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45 minutes ago, Curvage Casey said:

More cozy snow days full of all my favorite treats ❤️ I am having a "cream themed" night - creamy pasta, creamy pasta ON pizza, ice cream, heavy cream, melted cheese dips, creamy mashed potatos....mmmm fuck it is all just so damn good and bloating me SO hard


It’s good that you’re continuing to fatten up, there’s several weeks of bitter cold and snow ahead. So eat up.

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4 hours ago, Curvage Casey said:

Make me bigger. Give me a belly so big that I can’t leave my bed. Make my face unrecognizably fat. Legs too heavy to lift. Arms as fat as my legs. A back so fat people can’t tell if it’s my belly or back. An ass so fat the whole room shakes. More. Please. More


To think you were once such a fit young woman who regularly engaged in physical activity. 
You’ve gotten so freaking fat that walking up a flight of stairs is too much for you.

Theres no going back, you will always be a fat hog.

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8 hours ago, Curvage Casey said:

I’ve been posting pictures like this every night for years. My nightly gut shot! It’s incredible how much this has changed recently. My upper gut was NEVER this extended or full. My chins often hang so low that they make it into the pic as well. THE BACK ROLL. It’s incredible 

I’m just thinking of how hot it would be if you were stuffed to bursting and your belly button popped and your belly button ring flew off.

All the while continuing to stuff yourself like the fat hog you are.

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9 hours ago, Curvage Casey said:

Tell me what a big fucking pig I am 


Casey used to be such a fit young woman: athletic and toned and she even ran marathons, these days she has to catch her breath to walk up a flight of stairs.

Those days are long behind her as she is now a insatiable, gluttonous hog who’s only thought is when her next feeding will be, there is nothing more important than being able to stuff her face and fill her belly with the most fattening foods and drinks.

It won’t be long before you’re a massive blob sprawled out in bed being fed day and night through a funnel; your belly growing and stretching ever further as you continue to gorge yourself like the pig you are. 

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14 minutes ago, Curvage Casey said:

There is something so unbelievably satisfying about feeling myself get PAINFULLY full, and then keep on pushing. Shoveling more and more food down my throat as my gut continues to ache more and more. I know I should stop, I know I should slow down.. but I don't. I can't. I keep going. Each day I wake up lazier, fatter, slower, and heavier. Each day I grow further and further away from the tiny little athlete I once once. Each day I spiral deeper and deeper into this lifestyle we've cultured me into craving. My rolls deepen. My chins hang lower. My hips sit wider and my gut lays heavier on top of my pussy. It's hard to believe that a previous boyfriend back when I was thin ever told me I had a "bony pussy" now as I feel my fupa jiggle with each move I make. I have lost all visibility of that area from my belly button and below it. Every day is fatter than the day before. This is everything we wanted and more. 

Every single noun and verb in this totally arouses me.

God you’re such a fat pig.

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2 hours ago, Curvage Casey said:

Alright your hog is horny. I’ll reply to everything above in the morning - but for now - let’s see who can turn me on. Maybe I’ll throw ya a free clip if you do an extra good job 🥰🥰🥵🥵😈😈 fat shame or fat worship, run wild hehe

You used to be so thin and athletic now you constantly gorge yourself on rich, fattening fare with no other thought but when your next feeding will come, like a prized hog being fattened for the fair.

And it turns you on to no end, how you’ve ruined your body, the way your entire body shakes and jiggles with every step and how out of breath you get from performing the simplest of tasks.  

You’re a pig Casey; a fat hog who needs to be hooked up to a funnel and constantly force fed heavy creams and fattening foods until your incapable of moving or resisting what you’ve become.



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51 minutes ago, Curvage Casey said:

A moment of silence for the hang that has just completely engulfed what used to be a completely flat concave stomach...


That tends to happen when you constantly gorge yourself you hog, 
And like a hog you will only get fatter and fatter until you’re too big to move.

You are absolutely stunning.

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10 hours ago, Curvage Casey said:

Too full for replies right now. This hog can’t even think straight. I devoured so much Mac and cheese tonight and then had wayyyy too much fun with my greedy mouth and my funnel. My gut is so tight right now.... I’m laying down propped up on 4 pillows to feel somewhat “comfortable” ...so needless to say, time to fap the night away. Here’s our nightly gut shots anddddd that last pic is my standing belly hang on my bathroom counter and I’m mindblown 😍😍😍


Stretched tight as a drum and packed with more food than she thought possible, Casey groaned and moaned as her belly churned and bubbled with more rich fare than she’s ever had in her entire life.

This was her life, the life of an insatiable, greedy and bottomless pit of a hog.

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1 hour ago, Curvage Casey said:

Riding the fattest struggle bus ever in these scrubs today at work. I can't even explain it guys. My pants just won't stay up over my belly... if I pull them up, then my ass hangs out. If I leave them under my gut, then my whole gut hangs out. I feel like such a fucking porker waddling through the day, getting out of breath so easily, drenched in sweat from the moment I started this morning. Finally bit the bullet and ordered new scrubs... 8 days till they get here according to tracking so hoping these last!!


It won’t be long before nothing fits you Casey.

Thats the price that you pay for gorging yourself 24/7 you fat pig.

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