Smithsonian as the Cheetah and took about a hundred people hostages."

Diana's eyes narrowed as the svelte, feline form of Cheetah formed on the hologram. Cheetah was a humanoid cat, yellow fur dotted with black spots, every motion of her subtly curvy body flexing strong muscles, a divine monster unwillingly in the service of a cruel and mad God named Urzkartaga. But Barbara Anne had once been one of Diana's best friends, a mousey and somewhat handicapped linguistics pHD who'd helped translate Diana's initial Amazonian tongue into English. Diana had repeatedly cured her friend of the addictive, monstrous transformation that brought Barbara's worst instincts to the fore, but each time it seemed Barbara was cursed to return.

Diana also swallowed drool at the glazed perfection of the donut.

"Hera damn it, I'd hoped Barbara was cured for good this time," Diana sighed, "what could have made her turn again? The last time I saw her she was fine...a little bit heavy but fine..."

"That's for the psych's to say, what we do know is she said we had an hour to send you in or she'd start killing hostages," Candy said, waving the donut around at the building schematics, the cameras have been disabled, so we're blind on what's going on inside. Tech isn't her purview when Cheetah is in the driver's seat, so she might have help."

Diana's eyes unwillingly followed the treat, like a dog following its owner holding a piece of biscuit. Candy noticed, smiling and spinning the donut in a circle before plunging it into her much taller friend's mouth. Diana smiled and chowed down on it in a few seconds, blue eyes widening when she realized what she'd done.

"Damn it, I'm supposed to be on a diet," the pear shaped Princess moaned.

"Girl, you've been on a diet for three thousand years," Candy said, pulling another donut from the box for herself and handing two more to Diana, "you run a hundred miles a day and bench press decomissioned warships. Girl, if you're putting on some weight its because you're supposed to be that big. Listen to what your body wants, so what if you've got some girth to you. You're still a bad ass."

"Thank you, but sometimes I think what my body wants is an ass so fat I'm trapped in my house," Diana sighed, still munching on the donuts, "still, they're delicious and I'll need all the energy I can get."

Nodding to her friend, Diana left the command tent and walked across the long steps of the Natural History Museum. The whole way she was certain a million cameras were on her gigantic ass and she was quite red in the face by the time she got to the doors. She avoided the spinning doors for fear that her ass was too big for them, instead pushing open the heavy main doors with a flick of her finger.

Inside it was dark, the building powered down. Diana's many gifts didn't include seeing in the dark, looking around she saw shadows everywhere and it was hard to tell what was a stuffed, long dead animal and what was her nemesis and former friend.

"Well well well, I almost didn't believe the tabloids," a harsh voice purred from the shadows, "but I guess they were wrong. Look at you, perfect little Princess isn't so perfect anymore! Nor so little!"

Diana gave the best glare she could, drawing her sword and tapping it against her shield.

"Minerva, I promise to get you help if you just talk to me," Diana said, scanning the massive entrance hall.

"Oh, what kind of help can you give me Princess? Diet tips? Work out advice? How to manage type two diabetes?" the foul feline laughed from somewhere, "how to pretend to be an Amazon?"

"My weight has nothing to do with this!" Diana shouted in unexpected anger, "I might be a bit bigger but I promise it won't stop me from defeating you yet again!"

That brought more laughs from Cheetah, "Please, your ass is so huge the slightest little tap will knock you onto it!"

Diana glowered, "No it won't! And my butt isn't that big!"

Any further diatribe was cut off by the sudden ring of Diana's phone from her jacket pocket, on full volume. She knew immediately it was Karen, because her delectible girlfriend had as a joke programmed the phone to play "Baby Got Back!" when Karen called and the tech illiterate Diana hadn't been able to change it back. As "I don't want none unless you got Buns hun!" began playing at full volume, Cheetah pounced.

She hit Diana's back hard, grabbed hold of her jacket and spun over Diana's head. Leather ripped like paper, the sleeves tearing off and falling away to reveal Diana's chubby arms as the permanently off balance Wonder Woman was knocked flat on her ass. The svelte cat monster landed gracefully atop a taxidermied pachyderm, she laughed from atop a stuffed Elephant, fishing the phone from Diana's pocket.

"Oh what is this? Who's PG...you're dating Power Girl?" Cheetah laughed, "Isn't she a bit out of your league anymore?"

Diana glared up at her tormentor, hate and fear filling her heart. When Barbara Anne was the Cheetah she'd do anything to hurt Diana, especially by hurting those she loved. If she found out that Karen was dating her and worse, that Karen was all but defenseless...Gods she might kill her! Diana roared, hovering back to her feet and snatching her shield and sword from the ground, "Give it back!"

"Or what? You'll sit on me?" Cheetah laughed, "Haha, come and catch me...if you don't stroke out first, lardass!"

Cheetah dashed into the dark halls, Diana flying after her. Diana was now slightly slower than a speeding bullet, but Cheetah was both faster and more maneouverable, cutting a sharp corner. Seized by inertia, Wonder Woman's very fat butt slammed into a wall, almost destroying a valuable painting. She saw Cheetahs' tail disappear into a massive dinosaur exhibit and chased after, pausing to find a near totally dark room.

"Oh, these texts she keeps sending are juicy. She says its an emergency, that she really needs to talk, that "it" backfired?" Cheetah giggled from the darkness, "Oh...she called you sweet cheeks? How cute!"

Seeing a glare of light, Diana jumped across the room at what she assumed was Cheetah checking her phone. Unfortunately, while it was a phone, it wasn't hers. One of the hostages glowed in the dark, until Diana's flying kick destroyed it, some plaster bones and part of a wall. Sneezing at the dust, Diana realized her right leg was caught tight in a high kick position. She tried to pull it out, only for a shape to move in her peripheral vision. Instead of claws to her throat, she felt a mighty slap across her left thigh, followed by the rip of fabric and cool air on her now exposed to the ankle left leg.

"Damn it Barbara, face me!" Diana hissed, "stop this joking!"

"The only joke here is you Diana, still trying to be a hero when you're the size of a house?" Cheetah giggled, "Remember when Playboy asked you to pose in that ridiculous version of your costume? God, imagine the pr damage to your image if I hadn't explained what that magazine was for! Let's recreate it!"

Cheetah charged again and again from behind, easily ripping away fabric from the stuck Diana's body. Soon all that was left was a tiny swim suit, the star spangled pants reduced to a tiny thong buried in Diana's cheeks and her red, the belt carrying her sword and lasso, and bronze top, just a bikini that barely covered her boobs. Diana's bra was ripped away, cheetah perching atop the head of a brachiosaurus and looking at its label.

"A DD...Diana you gained 200lbs and only went up one cupsize?" Minerva laughed, "Did it all go to your ass? Speaking of, I noticed no panties for you. Were you afraid of panty lines? And where's your warrior belt? Did your flabby belly snap it in half?"

Furious, Diana threw her shield like a discus. It should have knocked Cheetah out, but Diana's trapped foot burst free and she fell as she tossed. Cheetah caught the shield and sprang off, laughing. The near naked Diana chased after her, bust jiggling most uncomfortably.

Cheetah kept the chase up for a very long time. Diana used to be able to catch up to her, but her land speed had collapsed due to how thick her thighs were. They literally rubbed to much too go over 100 MPH and Diana's immense butt made her clumsy, she slipped repeatedly, leaving impressions of her cheeks slammed into walls, pillars and doors. After an hour of this, Diana was dripping with sweat and audibly puffing. She could keep this up for a lot longer, but her stamina had taken a bit of a hit.

"Getting *huff* tired chubby?" the monstrous former PhD laughed, near the end of own stamina as Cheetahs are sprinters not long distance runners.

"Just *huff* stand and *puff* fight!" the sweaty Wonder Woman demanded as Cheetah flounced easily into the museum's kitchens.

Diana followed after her, pausing in the suddenly well lit room to see that her old nemesis was holding a child by the throat! Dozens of other hostages were bound and gagged in the room, fitted with bomb collars!

"Don't move Di, but smile for the camera," Cheetah laughed.

There was indeed a camera in the room, a professional grade blue tooth device that was focused across from a long table covered in plates, each bearing a single, small slice of cake.

"What is this latest trick?" Diana snarled, "Leave them out of our rivalry!"

"Oh no Di, you see I know that if you ever caught me you'd beat me and that you'd never stop chasing me, so I figured I'd find a way to escape, slow you down and humiliate you all over again, Wonder Whale," Cheetah grinned, pulling up a dead man's switch in her free claws, "If you attack me, I activate this and they all go boom! But, you can free them and all you'll have to do is eat..."

Diana looked at the hundred thin slices of cake, eyes going back to the blindfolded, whimpering hostages, "You...want me to eat?"

"With the footage being live streamed!" Cheetah laughed, "and you in your new bikini too! Isn't it wonderful?"

Diana's reddened face paled. Eating that much cake was a tall order...not to mention unbelievably humiliating. She got enough flack just for being a fat girl...let alone stuffing herself in front of the entire internet. But a hundred lives...her mother might have been unbearable in terms of physical perfection, but she taught Diana that as an Amazon she must bear any burden to save lives...

"If the hostages are released...fine," Diana gulped.

"Then take a seat piggy piggy and start eating," Cheetah grinned.

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Part 3/4


Diana had the speed of Hermes, the strength of Hera and the beauty of Aphrodite, but people generally forgot that she had the wisdom of Athena, thinking that she was just a super model's pretty face on a flying brick body. She'd been trained to lead wars since she could toddle, mastering strategies that had earned victories for thousands of years. It was the main reason that she always won her battles, no matter how desperate the odds she'd always come up with a winning plan...

'Number twenty five, fatty, keep on eating!" Cheetah cackled, sliding another slice of cake in front of Diana.

The Wonder Woman took a deep breath, blue eyes locked onto the thin slice of vanilla wedding cake and then looked across at her tormentor, trying to figure out what the hell plan she was going to use.

