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Changing her views on thin women, slowly


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As she's grown to understand I like big(ger) women and like her big belly, and as these things have become something we can just mention and talk about, I've been regularly making comments on friends and acquaintances.

"Sure she's pretty but she's so thin; she looks like a kid"

"I guess she's nice but I think an adult woman should look like a real woman. She has no meat on her at all"

"Yes that dress looked nice on her but I can't say I found it too sexy or anything. She has no figure"

Just laying the mental groundwork to change her perception of what is and isn't attractive :)

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Great idea. On a trip currently with a group of friends and I’ve done the same thing. One girl is super skinny and walks around in her bikini flaunting like she’s the hottest thing ever. She isn’t and I’ll say to my wife, “she’s not attractive, literally her body looks like a ruler. No butt or boobs, don’t see what my friend sees in her” and my wife agrees. 

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Its a long uphill battle but its worth the struggle. I tell any women who will listen that stick thin is not 100% universally desired. When coworkers praise Jessica Simpson for losing 100 lbs in 6 months i remind them that its not healthy or natural to do lose weight that fast. When some talking head narrates a segment about j-los sheaded body at 50 i comment about her looking better thicker.

Its a thin line as i dont want to tear anybody down but feel its important to make chubby / fat girls know that nothing is wrong with their bodies. Granted your average women sees and hears a thousand voices a day praising thinness but i think being that one voice of opposition is helpful.

After years of hearing this from me i think its had an effect on my wife too. She feels less bad about being fat and also makes comments about other girls being too skinny. She still probobly would choose to be skinny if she had a magic lamp but probobly 50 pounds lighter instead of 100.

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My wife would use that magic lamp in a heartbeat, no matter how attractive I find her. 

Whenever we discuss weight we go over how out in the normal world you see lots of couples like us, that it's not all magazine cover girls all the time everywhere. 

To be honest, it's a little bit a case of blocking her in too. On the one side she is showered in compliments, on the other side I message how I look at women that are the size she would want to be at. It would be a little bit like your wife saying "I love you with your beard" and later on explaining how unattractive your unbearded friends are. Makes you think before shaving it off ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, that is the kind of long route that we have to take sometimes. because just saying hey i command you to gain a hundred pounds this year, or to say, shut up you look good fat is beauty wont do the work. definitely that -inception- takes time but it is the most effective way. movie stars, people on the street, fighting the stigma, real woman have curves, that just wouldn't do for me, everyone has their preferences, that lady has a the body a child is a good one, i have more boobs than her, not good, it is just not fun to go out with someone who is constantly on diet, not free to enjoy food, it takes time but i think the results can be very good and lasting

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