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 ...Or How a Fat, Apple-Shaped Black Woman's Contrarian "Clout-Trolling" Ever Challenges New Depths of Misogyny, Sexualization, Misogynoir & the Indignant Bigot in this Social Media Era.

How spreading your cheeks at a sexualization-friendly cultural event full of sweaty musclebound men (mostly) of colour and full-bodied women in skimpy outfits while being Lizzo, keep unvealing us a way much lot about the flaws and lies that American society-- let alone Western society, keep telling to itself.


music video good as hell GIF by lizzo

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38 minutes ago, >_< 0_0 said:

dressing up omar little GIF
I have this mental picture of John wearing fancy clothes and speaking the Queen’s English when the big-brain words are in play 🧠

I don't know if I had to take that for a compliment, but I'm not this versed in English. I have one of those French accents (and I mean a colonially-inherited middle-upper-class Parisian accent) which bring annoyance and contempt to a lot of English speakers from where I live in Canada... in truth, it just bring but annoyance to most every single person I ever met, whether they were French-speaking or English-speaking people, besides first-generation immigrants of North African, Pakistanese or East Asian origin.


I had been at many occasions subjected to some vividly mockerous backlash by non-native speakers with a far much thicker and exotic accent than I, just because French accent annoys people, but I don't know how British people gonna react about my accent. Never visited the U.K. yet.


I heard however than my way of speech tend sometimes to veer into some slight Scottish-ish intonations when I force my prounciation a little too much. These Brits wouldn't feel too much out-of-place while speaking with me.

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6 minutes ago, John Smith said:

I don't know if I had to take that for a compliment, but I'm not this versed in English. I have one of those French accents (and I mean a colonially-inherited middle-upper-class Parisian accent) which bring annoyance and contempt to a lot of English speakers from where I live in Canada... in truth, it just bring but annoyance to most every single person I ever met, whether they were French-speaking or English-speaking people, besides first-generation immigrants of North African, Pakistanese or East Asian origin.


I had been at many occasions subjected to some vividly mockerous backlash by non-native speakers with a far much thicker and exotic accent than I, just because French accent annoys people, but I don't know how British people gonna react about my accent. Never visited the U.K. yet.


I heard however than my way of speech tend sometimes to veer into some slight Scottish-ish intonations when I force my prounciation a little too much. These Brits wouldn't feel too much out-of-place while speaking with me.

I don’t know what that might sound like, but it sounds like the exact opposite of American expectations of a “Canadian” accent (“eh!”). Must be Québécois?

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Because it's a family friendly event as opposed to something for adults; the cheerleaders don't do this, when you state skimpy, and she wore less (cheerleaders at least have covered booties).  Keep caping.  She has a history of shooting herself in the foot and doubling down, like with doxxing doordash lady.  But I guess like the n-word, it's cool for women to refer to themselves as 100% that bitch and not be damaged somehow, similar to asserting to be strong every day, as if they're needing to fool themselves.  People still traditionally buy into this like it's some virtuous behavior worth risking life and limb protecting, and not contradicting the do it herself ideology for the strong woman.

0:49 in that vid jeez I just wanna spread my love and cheeks with no inhibitions regarding time/place.  She reinforced the notion that fat girls are desperate.

1:46 don't look lol, you can't change the channel at an event.  Every day at work I hear her songs multiple times.  I tuned them out, but it's nearly impossible not to hear about Lizzo (similar to Kim Kardashian or President Donald Trump, where you have to filter them out).

I did see this link, and apparently some want to lie to themselves about twerking being political. I just can't, but some need the patriarchy as a crutch to desperately cling to for purpose/identity.


I feel the reactions at the bottom of this link explain a lot, and when you're a star, it's your responsibility to have inhibitions to protect your brand, or just know not in front of the kiddies (which she ignorantly criticizes as censoring herself):


Then when you juxtapose that image with this muumuu for time person of the year, what image does she want?


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2 hours ago, >_< 0_0 said:

I don’t know what that might sound like, but it sounds like the exact opposite of American expectations of a “Canadian” accent (“eh!”). Must be Québécois?

French-Quebecois accent actually differs a lot from any regional or metropolitan French accent overseas. It was supposedly the original upper-class French accent used by nobility, aristocrats and royals back to the late medieval era to late XVIIIth century.

  But after they beheaded their own rulers from one hand then lost their colony in Canada between the hands of the Englishmen to the other hand, the former middle-class French accent spoke by the ones who authored the French Revolution became the standard accent used by the posh and the well-articulate Frenchmen whilst the blue-blooded one became, much ironically, the standard one used by commoners in Quebec and since then is assumed to be rural-coining and of rough origin when in truth, it is not.


Most of the French-Quebeckers I crossed in my life cannot - or lest, initially couldn't - stand my accent: it mostly bring out but mixed feelings of bewilderment, inquiring faces, fascination and sometimes envy, even contempt. As if I was some sort of clever monkey or sideshow oddity to scrutinize and decipher.