"Can I...urp...can I get some milk?" Diana groaned, her throat dry as dust from far, far, far too much cake.

Diana had saved twenty five lives already that day, the only cost her pride and thigh diameter. Her habitual gorging meant she hadn't been particularly hungry when she'd entered the Smithsonian, after twenty five cake slices she was painfully stuffed. The cake had swelled her just puffy upper abdomen out into a big ball, the size of the pregnancy that stubbornly failed to take root between her hips. Her already damaged panties were stretching under the swollen gut, pulling her impromptu thong even tighter. There was icing on her lips and crumbs in her cleavage, added to the sweat and she looked a sloppy mess.

"Oh, does the poor fat pussy want some milk?" Cheetah laughed, "I wonder what the ten million people in the live stream have to say about that..."

The feline felon glanced at a screen a frown on her face as she scrolled, like she wasn't seeing what she wanted, "Oh ho, look at this one..."I can't believe this fat bitch said she was trying to show us the right way to live!"

The stab to Diana's pride hurt, although her face couldn't get more red so the shame didn't show, although not as much as her belly and ass. Diana had a bronze age gut biome, despite her recent gluttony she wasn't used to corn syrup, added sugars and enriched flour. So much at once was making her belly groan and grumble, giving Wonder Woman a case of gassy belches. And near invulnerable or not, this cheap folding chair was damn uncomfortable for an ass Diana's size and it was groaning under her weight.

"Yes...I'm *urp* fat, just...can I have some milk please?" Diana asked, a plan forming in her mind, "a lot, I'm very thirsty after the chase..."

Cheetah glared, "Sure...but you can't eat the rest of the cake with your hands."

Dianah nodded, figuring out exactly what she was going to do, "Of course, I want to eat more but I'm so thirsty..."

The enchanted Cat laughed and went to a nearby industrial fridge, returning with an entire quart of cream. Diana's guts gave a lurch, she was a bit lactose intolerant at the best of times, but she knew that her plan required on seeming helpless. She bumped her belly against the table grabbing the cream, for Cheetah had set it almost out of her reach, and she let herself fall heavily against the cheap chair, which groaned dangerously in response. Wonder Woman started chugging, the rich cream flowing down her throat as she planned.

Cheetah had made her drop her weapons belt to the ground before she sat, meaning that her lasso was just out of reach...provided she was siting down. But that's where the strange conditions of man's world came into her favor. Diana had had a hard time adjusting to man's world, she was 6'3 after all and actually a bit short for an Amazon, all of whom were statuesque and super strong. Themyscira was a paradise, but the immortal inhabitants were careful to conserve its resources, everything they built was meant to last centuries of heavy use. This included furniture, which was built to stand up to a multitude of uses given that its eternally young, athletic, gorgeous and bisexual at their straightest population lived in a state of perpetual horniness. The first time Diana had fucked her first boyfriend Steve she'd wound up breaking a bed, a chair and a table...all of which had been a lot better built than this crappy folding chair and she'd been a lot lighter then.

"Look at this pig, she chugs it down without a second thought!" Cheetah laughed, 'her guts big enough to pass for pregnant!'

Diana glared, not quite pretending anger. She was sensitive about her obvious size of course and Cheetah had goaded her into many failures today...but this time she'd make it work for her. The chair was groaning, near its breaking point with so much Amazonian fluff on it. under the table, she lifted her long, thick legs off the floor and then began gorging again on cake. By thirty pieces the chair was groaning constantly, but Diana felt like a spear was in her guts. By forty she could feel the bolts straining and the legs bending, but felt like she was going to explode. By fifty the legs were starting to slide, Diana's face was filthy with crumbs and icing and she was breathing hard, her body at the limit of the sugar it could process without passing out.

"oh is someone unable to take so much sugar? What's wrong Di?" Cheetah giggled, "Feeling a bit diabetic?"

"The only thing I feel is pity, that you thought I'd ever put my pride above innocent lives," Diana told her, leaning back in the chair.

Cheetah cackled as the chair collapsed and Diana's hefty bulk slammed into the floor. But her laugh was cut off the moment Diana's magical lasso lashed out, the Perfect weapon of the Amazons winding tight around the werecheetah's fist, clenching the deadman's switch safely shut.

"You beautifully curvaceous bitch!" Cheetah snarled, suddenly unable to lie, "I'll humiliate you further to feel better about myself over this!"

Before Cheetah could put good her words, Diana's crown shot across the room and hit her old friend between the eyes. Cheetah wobbled, her eyes crossing and then collapsed to the ground with a soft thud. Diana caught the whirling circlet and gave a groan of relief, trying to sit up and finding her painfully full abdomen wouldn't even begin to bend.

"I'm never eating sweets again, ugh, my teeth hurt," she moaned, carefully floating up to her feet to see that Cheetah was no more.

Defeated, the near 7 feet of muscular cat girl had turned back into a pinkly pale mid thirties British academic with a leg brace and a growing weight problem. Diana let out another sigh of relief, destroyed the camera with her circlet, cutting off one of the most popular live streams of all time, but not before it was copied across the internet. Not willing to trust her legs, the obese Amazon stayed floating, although she was so sick with cake she wasn't sure she could get more than a foot off the ground. For Hera's sake, she was so full of cake and milk she was sloshing!

"Princess to Queen, come in," Diana said over her ear piece radio to Etta, "I've got her."

"We saw, Bomb squad and a containment unit are en route. Do you need anything, beyond pepto?" Etta's voice came back.

"Ugh, yes I need a lot of pepto. And please tell me you cut the stream...," the humiliated warrior princess moaned, her stomach making sounds like a cretaceous zoo built with too few safety measures, "I've got enough problems as is..."

"Um...our tech team did their best but this was put together with serious effort. It might be best not to google yourself for the next...hundred years or so. You're trending on...everything now and so is "feederism", "stuffing" and "humiliation"," Etta said, "really though, you put yourself through hell doing that...."

Diana looked across the squirming and suddenly hopeful hostages, who'd all at least been spared seeing her gluttony first hand.

"It was more than worth it," the heroine said, "Just get here soon, I need to go home and nap this off...then run for a week."

"Give it two minutes for the bomb squad, then three for the pepto," Etta told her.

Bored, trying not to burst, Diana did what everyone would in her circumstances and checked her phone. She had...more voice mails than she thought possible and wasn't going to check any of them...but what really worried her was the texts. There was one from Lois Lane demanding an interview through a private Justice League channel, as well as a competing one from Iris West. But what had really been bothering her this whole time, apart from being nationally humiliated, was Cheetah's mention of Karen texting her about an emergency.

Diana was trained from birth to be a warrior. Even stripped of her powers she'd be a powerful combatant thanks to her toned athleticism...okay, she would have been back when she was leaner. But Karen was just a science dork who by chance happened to have world stopping power. Yes she'd had some martial arts training but stripped of her strength and with a lot of fat added on, she was basically helpless. It was incredibly cute but the thought that her girlfriend might be in danger was making Diana's heart pound.

She scrowled through the over a hundred texts in reverse order. The newest ones were telling her how hot she looked eating, Karen was clearly enjoying them, but the ones from before the live stream started were clearly panicked saying that they needed to talk now. Waiting for the bomb squad to get in and disable the dead man's switch was the longest three minutes of Diana's life, her stuffed guts churned with panic. Was Karen kidnapped? Injured? Trapped?

Hera's merciful bosom, she'd only been dating the ex power house for two months but was already ready to go to war for her safety! The moment the red wire was cut, Diana jetted out of the museum...stopped to catch her very spent breath and try not to puke, and then called once she was out of ear shot of anyone. Karen obviously had the phone at hand, she answered almost immediately after all.

"Di! Holy shit you kicked her skinny furry ass!" Power Girl's slightly deepened voice cut in, "That was hot as fuck!"

Diana tried to answer but gave a loud belch first, "*BRAAAP* Pardon, I'm...very full. But where are you? I can't quite go full speed but anywhere on Earth I can get to in five minutes!"

"I'm in my apartment Di," Karen answered, "but...well I don't know how to say this..."

Karen cut off in mid sentence at a sound on her roof. The dye job short stack, wearing blue shorts two sizes too small and a white tank top four sizes too small, had been waddle pacing in her living room, a print out of what looked like static electricity in one hand, a massive granola bar in the other and her phone pressed to her ear. She looked upwards to her skylights, worth the extra grand a month in rent back when she could both fly out of them and fit through them. Right now one was open, filled to the brim with a very, very big ass and a pair of immensely long, thick legs, wearing only a thong that looked ready to go at any second. They kicked back and forth rather helplessly, trying to move and going nowhere.

"Karen I appear to be well,...stuck in your sky window," Diana responded, "if you need immediate help i can break the roof but...otherwise I will have to wait until my swelling goes down."

"You're not the first one that's happened too, it's deceptively narrow. And a good thing its night. I'd waddle up with some butter to get you out but given my condition, the doctor's said I'm not supposed to strain myself," Karen said, looking straight up at the very appetizing sight, adjusting her increasingly necessary glasses.

"Condition? Karen are you alright?" Diana stammered, "Apollo and Asclepius, I will cure you! Is it your heart? Your back?"

"Surprisingly no on the first one, my blood pressure is confusingly normal," Karen sighed, glasses fogging up with blush at her girlfriend's one of a kind lower half.

She'd always been a leg and ass girl her whole life, but heavy, thick, jiggly legs and gigantic, couch cushion asses? Rao, god of Krypton's red sun, but she was in heaven!

"What is the problem then?" Wonder Woman said over the phone.

"I'm um...I don't know how to tell this to you Di," Karen said nervously, "but I spent the whole morning and afternoon at two different doctors and um...I'm really pregnant."

The legs stopped twitching in shock, above on the rainy roof top Diana's face went pale, her heart skipping a beat, "Oh...well...congratulations are in order...I...have enjoyed our time together deeply Karen but understand if you wish to make a life with the father..."

Karen rubbed her eyes, knowing that this might be an issue for the next...God knew how long.

