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Make Curvage Clips minutes visible/price sorting


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It is a good idea to have the minutes as visible as the price so people can see that a $4 video is 10 mins while scrolling through a model's list of videos/other files.

I didn't even know that was possible honestly until I had to click the video and read about it.

It's easy gratuity/thank you money from receiving a response, to then buy and review in 1 fluid motion.  I don't think any other site has that kinda concept, and it's awesome.

Could also sort by price too for the budget (damn that rent money's due) to the high rollers who want to be financially dominated by the pound to accompany their worshipping too.

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I don't understand your comment as minimum lengths for vids are like 2 mins, but I guess you're just joking. 

If I'm browsing through a model's clips and only see prices, I don't know if she has a sale or simply has more time for the videos.  Likewise, photo amounts help too.

Though honestly I don't mind digging deep for some model I'm on good terms with; I can enjoy finding and expanding her choice of words to describe as well.

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