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Fat is becoming mainstream

John Smith

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On 2/12/2019 at 1:59 AM, gyorgy said:

Girl: Gains weight for a variety of obviously non-fetish related reasons or makes any weight related comment

Some of you fucking incels: WoW SHe MuST bE ToTALly iNTo THis DeFINitELy-NoT-niCHe-FeTISh aND shES toTALlY doG WHistLINg tO LeT Us KnOW ShES InTO thIS sHIT, bEttER MeSsagE HeR CoNFESsInG tO hAVInG JeRKEd iT tO HER pHOtoS

C'mon guys. We already have a Joel C to post his mandatory "supergurglybellyjoel". Stop making this fetish even more hated than it already is. How many other girls shared on this website have been chased off by you mouth-breathers? You fucking wonder why so many women are scared of men out there. Think with your brain, not your cock.

I both agree and disagree with you. In a sense that yes, of course there has plenty of women who keep gaining weight for a variety of reasons beside this one specific cluster of fatphiliac kinks.

But I have to be recklessly objective: from the lens of social-media led female personalities, we should also assume some social truth about the fact that since the mid-noughties-to-early-New-Tens, the staggering divergence of size acceptance and anti-size biased stigmatization made by both the Western fashion industry alike many public figures within this bracket of the third-wave feminist movement that are the Body Positivity/Acceptance movements into that much wholesome promotion of what I've should define as pseudoleptynormative or "slendering-like normative" voluptuous to plain-figured bodies - as a fringe act of empowering beautification and womanhood in mainstream medias - from one hand, whilst to the other hand BBW porn is becoming increasingly popular over both the U.S.A. and many countries from Western Europe and most especially subsaharian Africa accordingly a survey by Pornhub itself, have conscientized in many dofferent ways (as beneficient as negative) a lot of women and young girls about their bodies and the evolution that Western society's once strict-to-stricter thin-normative biases are getting less pathologically Puritanistic as they are however turning out to expand more pathologically ambiguous. 

As a size-admiring, every-once-and-a-while coloured male feeder who has long militantly observed and fought in so various ways against some social injustices, I've learnt from my own experience that sometimes things aren't necessarily all manicheanlly splitted out to each other from individual to individual or group to group. I've observed how the Orange F-word has gradually festered first unwillingly then now since a recent controversy about Mama Horker a still-growing subgroup of predominantly-white, mostly single butthurts between 20 to 45 years old lashing out about every weight-loss talk online while being ever pissed off much by most everything passing from random topics to the in-related ones tackled by people outside the borders of their gravity poll or pan-identity labelling cluster, whilst still being prompt to trash-talk themselves about everything and everybody or slut-shaming every newfound female skinny feedee around just prior to get BFF with them once they got 100 or more pounds much bigger than them like as nothing never happened.

I've seen a handful of major pioneering names inside the Plus-Size modelling industry arise in fame, up to the point to become in our decade what Jane Fonda was for the late seventies to eighties or Kate Moss and the nearby stick for the nineties, before to trim down straight to the sizes-8-to-12 while not-so-subtlely size-shaming anyone who "dOeSn't keEp tHemSelVes rEasOnAbly heAlthY" and still labelling themselves as the same Plus-Sized icons.

But most importantly, I've also been the witness of some curiously underrated phenomenon that is slowly expanding its way since t. One that has never been tackled out yet by our fewer allies into the journalism and blogging demimondes, nor thoroughly yet by any size-friendly web platform whatsoever: I mean this one about the mere observation expanding its way into social medias since these past few couple of years, this about young women whom, up to some point into their lives, have for different reasons or motives decided not only to making out theit way legitimally into the plumper end of the full-bodied spectrum (nay beyond) , but by somehow stressing out a size-expansionist subtext all along their posts and updates that obviously only the most erotically inclined members of the F.A. community both genders included, all of us by example, might decipher easily... no wonder why as the months are passing, one third of their followers consists hitherto of "fat fetishism" leaned promotion media profiles, prolific names from either A.G.T. or Big Cuties unless we're talking about 50 Inches Or More and, much ironically, some of these abovementioned F-word haters scrolling away.

Most of these people between 18 to 35 years old are involving one way or another into the Curvy, Glamour, Fitness or rather lowest sized ranges of the modelling industry. Or are merely artists, travel bloggers, stylists, makeup vloggers, entertainers, strip teasers, "influencers" , foodies ; sometimes they'd may even involving into more liberal professions such like being lawyers, businesswomen, nurses, doctors or sellers in real estate. Sometimes, they're running a double life, being an average woman daytime then an overpaid 400-lbs online sex symbol once the curtains falls. Sometimes, they are even mainstream porn stars. 