"Diana, as Mauri would say, you are the father," Power Girl sighed.

"But...I do not have a penis," Diana pointed out, just as her thong finally broke and fluttered to Karen's floor.

"Yeah I can see that, Di," Karen said, not looking away, "but as you are the only one I've had sex with for ...longer than I'll admit, well, I think that the reason we couldn't get that ritual of yours to work was that it did work...very very well. On me."

There was silence from both sides of the conversation for a long moment. In that time, water seeped around Diana's bloated belly and immense hips, lubricating her to fall through the hole. She caught herself before she could crush her girlfriend, but not by much, Karen giving a cowardly yelp as the massive ass stopped an inch from her face. Diana awkwardly set herself to the ground, looking her girlfriend over and taking in the swelling in her stomach.

"You...oh Hera, are you sure?" she asked, water dripping on her face.

"I had an ultra sound that found I'm carrying quadruplets Di," Karen told her, handing over the polaroid, "now can you close the skylight before I lose my deposit?"

Karen was sitting on the couch by the time Diana got the window closed, the stuffed brunette at the end of her stamina. Power Girl was petting her very plump cat, which purred contently across her exposed stomach. Her girlfriend floated over, giddy as the world's biggest school girl.

"Oh Hera, Hera, Hera!" Diana cooed, looking over the dots on the paper, "there's so many and they're so big!"

"Yeah I know, they're why I've been feeling like crap lately. I thought I was just fat but apparently its just an early pregnancy hormone thing. I'm on a safe med for it now but the doctor warned my appetite is going to go insane until I give birth, which I figured would be in about three months at the rate I'm growing, the doctor's thought I was at least at four months" Karen said, "Um...are you hopping up and down!"

"I'm excited, I get to be a mother! I've wanted to be one for two thousand years!" the immortal heroine gleamed, putting her face to PG's distended paunch, "And of course they're along well, Hera is my people's patron. Our pregnancies last only five months thanks to her gifts. Oh I felt a kick! I bet they will have your eyes"

"Di, we have the same eye color. And yeah they do that a lot," the expectant mother groaned, "I'm not exactly thrilled that they do that so much...but...what are we going to do about this Di? I can't exactly fit four kids in this apartment and, well work could get sort of busy..."

"Please Karen, you're moving in with me as soon as we can safely get you to my house. There I will treat you as the Queen you deserve to be until it is time to bring you to Themyscira for your last few weeks and to give birth," Diana said, soft arms wrapped around her, "at which point we shall wed and you'll under go the rites of Hera to become an Amazon."

Karen looked at the dopey smile over her girlfriend's face, "That's...a heck of a proposal...and well, do they have hospitals on Themiscyra? Could I for instance do the birth part in New York..."

"Oh no, we have magic for the birth. You won't even stretch," Diana told her, "Ah, another kick! This one will be a mighty warrior, yes she will!"

Power Girl closed her eyes. Today had been tumultuous beyond measure, but hell, it had had a happier ending than she'd expected. Granted, she had a feeling that she was going to get biiiigggg as the cravings began but...

"Oh Karen, um you are leaking...," Diana told her.

Karen opened her eyes, seeing that her breasts were leaking heavily, "Damn it, um, crap can you get my pump from my purse?"

Diana laughed softly, settling her wide hips onto the couch and rolling up Karen's shirt, "Who needs a pump? I'm quite thirsty from my flight..."

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12 hours ago, Cyril Figgis said:

Man oh man, I thought we were lucky to get that first installment with Karen, but these last two with Diana?  Good gracious...too much good stuff to unpack.  Atlee's jealousy, Karen's pregnancy, Cheetah's brilliant plan--it was all so wonderful.

Thanks :)

I really wanted to dig into how difficult her being a heroine after getting years of good pr for being perfect and suddenly being huge. Of course, as I hinted, she's suddenly getting a lot of good Pr too and never lost the beauty of aphrodite...

10 hours ago, >_< 0_0 said:

Ah yes! The treacherously- narrow  skylight 😏 I remember it well. Also, this blows my mind how it gives them the perfect opportunity to go to Themyskera and introduce the Amazons to craving food. 

That's gonna happen before they go, the ship that got lost (because Shiva broke into Karen's office) had to go somewhere

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10 hours ago, >_< 0_0 said:

Bermuda Triangle... east of the Bahamas... Ancient Greek islands... in the Aegean Sea...? 🤔🤨👀🧐

mad the phantom menace GIF by Star Wars
that’s thousands of miles! If the ship really made that journey, the crew would have to survive on their cargo, which means they’re gigantic by now 😮

themyscira is no where and yet everywhere...


Anyway, here's the end of this chapter, with karen getting a reminder she's on the hook for multiple felonies;

Pt 3/3: Welcome to the Dark Side.


“And it’s with a heavy heart that I...no, I’m preggo not dying. Ugh, and its with a heavy heart that I have to announce a long medical leave...ugh, again sounds like I’m dying,” Power Girl sighed to herself, deleting the sentence on her computer, “fuck do I bite the bullet and go “I know I’ve been looking extra fat lately and its because I got knocked up like a teenager on prom night. So I’m going to take an extended leave as this is a high risk pregnancy because I’m forty, literally packed full of b**s and oh yeah, fat as a pig?”


One day after her doctor’s appointment and rather unromantic proposal and Karen Starr felt like a new woman. A very ancient bronze wedding ring was snug on her plump ring finger, a gift from her new, bottom heavy fiancee. Her ever more snug business attire was replaced with a flowy maternity top and very stretchy maternity pants...which would surely get tighter giving the immense fruit and pancake breakfast Diana had made her that morning, the pickles and ice cream she was already stereotypically craving and the big box of Anonymous brand donuts she’d been chowing down on all morning.


“Come on Karen, just write the speech saying you’ll be gone for a year and you can do it cause you’re the majority share holder,” she grumbled to herself, “but you’ll give six month maternity leave to anyone else. It used to be you could do speeches off the cuff, what changed?”


The once mighty heroine’s pre-natal children chose that moment to start kicking. Karen put a hand on her swollen gut to try and steady them, but they were kicking hard, a suggestion they might inherit both mother’s strength. She could feel the kicks...on the other side of a lot of fat, it was making her boobs jiggle and if the little shits didn’t stop soon she’d soon be leaking again.


“Oh yeah, I got short and fat instead of tall and powerful,” the dispirited ex-blonde sighed, straining to reach for her pump, “everything felt easier when i could fly…”


The door to her office swung open without a knock, making Karen gulp in automatic fear. Harley’s taller, slimmer form filled the door, her silhouette curvy and powerful. She was wearing a loose size 20 mini skirt that showed off her thick, muscular legs and an XL top cut low to show swelling, pert E cups. Quinn strutted in, kicking the door shut behind her, and loomed over the shorter, fatter, weaker, older Karen.


“Well, well well, what’s all this?” Harley sneered, pulling up Karen’s soft hand in her own stronger one, “I didn’t think they made engagement rings in your size! Well, I guess some people do like hippos!”


Quinn plopped her beefy butt onto Karen’s desk, crossing her powerful, thick stems. Harley was still certainly a big girl, about 250lbs and shrinking fast, but there was a pertness to her flab that suggested significant muscle tone. And paradoxically her boobs were blowing up fast, the E cups defying gravity and looking ready to go up another size. Karen couldn’t look at her and not feel intimidated. 

“H-Harley,” she started, only for Quinn to put a finger on her lips.


“Shush. You gotta lot to answer for and as a powerful executive, I don’t have time to waste on trash like you,” Harley grinned evilly, adjusting her still very necessary glasses, “So I’ll make it quick. You fool around on company time, you leave work without my permission yesterday, while I was busy cleaning up a mess made in your office? Do you know how fucking busy I was making those cops go away, while trying to figure out who was fucking with my bread and butter? While you run off without a word? Then I read your insurance statement to find out you went to an OBGYN?”


Karen shivered, terrified of what Harley was going to do to her...and shit...her b**s…No, coward or not, powerless or not she wouldn’t let this insane clown do anything to her!


“Only one thing I can say about that…,’ the supervillain hissed, leaning in until her boobs pressed into Karen’s perpetually swollen tatas, “...mazel tov!”


Harley kissed Karen on the lips and wrapped her arms around the depowered woman’s rather narrow shoulders in a hug.


“You are gonna be such a great mom, a little sweat heart like you! I don’t know how you did it, you get AI’d or did you and the not so perfect Wonder have a threesome?” Harley chirped excitedly.


“Uh…,” the terrified Karen stammered, afraid this was a trap.


“Jeeze Peej, I ain’t gonna hurt a pregnant lady. I ain’t even gonna bully ya save for some teasing I know would get your panties in a twist if you wore ‘em,” Harley giggled, patting Karen’s belly, “I’m so glad I never gotcha ** or high, God I’d be a fucking monster! Like, twenty years when I’m a fabulous silver fox and whatever super group your kids form comes after me, yeah I’ll shoot em dead but as b**s? Come on!”


“You’re...you’re not angry?” Karen managed.


“Of course not, I’m thrilled for you. Me, I never wanted kids, I like my me time. But a big hero...well, super big ex hero like  you? You’ll do great,” Harley said, “why would I be angry?”


“But, but I won’t be...I’ll be gone from the company for months…,” Karen stammered, “I won’t be here for you to torment…”


“Oh you mean that you’ll be out of my control?” Harley laughed, huge tits surging, “Oh no, Peej, Peej Peej. This means I got you and Wonder Woman under my thumb for the rest of your life!”


Karen had to blink, dread settling in her considerable stomach, “what...no when I leave I’ll be…”


“What free?” Harley laughed, shoving one of the addictive donuts into Karen’s face, “Fuck no Karen, things are worse for you now than ever. You won’t even be getting feedings and orgasms from me and Wonder Woman’s too sweet to give you the rough stuff. No, you got people to lose now, things are only gonna get worse.”


The woman who’d been Power Girl could only chew and stare as Harley explained.