  Popular opinion in French Canada mostly associates non-French-born native-speaking folks with a Parisian accent as a symptomatic presumption to posh-ness, higher education and cultural/intellectual superiority over the common-born "p'tit peuple" . A few decades ago, that was still how a major part of the academically-successful snobs used to speak, in order to distinct themselves from the common illiterate and their intellectual lowers who expressed in the more common joual (French slang widely use in Eastern Canada, typical of the French-Quebeckers and French-Ontarians) .

  One generation prior the waking of this century, that social phenomenon progressively faded away but the trope stayed alive very well popular within the collective consciousness of the Quebecois. The fact I'm a second-generation local-born immigrant with a peculiarly exotic colour skin and bearing didn't absolutely helped at all: in truth, the sole given fact than my very existence, mannerisms, way of speech and upbringing coupled by my accent constitutes altogether a paradigm-shifting paradox to everything most people here wrongly assume about my people, is often interpretated as a forthright threatfully or mischievously guided provocation one must glance back by an even immediate display of defiance, contempt, agressivity or outright bigotry. In shorter words, I'm screwed...

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@Chevalier From one point... yes, she's clout-chasing, obviously.

From the second point, yes this is a family-friendly event and I would understand when somebody say he don't need to see that.

But to the other point, that was most obviously a thought-provoking case of clout-chasing. She could have chosen to twerk in this outfit at any other public, mediatically covered, family-friendly event but she choose one of those most hypocrite events, a place where it is not rare at all to see plenty of objectified women with far less skin coverage than Lizzo.


The intent was calculated and I had to applaud her, because the exclusive majority of her detractors once confrintated to the paradox of their own argument against what Lizzo did, they had no choice but either dodging away from the topic, trolling like she did or straight out admitting they are biased because she's fat and black and "out-of-shape" (in spite touring across entire countries like frikking Madonna) .

People spite Lizzo more because she keep to roll over their comfort zone and hypocrite delusions like a wrecking ball and less because she "wAnT tO pUsH hEr oBeSe gLoRyGyInG iLLuMiNaTi aGenDa" .

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4 hours ago, John Smith said:

  Popular opinion in French Canada mostly associates non-French-born native-speaking folks with a Parisian accent as a symptomatic presumption to posh-ness, higher education and cultural/intellectual superiority over the common-born "p'tit peuple" . 

I’m more curious than ever to hear this accent of royalty 👑 🧠 Does Macron use it? 

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6 hours ago, John Smith said:

She could have chosen to twerk in this outfit at any other public, mediatically covered, family-friendly event but she choose one of those most hypocrite events, a place where it is not rare at all to see plenty of objectified women with far less skin coverage than Lizzo.

I don't think the cheerleaders wore less but if you compare it to sexy super bowl halftime shows like Katy Perry (awful groper lady) and Justin Timberlake (strips Janet Jackson to the lyrics I'mma have you naked by the end of this song), I can agree. 

No such thing as bad publicity given Cardi B drugging men too. People generally fail miserably with cognitive dissonance as they don't seem to normalize contradictions through exception handling and managing volume.

This is how people get down by human nature, and just flip the colors if there's a color bias against whitey.


Oh fun post to show as I don't have one with Nancy from King of the Hill talking about the age compression with prostitots. Scary normalization. Hedy lamarr suffered too, but thankful for her wifi prelude.





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1 hour ago, Chevalier said:

I don't think the cheerleaders wore less but if you compare it to sexy super bowl halftime shows like Katy Perry (awful groper lady) and Justin Timberlake (strips Janet Jackson to the lyrics I'mma have you naked by the end of this song), I can agree. 

No such thing as bad publicity given Cardi B drugging men too. People generally fail miserably with cognitive dissonance as they don't seem to normalize contradictions through exception handling and managing volume.

This is how people get down by human nature, and just flip the colors if there's a color bias against whitey.


Oh fun post to show as I don't have one with Nancy from King of the Hill talking about the age compression with prostitots. Scary normalization. Hedy lamarr suffered too, but thankful for her wifi prelude.





That's exact. People don't think for themselves, thereof all media & art entertainment outlets as well as the corporate elites does the job for them. But they've proven themselves not being pretty in it.


the joker GIF

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7 minutes ago, Chevalier said:

@John Smith nice one with the Joker, you get what you paid for. I feel sorry for the kids who don't get homeschooled these days and get emotionally abandoned, using TV to warp err raise them, like the cable guy movie.

Don't mention Jim Carrey, lol. Just a few days ago, Adam Driver went from being a Twitter hero for having played a sociopathic incel, to now being accused of being one. 😂

They will backlash Jim back to Canada. 😂😂

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3 minutes ago, Chevalier said:

Gotta mispronounce for dramatic effect, glorifying obese city just add diabeetus to guarantee a fun time for everyone 🤣

At least, she's seemingly way more physically fit than the vast majority of our sedentary society (I mean North Americans) . I can't tell the same about all of her detractors who had, obviously, never seen how look real female athletes outside of the gym and social medias. Some of the best Olympic weightlifters, wrestlers and Yoga teachers would make look Lizzo for a lightweight in comparison.

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