Yes: I'm explicitly speaking about the one 40% of this website content. These mistresses into the blowjob arts who went from 130 to 260 pounds in a couple of years, this pretty blonde from 2014 who was lean and physically over-active who has undergoes a 120-lbs sophomore gain after merely six months because of some elusive "bad habits" before to shed all back the next following year or so, this formerly 90-(bs ex-Disney-star-turned-into-an-iconic-size-Zero-popstar-turned-into-an-iconic-bimbo who are slowly enjoying their few 15, then 20, then 50 extra pounds above the "normal" range until someday they are confessing while an interview that they thoroughly enjoy the point of just goring themselves and see their bodies growing larger, that a manager threatens them to slaughter their career if they've keep this kink on and thus manifestly compensate by either yoyo-ing constantly or nearly killing themselves. That once-twiggy Becky who are now getting almost aroused when she filmes herself swaying or waddling her way on the beach while ten millions of people check that-formerly-32-inches-now-45-inches cellulite-laden bum cheeks wobbling and rippling to-and-fro, for thereafter falling onto posts about her faking a doublechin or making bloat her belly till she'd may pass like if she've been pregnant for months. Or about models who aggred to get paid by some of us members here to get fed for months, just to see how far they're enjoying their extra chub until someday, they get closer to 200lbs.

Or even about cosplayers who are gaining 50 or more pounds, become legitimally obese and post hashtags such like #feedme online... no s**t, Sherlock, basic my dear Watson. 


But you know what they all have in common? Once they get at some point of their furthest weight gain coinciding with some range of bigger popularity, for whichever reasons they all decides to shed some. Even all of it. In the meantime, no more erotic subtext, no more obvious hashtags, no more "ah, a guy wrote me to ask me if I agreed to let him pay for my food, so cute" news into their 24-hours long stories but "a creeper. Blocked/Reported. Stop nagging me about my size, I feel so unhealthy and misshapen right now" sentences instead.


Whatever the reasons, they have the right to do what they want with their bodies... only, we have to query ourselves as a community whether their motives were simply a fling of the moment and that they are simply ambiguous/reluctant "lowkey" gainers, a leverage constantly emulated by these people just for profit-making or someplace in-between. 🤔

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On 3/5/2019 at 11:52 AM, John Smith said:

Whatever the reasons, they have the right to do what they want with their bodies... only, we have to query ourselves as a community whether their motives were simply a fling of the moment and that they are simply ambiguous/reluctant "lowkey" gainers, a leverage constantly emulated by these people just for profit-making or someplace in-between. 🤔

Thanks for the concept of accountability.  Feelings generally don't last forever, and it's important to find multiple things to be attractive so something can pan out in my opinion.

Weight gain to be honest is a slow fetish unless it's played out with props, and if the woman has gotten more popular, it becomes a liability (ie $100 dollars in food or jewelry/accessories, of course she'll go with the latter).

That orange f-bomb site as you call it was nothing more than e-begging and being hungry. It was awful and yeah I love that nickname. I am starting to feel whatever sites they ban talk of honestly are for a good reason (feel free to educate me if I'm wrong), and the paysite link method is quite outdated.  I can tell who wants to make my time and keep going back to make her more comfortable and learn pleasant things while unlearning impractical obsessions.  Quite innovative and the quality control too, as opposed to the typical instagram of begging for food, giving a pathetically short 30 second video and being deemed irrelevant/blocked/ghosted upon.

Also helps me sidestep the depression/narcisstic types who make every day a challenge with an insurmountable wall to force self-pity and be scammed because it will only happen again tomorrow or next week with comments being ignored/taken for granted. Just glad I can differentiate my days honestly and say different things, find new things attractive and of course catch up if I ever have a backlog here.

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Look, overly wordy guys. 

Women (and men) are still getting fatter. Social Justice idiocy is making it easier to rationalise giving up and getting fat. Also, with more people looking at porn it seems that awareness of fat fetishism is increasing. Witness the explosion of FA content here, on reddit and so on. 

If you aren't conventionally attractive due to being fat, and aren't as sensitive to social pressures, knowing that you can keep on eating and still get attention from thirsty dudes online is potent mix. Instagram is probably to blame here, lets thirsty guys be thirsty. Before IG, Facebook wasn't as good for this, and there weren't any places where everyone was putting their photos. 

Also the social stigma of dating 'fat' girls is probably getting lesser, due to flexible definitions of fat. At the moment I'm reading a 20 year old book, where a woman who's described as '20 lbs overweight' is also described as 'large' or 'fat'. Pretty funny, in a way. 

I don't pretend I give a fuck about any of the people doing this. Everyone's entitled to their own bad decisions.
In my view, porn is bad, thus stealing content is fine because it makes porn less profitable. 

On 3/5/2019 at 5:52 PM, John Smith said:

Whatever the reasons, they have the right to do what they want with their bodies... only, we have to query ourselves as a community whether their motives were simply a fling of the moment and that they are simply ambiguous/reluctant "lowkey" gainers, a leverage constantly emulated by these people just for profit-making or someplace in-between. 🤔

Why  give a shit, at all?  Just enjoy the glut of content and try to not wank yourself into a  coma. 

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On 3/10/2019 at 5:37 AM, 119 said:

Look, overly wordy guys. 

I don't pretend I give a fuck about any of the people doing this. Everyone's entitled to their own bad decisions.
In my view, porn is bad, thus stealing content is fine because it makes porn less profitable. 

Why  give a shit, at all?  Just enjoy the glut of content and try to not wank yourself into a  coma. 

lol Porn is bad mmmkay so you steal it.  The curvage models are gonna hate you bad. Not even go the typical preservation/affordable route to be more of an anti-villain. You'll never know the fun part of personalities, customs and writing review type love letters.  Up to you, even as stuff gets cheap like movie clubs/streaming.


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