“You see Karen, you’re not an invulnerable badass with nothing to lose anymore. No, you’re not even a powerless fat ass who does nothing but eat all day,” Harley giggled, “you’re gonna be a married mom now. You’ve got someone you love you wanna spend all day with, daughters you’ll want to see grow up! And you can’t do that from inside prison!”


“P-prison?’ Karen stammered through the donut.


“Oh yeah Peej, prison!” Harley giggled, “for aiding and abetting...fuck I don’t even know what to call this shit I’m doing for Ivy and me. Mass bio terrorism? That started earlier with the plague before you, but you’re an accessory now. Hell, just the stuff you did for us since I cooped your company would put you away for thirty years! Lying to the FDA, pushing something that’s more addictive than crack knowingly, oh yeah, putting every super heroine on the east coast on the disabled list! When you broke you broke bad, bitch!”


“But, I never did any of that…,” Karen managed.


“Oh no you did. You might have spent the meetings eating but you were there, you might have gotten the papers sticky when you signed but you signed and you sure as hell didn’t blow the whistle when you found out, did ya?” Harley laughed, “And maybe you could argue in court, “Oh i was mind controlled!” but hey, you kept going well after that just because I turned you on. Trust me toots, the law won’t let you off on that and my sob story was waaaayyyy worse than yours. And even if you did plead successfully, what about the not so little woman? I saw the video of your little girl friend same as everyone else on earth. I’m sure she was probably hefty earlier, but damn, she is practically inflating ever since you brought her those donuts! That girl has gotten a lot of cellulite lately, probably the special formula Ives put in it. Think Di will still love ya knowing you made her fat? Cause she seemed pretty ashamed of being so big... ”


Harley patted her on the cheek, pulling out a box of kleenex and wiping Karen’s tears off, “Hey don’t worry about it much though. You’re gonna name me, well my cover identity, as permanent interim CEO for the next...permanently.”


She slapped a set of papers onto the desk, “and after you sign, you’ll go live in your little dream house with your plus size warrior princess barbie. You get bigger, sloppier mom boobs that go down past your waste, go kinda dumb from baby brain, get stretch marks all over your belly and a loose hooha and an extra hundred pounds of fat by the time ya pop. And you watch your kids grow up and you remember if you turn on me you lose all of it! Now come on, we’re holding you a surprise baby shower where we’ll get to stuff you with cake till you hang out of that maternity shirt!’

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No... no way! Harley’s bluffing! She’d be over-exposing Ivy’s conspiracy plans for everyone to see! It would be too easy for the investigators to just tilt their heads just a tad away from Karen and they’d see Harley right there! But there’s time for Karen to really think of a counterplan 

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16 hours ago, Cyril Figgis said:

Goddamn, Harley...you're a mean bitch.  Gonna be honest, I was really thinking this would be the moment when Karen says "potato", but then again, there's no telling if Harley would actually call it at that point.

Oh yeah, Harley's kind of a bad person still...she's sweeter when she's chonkier to be honest. getting skinnier, huge boobs and rich makes her cocky, damn narrator...


2 hours ago, >_< 0_0 said:

No... no way! Harley’s bluffing! She’d be over-exposing Ivy’s conspiracy plans for everyone to see! It would be too easy for the investigators to just tilt their heads just a tad away from Karen and they’d see Harley right there! But there’s time for Karen to really think of a counterplan 

Yeah, Harley is bluffing hard...but wants to keep karen off kilter. Now that she can't be feeding her all day, there's a chance Karen could recover her initiative and powers...

Unless of course there's some sort of Amazonian tradition of massively pampering pregnant women and stuffing them to the gills all day...which might happen...

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Chapter 34: Consequences


Harley, smiling on the outside and writhing within, walked a cake stuffed Power Girl out to her parking spot in Starrware’s labrynthian parking garage.


Jesus Harl, this is awful even for you. And you’ve killed tons of people! An overweight angel with a divine donk appeared on her right shoulder to say.


Shut up! How many times have heroes like her thrown people like us in jail? This is just payback! A muscular, immensely stacked devil appeared on her left shoulder.


PG never did anything to use we didn’t deserve! And threatening to send someone we manipulated and terrorized into all of this to jail? You’re worse than the Joker! Her shoulder angel accused.


Shut your cunt mouth, we ain’t hurting no body! And she could have said potata at any point! The devil said.


‘Will you two shut up!” the quite insane psychologist snapped.


“W-what did you say?” Karen asked.


Harley looked down at her … sort of friend. The now short, powerless Power Girl was stuffed to the brim with half of a sheet cake, her lips smeared with icing from her going away party. Another fucking bridge burned, God the chunker obviously enjoyed getting fattened up so much that if Harley had been smarter she probably could have talked her into this. Ugh…


“Nothing, just dealing with metaphors,” Harley told her, escorting her to her car, ‘Hey, listen special K, you...you ain’t done nothing wrong, but if you call this in you can get in serious hot water too. So keep quiet, ain’t no body getting hurt, they’re just...bulking up.’


“I...I won’t,” Karen sniffed, awkwardly shoving herself into the backseat of her car.


Harley stepped away as the self driving vehicle pulled out, feeling like shit. She put a hand on her increasingly muscular hip, feeling the strength beneath her thinning fat layers. Quinn still had a lot of chunk to lose but she was already in terrific shape, her muscles restored and then some. She could easily bend to touch her toes now and even do a handstand, although she needed to invest in some serious sports bras given the boobs she was sporting anymore. The criminal was packing a set of E cups after losing 100lbs, losing fat by the minute practically while guzzling Ivy’s fattening junk food.


“Ugh, but why do I feel worse than when I was so fat I couldn’t fit in a driver’s seat?” Harley sighed, pulling out her phone and rapidly typing in an instruction for her own assistant to make sure Karen received plentiful gift baskets of fattening goodies every day, “why did Red have to come up with this scheme? I was fat as a pig, playing video games all day, basically blind...hey narrator, who do I gotta lard up to go back to 20/20?”


There was no answer from above Harley, a suggestion that she was stuck with her coke bottle frames.


“Ugh, well, I can’t complain too much. Oh well, can’t moan being an asshole too much,” Harley sighed, turning to head back to the elevators and passing by a rack of cars, “More time to torment Red over her cheating on her diet every day, that girl was born to get fat...at least nothing bad is gonna happen at this point in the story to me!”


An engine roared and brakes squealed, a white panel van pulling up behind the fat-fit supervillainy. 


“Oh fuck me!” Harley screamed, the door sliding open.


Quinn tried running, thick thighs flying her towards the elevator, the click of her heels sounding through the garage. But a small *PFFT* sounded from the van, a dart landing right in her ass, its long needle punching through her fat into her muscle. The dark parking lot swam in her eyes, Harley’s fast steps slowing, halting and finally ending as she fell to her knees.


“Ohhhhhh noooo,” Harley groaned, head swimming, everything sounding slow, “noooottttt mmmmyyyy assssss.”


Arms grabbed each side of her shoulders, dragging Harley back towards the van. She heard a military sounding voice behind her, 


“Team One to the Wall, Suicide Squad Recruit #3 is secure.”

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18 hours ago, Cyril Figgis said:

Oh my god, yes!  I cannot wait to see how the Suicide Squad's involvement plays out here.  And Harley trying her best to balance out her good and evil sides was so well done, especially with the imagery of the angel/devil.

gonna be a small wait on that, but I don't think you'll mind what's in between...


Pt 2/4

“The past two day’s actions were a disgrace, a complete and total disgrace!” Cale hissed, “I hire both of you, two of the most highly rated professionals in the world to defeat two of those horrible, zeppelin breasted bimbos that call themselves superheroines and both of them are still alive!”


Lady Shiva wasn’t much of a hater, usually she was just bored due to the lack of challenge. But the assassin was completely certain that she hated the spoiled rich. Veronica Cale, an old monied CEO in charge of an immense research firm was as spoiled as they came. She was dressed in a white, size zero pant suit with matching heels, matching her stark white high tech office. Cale’s face was that of a woman of 30, kept frozen at that age for over a decade by botox, while her short blonde hair was meticulously coiffed.


“If you wanted someone murdered, hire Deathstroke or Cheshire,” Shiva yawned, “You wanted a Kryptonian fought, its not my fault you didn’t provide one.”


The Mistress of the Martial Arts leaned back in a chair, trying to decide if she wanted to kill Cale or not. The rich blonde woman was very annoying, ripping her heart out through her chest would suit her. But a world where she could fatten up heroines at whim after beating them to a pulp...well that was pretty tempting still…


“You were given her business and home address!” Cale growled, “and a signal only Kryptonians could hear, Power Girl should have been there within seconds!”


“Well I waited three hours and she never showed,” Shiva said, “and when I went to the address you gave me I only found a pregnant fat girl munching on take out. She ripped her pants feeding her cat and cried for two minutes after she stubbed her toe. That’s not a challenge, that’s less effort for me than it takes you to fuck your yoga instructor.”


“Listen you little Detroit born murder hobo,” Cale began, glaring furiously, ‘I’m paying you handsomely and spent a fortune on the kryptonite sword you were given last night, if you ever question me again…”


Shiva yawned at the threat. She beaten Batman to a pulp with one hand before, a rich person wasn’t going to be much challenge. Then again, she’d given Wonder Woman hell for twelve years, so Shiva had to hope she had some sort of technological goodies at hand to make the fight interesting. She popped her knuckles, deciding to eviscerate Cale when Circe teleported into the room.


The redhead was in an American flag bikini, her slender olive body on full display and a bottle of champagne in one hand. Shiva thought the sorceress could use a good workout session or thirty, the sorceress was slim but had no real muscle tone and a bit of jiggle on her thighs and some puff on her lower tummy that was probably from a big meal.


“Girls, girls, no need to fight. The enemy is out there, overly busty and fat as hell, not in here,” Circe smiled, popping the champagne bottle.


“Circe, where have you been?” Cale demanded, “you were supposed to report in yesterday!”


“What’s to report? Wonder Woman was humiliated in front of the whole world, she’s probably stuffing herself with cake as we speak,” Circe grinned, “I’ve been in Vegas celebrating, there’s a hunky life guard that would go right up your ally Ronnie!’


Cale sighed, pulling up a small remote and hitting a button. A large screen lowered behind her, flashing onto an internet poll showing that Americans still had a positive opinion on Wonder Woman, if only just.


 “51% think she’s still perfect and heroic?” Circe fumed, shivering in anger, “Why? She’s a genuine lardass! She’s fat as a pig! She’s got cellulite for shits sake!”


Shiva could have mentioned that Circe’s flat butt had a little cellulite on its own, but she wasn’t particularly catty. She tended to hurt with hands not words, unless provoked.


“Your mistake is that she was filmed saving people,” Shiva said, “if you’d filmed her munching down instead of saving people their opinion would change.”


“Who asked you? You useless hired gun! You’re as useless as your mute daughter” Circe snarled, turning to cast a spell only to find that Shiva was now behind her, with a steely arm around her throat.


Any spell the sorceress was going to say died in her throat. Having Shiva at your neck was a terrific was to die. As for Lady Shiva, she might have abandoned her daughter and killed her once, but no one bad mouthed her child in front of her.


“Girls, please. Circe had a point earlier, we have to focus on the real enemies, superheroines, Ivy and Quinn,” Cale sighed from her desk, “Shiva’s little breaking and entering yesterday was very fruitful. We’ve got the full location on where Starrware grows its poisoned fruit and their entry into the south American market was delayed. Unfortunately, it was insured so it won’t sink Starrware as hoped…”


Shiva released Circe, the dangerously muscled assassin ignoring the ancient sorceress taking her seat. Circe tugged a star spangled bra back over her suddenly exposed B cups, lower belly jiggling slightly and shot the martial artist a glare. She summoned three glasses and filled them, chuckling all the while.


‘Oh no, that was never supposed to sink Starrware, insurance or no,” the sorceress said, as if she hadn’t been in a head lock, “I’m aiming a lot higher with that ship than a company, its ammunition for ...divine hunting.”


“How is that ship supposed to take down a God?” Cale asked suspiciously.


“Simple, if I was attacking you, I’d go for your workers. If I’m taking down a God, say one of mother hood, I aim for her worshippers,” Circe grinned, “bubbly?”


“I’ll pass,” Shiva said, crossing her muscular legs, ‘so what do we do in the meantime?”


“We take over Starrware’s fields and cut them off at the source,” Cale smiled.

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On 11/28/2020 at 6:59 PM, Cyril Figgis said:

Ah, there she is...the queen of mean herself.  Looks like Veronica is still just as nasty in this go-around, but I like the back and forth between her, Circe, and Shiva.  Whatever they've got scheming should be a hell of a good time.

Yep, you need a money villain...and it helps if its a mean, stick thin boss bitch.


So there hasn't been a lot of fucking or fat in the past two parts...that's gonna change...


“Karen, Karen? Karen?” Diana repeated, “we’re here....are you going to open your eyes?”

Wonder Woman was hanging twenty feet in the air above her rural Virginian home, her hefty bride to be tucked in a fireman’s carry. The warrior princess had been practicing her landings at the new size, but wanted to pause before landing with her extremely pregnant and very much no longer invulnerable fiance. Especially as ...well, Karen looked cute with all of the extra chub but between Diana’s extra thick arms and Karen’s extra flabby...everything, made carrying the pregnant woman a bit awkward despite Wonder Woman’s controlled strength. 


“Are we there?” Karen asked, eyes squeezed thoroughly shut and head pressed tight to Diana’s puffy shoulder.


“Yes, just thought I’d provide you an aerial view,” Diana said, leaving out catching her breath.


“I’ll open my eyes on the ground,” the retired CEO gulped, “can we just land please?”


“Karen, are you...afraid of heights?” Diana asked, biting her lip at the deliciousness of it.


Power Girl, afraid of heights! Oh it was so perfect!


“I’m not...fond of them now that i can’t fly,” the depowered Kryptonian whimpered, “Its why I kept offering to spare you flying and just drive here…”


“Well, just know that I won’t drop you,” Diana smiled, slowly lowering herself, “nor could I allow you to risk yourself driving! A member of my household, touching a vehicle when pregnant? I would dishonor myself in front of the Gods to break the code!”


The pair touched down outside Diana’s house, Wonder Woman gently lowering her now redhaired wife to the ground. Both were in tight yoga pants and tees that didn’t quite meet, although Karen was bundled up in jackets and a coat that wouldn’t close around her bulk to protect her from the cold during the flight. The woman who’d been Power Girl and a CEO but had lost the first title and given up the second looked at Diana’s snug house, not as a place to meet a fuck buddy but as a home.


“What sort of code are we talking about here?” Karen asked, grunting as she had to take her own considerable weight again and her cargo started kicking.


“Oh of course, it is so easy to forget that you aren’t from Themyscira,” Diana told the short, weak woman as they walked, “the Code of Hera. Directions straight from the Goddess on how we must treat pregnant women. As you bear the greatest responsibility, your new family must take over all other duties save knitting for you. Defense, cleaning, food, entertainment...travel as well, although usually that is not an issue on the island.”


Karen paused her waddle. She was already drifting behind her fiance, Diana might make thunder with each step but her long legs let her waddle a lot faster than Karen did. Wonder Woman turned to look at her, briefly giving a profile shot that showed off just how huge her ass was. Her ass and thighs were merging together into one gigantic mass of cellulite.


“Hold on, I’m not...are you saying you won’t let me do anything?” Karen asked in disbelief, “that doesn’t actually seem to be very enlightened…”


Diana shook her head, still perfect black curls shaking, “No, no. Not at all, it is not a restriction on you! It is a command for us to pamper you, make sure that you are waited on hand and foot, constantly supplied with your favorite food, entertained and of course guarded.”


That made PG’s eyebrow pop up. Since losing her powers she was finding a lot of things about herself...mainly that she had no confidence in her physical abilities at all. Her encounter with Harley today made that clear, Karen was still rattled and terrified, of the clown, of prison of...hell, she was just realizing how deep a world of shit she was in. She was helping fatten up half of Earth’s population after all, she was...hell she was practically a super villain!


“G-guarded? Against who?” she stammered, accepting a hand up to the front door over the perilous single step.


“Well, on the island, the sisterhood is divided into a number of connected squad messes. Its been a few centuries since there were any pregnancies, but a squad’s place in the phalanx can rise far if they prove another squad is too weak to guard a pregnant member by kidnapping them,” Diana told her, hand on the door knob, “in the same way, the more a pregnant Amazon appears relaxed and pampered, then clearly the greater piety and prowess her squad has shown.”


“So...you’re saying that the fatter I get, the more points you win back home?” Karen asked her, “that your whole society of warrior women fattens up any Amazon who gets pregnant?”


“Oh yes, exactly,” Diana smiled, opening the door and letting scintillating aromas pour out, “don’t worry about the weight you’ll put on. The post birth rituals will both empower you and get you back in shape. Its one of the reasons that I wanted to get pregnant so badly, it was the easiest way to lose all of this. Now come, we must begin pampering you.”


“...We?” Karen asked, trying not to drool as the scent of spiced meat hit her nose.


After Diana’s immense body waddled through the door, hips just barely clearing the door frame, and stepped aside, Karen was rewarded with the sight of another Diana standing in the house’s kitchen. Another towering pear with big beefy arms, a small double chin and buttcheeks to rival mountains, married with bronzed skin and lustrous black hair into one perfect package. It took Karen a moment to realize that the starry black bodysuit and hazel eyes meant that this was Diana’s...sort of twin sister Donna. 


Although they were the same height, Donna was about a hundred pounds thinner than Diana, maybe about 250 and with a higher amount of muscle to her. Her shoulders were broader and her neck was thicker, with residual definition on her biceps and her lower body was lean enough that Donna’s ass and thighs hadn’t merged yet, her immensely round butt sticking out like yoga balls stuffed in her pants. However, Donna wasn’t the athlete she’d been for certain, she had a full double chin, floppy bingo wings and as she stepped forwards from the kitchen a very considerable gut wobbled in a most unmuscular fashion, proportionally bigger than the much heavier Diana’s.


“Karen, I was fairly certain you’d met Donna before,” Diana told her, “but as my...sort of twin sister she is part of my mess and was kind enough to agree to take shifts guarding you.”


“Yeah, we’ve met, although its been a few years,” Karen admitted, taking a hand shake from her fiance’s doppleganger, wincing slightly because Donna’s super strength was quite in tact despite her flab, “I’m sure I’m harder to recognize given that I’m well…”


“Much shorter and wider, I have to admit I’m impressed Diana,” Donna said with a whistle, “you’d said the pair of you had just found out she was pregnant but you’ve done excellent work in such a short time!”


“Oh no, most of that was her,” Wonder Woman smiled, already assembling a platter full of gyros, “she turned out to be a natural even before we...well, before you know…”


Karen wasn’t sure if she wanted to blush at the compliment or the indication she was skilled at getting fat. 


“Yeah, kryptonite exposure led to all of this bulk...I think,” Power Girl sighed, “a bit annoying that I can’t fly but, well it did lead to Diana and I getting together.”


“Ha, I wish I had an excuse beyond my room mate baking too much,” Donna sighed, patting what had once been a fatless six pack, “but the gods destroy those who are proud, so, shall we begin feeding you on the couch or at the table?”


The retired and heavily pregnant CEO blinked, “I’m sorry but…”


“This is your fecundity feast Karen,” Diana smiled, waddling behind her to take her coat, “a time to celebrate your temporary abandonment of exercise, diligence and restraint for a time of ease, relaxation and fecundity. Now, this would be better if you were wearing  your super gear, but the office casual will work.”


“Why would wearing my super gear be better?” Karen asked in complete confusion, Diana leading her to the couch.


It was Karen’s couch, an extra comfy one with very deep, soft cushions. Diana had flown Karne’s furniture, and cat, in while she’d said fare well to her company/been threatened by the clown that had held her hostage for weeks. Wonder Woman laid the platter of gyros on the coffee table, Donna putting a huge bowl of salad down next to it.


“Well, normally, if we were on the island and you were an Amazon warrior, we’d have you put on your bronze armor,” Donna smiled, putting a hand on Karen’s shoulder, “and you’d stand in front of the squad to announce your battle honors and great deeds of strength and speed.’


“And then, as you announced you were pregnant, we’d rip off your armor to expose your body to the squad, showing that you were unsuitably thin and muscular for a mother. Now we can’t obviously do that as you’re both not wearing your superhero gear and you’re rather...cuddly,” Diana finished.


“Well its a good thing that we don’t need to do that…,” Karen giggled nervously.


The sheer size of Power Girl’s amazonian fiancee, who’s sprawling ass and incredible legs defied belief, always turned her on at least a bit whenever she was around Diana. And now that Karen was much shorter and weaker, the idea of being the much more delicate partner, at her lover’s mercy was tantalizingly hot. Toss into that the surge of pregnancy hormones and guilt making herboth hungry and horny and she was getting pretty wet under her yog pants. Then add in another Diana in the same room, well, that was extra kinky and surely unrealistic scenario…


“Oh Karen, you don’t understand,” Diana smiled, still powerful arm flexing, “one, two and three…”


The two brunette sisters pulled, their immense strength easily tearing away Karen’s clothes save for her overloaded bra. All of the massive, bloated bulk of the retired heroine was exposed: Her chubby, chunky legs with their layer of cellulite, her massive, bloated apron belly with its budding stretch marks and her truck tire sized love handles. Diana more gently undid Karen’s expensive bra, letting her swollen torpedo tits flop out. Karen’s pale skin blushed face to vulva at the exposure, Diana pressing her fiancee’s not small lower half onto the couch with a faint thud.


“Of course we need that, ritual and tradition is important! We must put away your old material life and rebuild you! Its vital to honor the Great Goddess Hera!” Diana insisted, all but shoving a gyro into Karen’s mouth, “after all, we wouldn’t have powers without tradition!”


Karen hadn’t blown up to this size by not eating whatever was put in her mouth. Her super powers might have left her, but the former heroine still gobbled the food down with impressive speed. 


“And after exposing you, the next tradition is a massively fattening meal to symbolize your removal from warrior discipline and athletic strength,” Donna smiled, raising a huge fork full of salad and plunging it into Power Girl’s mouth, the ex-CEO gulping down the dressing soaked veggies.


Salad and gyro alternated, the two super powered brunette fatties stuffing the dyed blonde Karen in turns. Power Girl really wanted to question this process, for instance it really seemed like the goddess of motherhood shouldn’t be the one to write rules saying that pregnant women needed to be continuously pampered. And the entire practice of the Amazons fattening up any of their number who got pregnant seemed to suggest a repressed hedonism waiting for any excuse to be shown.


But Karen spent the next ten minutes getting stuffed full of meat and veggies, not talking. By the time she was done, her already immense belly was swelled further outwards and the out of shape woman was panting heavily. Her capacity for food was actually lower due to her growing pregnancy but the rapid gurgling of her stomach suggested that the Kryptonian woman would be hungry again soon. Both Diana and Donna were breathing a little hard too, although not exactly from strain.


“We forget sister, to celebrate your bride we should be in our Amazonian attire,” Donna suggested.


“Agreed...alas, mine doesn’t fit,” Diana said with sad tap at her fupa, “and I haven’t had the heart to sew a chiton dress to my size yet.”


“Neither have I, we should go naked then, in the manner of home. This is a contest after all and what have we to be ashamed of besides obesity?” Donna said, beginning to tug off her tight leggings, exposing that she wasn’t wearing anything beneath them.


“Agreed, we must show ourselves for inspection even if we’ve become fat,” Diana nodded, chins bobbing as she began pulling off her taut top and then her bra, plump E cups and chubby FUPa bouncing, “at home I’m sure mother will have us both running laps around the island till our thighs catch fire, but here I don’t think Karen will mind.”


Karen for her part, gulped. The two very naked, very bronzed and very fat brunettes towered over her. Diana’s immense hips were almost bigger around than the shrunken Power Girl was tall, her buns so gigantic they swung into view as her clapping thighs waddled forwards. Donna had a bit more *oomph* to her step, a greater ratio of muscle making her both quicker and jigglier thanks to her speed.


“Do you mind, Karen?” Diana asked, “because the next part of the tradition is us worshipping you as a temporary avatar of Hera…”


“W-what does that entail?” Karen gulped, the two tan brunettes pressing in closer.


“Why putting you into a state of absolute pleasure according to your every desire,” Donna smiled, dark eyes sparkling.


“So, love of my heart,” Wonder Woman said, fingers tracing the outline of Karen’s tea saucer nipple, “what do you want…”


The slight pressure of Diana’s long nail made milk begin dribbling from the CEO’s breasts and the short woman release a groan of pleasure.


“...second, because I have a hint of what you want first,” Diana said, leaning onto the couch and placing her mouth around her fiance’s heavy nipple.


Donna joined her on the other breast, both brunettes gently cupping and kneading Karen’s hefty tits. They suckled slowly, making sure they didn’t use their teeth and that the fragile woman’s swollen breasts were well supported. Karen had always liked having her breasts fondled and sucked, but the sensation of her tits being literally sucked dry of milk was making her immediately pant, her blue eyes crossing.


“Oh god, oh Rao, fuck, fuck,” she gasped as Diana and Donna released their mouths, pulling away with full bellies and milk mustaches, gently releasing Karen’s deflated boobs.


“Whew, you taste sweet as you look, my queen of hearts,” Diana panted, licking her lips and rubbing her stomach, “our children will grow strong with you being so profligate a milker, but I fear I will match your growth pound for pound if I nurse you every day.”


“Think of it as a long term bulk, as long as we train it will only aide us. And Karen must train too, she’ll have four mouths to feed, ” Donna burped, “and we must make sure that she is well fed, or she will wither away making so much milk.”


“So Karen, what is next?” Diana said, “shall I kneel before your shrine? Would you like a massage? I pre purchased an extensive collection of vibrator and dildos before your arrival, although you might need to explain some of them to me.”


Power Girl had been in a state of emotional turmoil for the last 24 hours. Fear, shock, happiness and then terror in quick succession, but now she was trapped within pure erotic bliss. She looked over the two near identical Amazons, their powerful if obese frames gleaming and spotted with her milk. An immediate idea came to her tongue.


“I’m pretty tired, and full, so I don’t know if I can take much but...do you think you two could...make out with each other?” Karen asked, breath panting, “and maybe go to...at least third base, while I watch…”


Diana looked down at her, tut tutting “Make out with my sister? How perverse Karen. If you were anyone else, I’d never consider it.”


“Its a disgusting idea, to make out with and finger and tongue my near identical twin,” Donna sighed, “but as you are the pregnant woman, then the only thing we can do is obey your every wish. Would you like a vibrator as you watch?”


Karen nodded, four chins popping into view, Donna opening a small chest and withdrawing a thick, ridged vibrator with a clit stimulator and added lube to it. It was inside Karen before she could reconsider, sending powerful vibrations through her sex. As she began to gasp, Dian and Donna stepped towards each other. 


Their bellies bumped gently into each other, followed by their heavy breasts. Each of the sisters put arms around each other, pinching and squeezing fat rolls and heavy hips as their plump lips found their twins. They began passionately kissing, tongues dancing among each other and the two over weight warrior women began to float off of the ground. Hanging in mid air, the two brunettes began to slowly spin, Diana’s immense butt knocking the empty salad bowl and box of dildos to the floor. To her shame, Karen couldn’t quite tell which sister was which unless she looked at Diana’s huge butt, but her focus was more on not literally exploding. Diana started fingering her sister, thumb and index finger stimulating Donna to cooing and following suit.


“And...and...and maybe fat shame each other...just a little bit…,” Karen gasped.


Both Amazons gave a faint giggle.


“Why Donna, what has happened to your arms? Once your muscles shone like a sword on an anvil,” Diana teased, pinching and jiggling Donna’s plump arms, “now your arms are encased in fat! I can jiggle these pillows you call arms!”


“You are one to talk Diana, your thighs...my my you were the fastest girl on our island but now? When you walk it is like the end of a play, nothing but clapping!” Donna returned, fingers disappearing into her twin’s thigh rolls, “and this cellulite...my my my…it is a good thing you are named for a Moon goddess, your ass certain looks like the lunar surface!”


“As if your own butt wasn’t gigantic! I could rest a helmet on the shelf of your ass,” Diana said, slapping the other woman’s butt and squeezing tight, “and before you claim it is all muscle, I’m not feeling much beneath these lard layers. Have you been neglecting your squats?”


“I squat plenty,” Donna insisted, patting Diana’s flabby stomach “What about you? You’re still breathing heavy from our little session, are you a bit out of shape? Have you been skipping your runs?”


“No, I am just...amazed that your abs have faded so quickly,” Diana denied quickly, blushing faintly, “My fat came from a curse of the Gods, what is your excuse? That your room mate fed you too much?”


“Trust me, I had no option on whether I grew or not,” Donna answered her sister, running fingers down the slope of her gut and gently touching her clit, “But you? I watched your video sister and I know you too well. You enjoyed getting stuffed in public…”


“I...t-t-t-that’s im-p-p-possible, I’m an A-a-a-amazon, I could never *umph* enjoy getting f-f-f-fat,” Diana denied, blushing tightly and beginning to moan.


Watching the aerial display, Karen was certain her brain was going to explode. It was far too much for her to take in...and yet nowhere near enough…


“Tie her up with the lasso,” the desperately horny Power Girl gasped, “and...and...force feed her…”


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U kno, we have a similar tradition in the military, in which different classes in MOS school must have a watchman on post every night to watch “the baby” (a small rock wrapped in a bundle), which is frequently kidnapped by other classes if not watched properly 🤔 I like this version of the game better

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19 hours ago, >_< 0_0 said:

U kno, we have a similar tradition in the military, in which different classes in MOS school must have a watchman on post every night to watch “the baby” (a small rock wrapped in a bundle), which is frequently kidnapped by other classes if not watched properly 🤔 I like this version of the game better

Its essentially Fat Princess.


11 minutes ago, Cyril Figgis said:

Hoo mama...this might be the best thing that's happened for Karen this entire story.

Things are going to pick up for Karen for quite a while...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very short update and lead in for the next big chapters...


Cassie Sandsmark was having an absolutely shit week.


For one thing, Wonder Girl had been pulled from Titans Tower, with easy access to Jump City if you could fly across the bay, all the way to the middle of Nowhere, Virginia to baby sit her Aunt Diana’s new girlfriend. Granted, she wasn’t going to ever say no to Aunt Diana, who meant the world to her and had been Cassie’s hero since she was a little nerdlet instead of a badass super strong, super hot jock. But this meant being far away from anyone else her age who likely wasn’t a toothless redneck and especially her boyfriend Superboy, effectively abandoning him to that shape changing Martian slut. And speaking of shape changing…


The blonde Wonder Girl had spent several hard years remaking herself from bespectacled dork into a genuine badass able to dominate the cover of either Muscle and Fitness or Maxim. Unlike Diana or Donna, she was American born, her mother a once world trotting tomb raider and her father the Olympian God Zeus himself. It had taken time, but Cassie had blossomed from annoying side kick to hard fighting heroine in her own right. 


On the edge of being tall at 5’8, Cassie’s was leggy, lean and fit, her taut size four skinny jeans clinging to muscular runner’s legs and her belly exposing cuirass showed off bronzed abs. Add in her natural blonde hair and shining blue eyes and the college freshman was not just a knock out, but one who knew it. Granted she didn’t have the ...Olympian level assets that had strained Diana and Donna’s cuirasses even at their leanest. But as her mentors began to rapidly blow up into embarrassingly fat parodies of themselves, Cassie was suddenly fine to have a naturally low body fat.


Unfortunately, Starfire bringing back the complimentary donuts from Starrware meant Sandsmark was going to follow her mentors shortly…


“Ugh, hurry up you fatasses,” Cassie groaned internally, rolling her blue eyes as the line at the super market slowly, slowly moved, “do you have enough junk food?”


The line of shoppers in front of her was pretty heavy set, unknowingly infected by a pandemic Wonder Woman had spread at a trip to this very store when still thin enough for baggy clothes to hide her chunk. And they did have a lot of junk food at hand, meaning Cassie was very late to return to Aunt Diana’s place and had been in line the better part of twenty minutes before she put her groceries onto the conveyor belt…


“Thank Zeus, I hate waiting in line like a normal person,” the arrogant young heroine said, adjusting her very pinching blue jeans as her groceries were rung up.


The moment Cassie had semi willingly bit into one of the new donuts Starfire had brought to the tower, the athlete’s metabolism had plunged to that of a pregnant, hibernating bear, while her preferences had gone from lean protein and veggies to fatty burgers, dairy and sugar. The athletic girl was getting lazier by the day, having forgotten she hadn’t trained that day and not thinking about how she needed to exercise the next.


“God, could the lunch lady arms on that check out lady shake any faster? She’s barely older than me, what a laugh that she’s that fat,” Cassie snorted to herself, trying to tug her jeans looser.


Two weeks since her contamination and Sandsmark had gained thirty pounds at record speed, only fitting into her clothes because of how much muscle she’d lost at the same time. A double chin bulged under her once firm jawline unless she looked straight ahead, robbing her of the fierce beauty she’d only recently gained and making her look cute. Soft thigh fat puffed through her the holes of her expensive, distressed jeans, while new holes were forming where her inner thighs had started rubbing. The pant’s zipper was down, unable to be pulled up and her button was straining across what had been a tight six pack and was a week from full on beer belly.


Soft tummy fat rolled over her jeans, the belly shirt meant to show off Cassie’s abs only displaying her inactivity and over consumption. Similarly, when she swiped her debit card, her biceps didn’t flex, instead a faint jiggle going over her softening arms, one that hit her budding double chin but didn’t go to her barely changed breasts.


“You know, we have an excellent sweat pants section,” the freshly obese clerk told the chubette heroine.


“Ha, no thanks. Why would I need that?” Cassie laughed, bending to pick her heavy boxes of baked goods from the stand, “sweat pants are for fat girls.”


Wonder Girl’s button popped at the motion, letting her starter paunch surge free. The oblivious chubette walked from the store, thickening thighs and belly more than enough to keep her pants up, flying off once she got behind the store. Diana’s house wasn’t too far if you could fly, the formerly fit heroine landing in the front yard ...and immediately hearing the rampant, breathless fucking coming from inside.


“Ugh, glad I missed that,” Cassie said to herself, “I always had a bit of a girl crush on Diana but she’s really let herself go.”


Setting down the stacked boxes of fat girl snacks she’d thought her heavy set Aunt Diana and Aunt Donna would probably like, Zeus they’d gotten fat, into the side car of Diana’s motorcycle, Cassie sat astride the vehicle and pulled her phone from her taut back pocket. Ignoring the slight rip of seams between her thighs, the thickening power house began checking her texts…


“Kara, huh, wonder what she’s been up to lately?” Cassie said as her phone loaded slowly thanks to Diana’s shitty signa thanks to living in the hills, “she was getting pretty porky lately…”


Unthinking, Cassie flicked open a box of pastries freshly delivered from subterranean farms in New York, biting into the rich icing, flaky crust and decadent filling.


“Wonder *munch* why everyone’s getting so *crunch* chunky lately? Do they not have any self control?” Wonder Girl asked herself as she started reading a distress signal...

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On 12/12/2020 at 12:34 AM, >_< 0_0 said:

I love how she has absolutely no clue that she’s started gaining herself 😈 there’s something special about oblivious gaining that makes the big reveal that much more special

Oblivious is great, I love it.


And Cassie is going to fit in with the rest of the Amazons pretty soon...


DCUO Chapter 35: Fall of the Amazons


Paradise, is in the eye of the beholder.


What for some is Heaven, is for others Hell.


But most would agree that a sub tropical island where there was never drought nor frost, famine or disease, inhabited by a stable population of physically powerful, sexually liberated, dangerously attractive and scientifically advanced warrior women who’d been blessed by the Gods with immortality was probably much closer to a Utopia than a Dystopia.


...unless you were in charge of enforcing said Utopia and were getting very bored with it after four thousand years.


“So explain this to me simply, like you would a child or even a man because I’m getting very tired of your squabbling,” Queen Hippolyta said, long, calloused archer’s fingers rubbing her sunkissed temples before stroking her long blonde hair, “and want you two to both see how ridiculous you’re being.”


The Queen of the Amazons leaned back in her hard, cold marble throne, fantastically long legs stretching out like those of a very bored predator about to spring. All of her 6’5 body was hard, efficient muscle, calves and thighs so taut they were flat, waist so firm her abs showed through her skin tight silk gown and her archer’s shoulders brimming with strength. Originally of Scythian stock, Hippolyta had a heart shaped face and blue eyes similar to her daughter Diana, but her hair was golden as the sun and hung straight down to her hips. Sub tropical sun had freckled her from nose down to her navel, the closest thing to a flaw on the immortal woman’s glorious body. Were she to be seen removed from context, it might be assumed this was either a heavily photoshopped model or professional athlete in her early twenties, but looks were very deceiving. Hippolyta had been a thousand years old when Troy fell after all and the rest of the island and palace were equally at odds with reality.


Hippolyta’s palace throne room looked like something out of the bronze age: a rug of a chimera on the floor, columns reaching up to a vaulted ceiling, each carved with scenes of war and heroism. Armored guards flanked the Queen’s throne, bronze cuirasses carved to resemble the muscle beneath, and two petitioners knelt down in front of the Queen’s throne as if they were illiterate peasants. Apart from the obvious femininity and youth of the inhabitants, it would look like any recreation of a Minoan or Mycenean Palace, yet  the topic of discussion was far different...


“My Queen, with a just the work of a thousand of our sisters and the dedication of our super computers, we can forge enough war robots that we will never fear another invasion,” a dark haired Amazon who looked like an especially photogenic MMA fighter wearing just a tiny silk dress insisted to Hippolyta.


“My Queen, please, ignore Zoe’s talk of technological solutions,” a tall, dark featured Amazon who could headline a fashion show insisted right back, “with enough of our sisters working enchantments, we could build a host of war golems that would make the very gates of hell shiver in fear!”


“Enough of this ridiculousness, we are Amazons,” Hippolyta growled angrily, “we will not destroy this island mining metal for either of these ideas and we will stand or fall based on the strengths of our own arms. By relying on such devices we will soften and rot from within. I will not hear another proposal for war robots or golems or war machines or mass magical barriers again, you are dismissed.”


“Yes, my Queen,” both Amazon scientists sighed, lowering their heads and then standing before leaving.


Hippolyta rubbed her eyes in exhaustion, hours of hearing proposals could tax even an immortal’s patience.


“What’s next on the list Phillipus?” the Queen said, “jumping off of a cliff perhaps?”


She spoke to a 6’6 tower of onyx hammered into the shape of a gorgeous woman. Where the Queen had the litheness of a horse archer, her General had the brutal might of a close in fighter. Both her dark skin and ancient armor was covered in old scars, while her body had more bulk than most Amazons, Phillipus having the largest chest on the island now that Diana was in Man’s World.


“The head of Gaia’s priesthood, suggesting that we use divine magic to create plant based servitors,” Phillipus told her, the armored general pulling out not a scroll but an advanced tablet that could put  human super computers to shame to check her list off, “it does not technically breach your latest ban…”


“No, absolutely not. Nothing automized even after our losses,” Hippolyta groaned, “I have said my piece and laid down my law, why do our sisters tax me so?”


Phillipus put away the tablet, looking up her monarch and lover’s body. From the flex of her delicate ankles to the frown on her lean face, the Queen imminated irritation and exhaustion. Of course, looking at the Queen’s mental state ment looking at Hippolyta too, who was a long, lean and luscious an example of athletic femininity as their race had ever produced.


“Not at the moment, my General,” the Queen said with a coy smile, “there are still requests to hear that don’t involve something that would ruin us as a kingdom.”


“I know our people have been fractious of late, my Queen. Our laws were not made to deal with population loss…,” the General offered, eyes going from the Queen’s legs to her glorious blue eyes, “the battles the past few years were worse than Troy…”


Themyscira had been invaded twice in the last ten years, once by an army of monsters led by Ares sons eager to break open the door to the War God’s prison in the center of the island and once by the dread forces of Apokolips. Although they’d been victorious each time, the Amazons had taken casualties and their small population was not built to absorb losses. 


“We are below eight thousand my Queen, far too few for a proper phalanx,” Phillipus offered the Queen, continuing despite the frown on the blonde monarch’s perfect brow, “every squad has an empty seat at the mess table. And it is near three thousand years since Diana, the last child of the island was birthed. Perhaps it is time to lift the ban on Hera’s Rites…”


“And let a tenth of our sisterhood become...become...so...rotund and lower our numbers even lower for a year,” Hippolyta seethed, near hissing, “no, not until we have word from the oracles that such a course is wise. We may be scientists and mystics but we are also warriors, I will not see so many of us become…”


Phillipus smiled at her love’s ranting, choosing a choice moment to interrupt, “Fat, my Queen?”


The Queen rounded on her general, so fast that her skirts whirled up to show every inch of her firm legs.


“You know damn well not to speak of that word around me,” Hippolyta hissed, blue eyes glaring at her lover with fiery intensity.


The Amazonian General smiled, “Of course...although I do remember how adorably cute you were when with child. So full of cheek, big of breast, wide of hip and plump of belly…”


“Stop it,” the slim Queen seethed, face going red.


“Always begging for more food until you started begging for a belly rub,” the General went on, “by the end you’d just point at your mouth and expect to be fed…”


“I swear, I will have your head for another word!” Hippolyta raged, “Lover or not, Phillipus!”


“Even when you were so big you had to have help getting up,” the muscular Phillipus went on, “I remember how you huffed and puffed so loudly trying to get back in shape afterwards…”


“Enough! No I was...unwise to be so pampered when carrying Diana,” Hippolyta said, flushing red as a beat, “if anything the entire tradition of fattening up our pregnant sisters was nothing but pride, it should have been banned long ago…its, well its, nothing but a reminder that we shouldn’t rush into mass reproduction...especially with the lottery system which does not take vital roles into account…”


“Especially as you had your name drawn by the Priestess of Hera for first in the ritual?” Phillipus grinned at her, “I must admit I was shocked as well, the odds you’d be impregnated again were eight thousand to one but the look on your face was perfect. Being so big did suit you so well, its like you were born for it my Queen…”


“I...I’m going riding!” the Queen of the Amazons near screeched, twirling on her graceful heel and stalking towards the stables.




Minutes later, Hippolyta burst out of the palace stables like an arrow from the bow.


She was on the stirrupless saddle of her favorite charger and save for her bracers and sandals as naked as the day she was born. The Queen’s chiseled waist, long  powerful legs and taut, pert rear end were each a boast to how fit she was as a warrior and as a ruler. Her eyes were afire with fury and those who saw her thought Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt herself had come among them.


“Hiiiyaaaahhh!” the Queen shouted, ululating the traditional amazonian war cry as her charger burst from the palace.


The Amazon’s only city was smaller than most American towns, with a foot print even smaller. Its tall spires gleamed, stone reinforced with the magical element feminium and the gladiatorial arena and temples for the Olympians were deeply at odds with the underground Large Haledron Collidor and Cold Fusion power plant. Although the Amazons appeared primitive they were one of the most advanced cities on Earth both magically and technologically, but Hippolyta had insisted her sisters not lose track of their past or become slaves to their machines, keeping most of their technology hidden and depending on magic only for a minimum of healing.


‘We must remember our purpose, we are warriors of the Gods,” she muttered to herself as the wind whipped by, “were we to depend too much on either technology or magic we would lose ourselves…”


An image of the Queen as she had been when pregnant shot through Hippolyta’s mind. Of being imprisoned in a cage of her own lard, of having fingers so thick she could barely make a fist, of ankles so swollen she couldn’t stand, of an ass so fat it got stuck in the palace gates…


“Ugh, never again!” the Queen promised herself, ‘Damn Phillipus for bringing it up, I hadn’t thought of being so awfully fat since Diana went through that chubby phase…”


Furious with her consort for bringing up the most humiliating two years of her five millennium of existence, the Queen spurred her horse on into the thick wood lands that covered most of the island. Ignoring the dark storm clouds filling the northern sky, Hippolyta soon spooked up a massive wild boar. Drawing an arrow from her quiver, the Queen hauled back on her recurve bow, an enchanted weapon that multiple semi trucks couldn’t pull the string on. Wonder Woman’s mother pulled it back with one clean breath, loosing it at the boar only for a gust of wind to drive the arrow into a tree root. The boar ran off squealing and a cursing Hippolyta rode after it in pursuit, leaning from her saddle to pull the arrow free.


“Damn it all, why must I be vexed today?” Hippolyta growled, long blonde hair whipping past the leaves of the forest.


Pursuing the boar was difficult. Her charger was both enchanted and scientifically enhanced to be faster than a sports car, but the trees let the boar weave and bob, not letting the horse build up speed. Hippolyta of course was faster still and so durable she could have shot through the thickest oak, but the lithe Queen had herself banned the use of Amazonian powers for mundane tasks. Depending too much on the mental and physical gifts of the Gods would make them soft, after all…


Charging after the pig carried Hippolyta far from her home, over hills and through woods towards a deserted beach. The air rumbled with thunder, the sky grew dark and beads of fat rain began soaking the Queen’s quite naked figure. Uncaring of the elements, Hippolyta chased the pig along a trail, right behind it as it turned a corner.


“NO!” the Queen roared, seeing not a pig but an immense, snow white cow standing across from her.


Hippolyta’s horse reared, throwing even the veteran equestrian. She tumbled from her saddle, hitting the ground shoulder first and rolling, falling off of a cliff and down to the beach. Immediately the immortal Queen righted herself, jumping up to her feet in a nimble display of athletic prowess.


“Hera,” the not even bruised Amazon whispered, taking in the massive bulk of the cow.


The bovine was immense, taller than Hippolyta at the shoulder and impressively muscular. Clearly feminine by its immense, swaying udders, the cow had a rack of horns big enough for hte 6’5 Queen to lay across. The Monarch was certain that this animal wasn’t mortal, no beast of the Amazon’s herds was so magnificent, it had to be a manifestation of Hera, goddess of women and mothers. The divine animal gave one great “MOOO!” and then walked into the jungle, leaves closing behind it to block it from view.


“What does this mean?” Hippolyta asked herself, wiping sand from her face and bending for her bow.


The Queen paused, looking down in terror at her bow. She’d had the weapon for long centuries, through many wars but now...now the fell weapon was snapped irreparably in half! Hippolyta’s mouth hung open, looking at the very symbol of her status as a warrior being destroyed…


“Hera, no, you can’t mean me too…,” the Amazon Queen stammered, rain beginning to fall down in sheets while lightning lit the sky bright as noon.


Ignoring the storm, Hippolyta stood bare on the beach, hair whipping behind her and broken bow in hand. This couldn’t be an omen that she must set her identity as a warrior aside and kneel before Hera, it absolutely couldn’t be! But she struggled to guess at what else the omen could mean…


A loud foghorn interrupted Hippolyta’s musing. In the midst of the Hurricane, the Queen turned to see a massive shape looming over the waves. She’d seen the images of human’s gigantic, wasteful ships from pictures Diana had sent, but never had Hippolyta imagined seeing one so close!


Growling in anger that humans had violated her island’s home waters, which were metaphysically near impossible to reach, the Queen leapt into the air. Flying into the hurricane winds, the soaked monarch slammed into the deck hard enough to dent it. She paced among the towering cargo containers, roaring over the storm.


“You intrude sons of men on the isle of Themyscira, turn this ship around and leave if you value your lives!” Hippolyta shouted, to no reaction.


Puzzled, the Queen leapt towards the bridge, sandals shattering the window. Inside, she found only automated equipment that was going haywire as it crossed the island’s magical inner waters, Themyscira looming closer and closer.


“What is this? A ship of machines? Yet more evidence to not mingle with Man’s world,” Hippolyta sneered, the ship rumbling beneath her as it grounded itself on a sandbar.


She leapt down onto the deck, determined to pick this ship up and throw it away from her island.

The impact caused a cargo container to fall, its doors bursting open and the contents pouring out in a tidal wave. Thousands of bio-plastic wrapped pies bearing the curvacious face of Starfire spilled over the Queen, burying Hippolyta in a wave.


Angry beyond words, the greatest warrior of the Amazons dug her way free, exploding outwards covered in pie filling and absolutely furious.


“This, this is an insult that can’t be ignored! There will be war for this, on all of Man’s World until its cities burn and, and and…,” Hippolyta’s rant trailed off, tongue licking sticky filling off of her lips, “and this...this is pretty good…”

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Oh, I’ve waited so long for this! And now it’s here; I can barely wait 🤤

Imagine a whole island of warrior women growing soft and plump 🍑 just imagine how it could happen! I’m wondering exactly how the pregnancy rituals work, because there’s no telling just how many Amazon’s will suddenly be knocked up and craving all the things

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