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Targeting Weight Gain


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There is no proven way to do this. Don't believe anyone who tells you that certain foods affect where food goes.

There might be a way to manipulate hormones through supplements or pharmaceuticals, but no one should mess with that. Some women see changes in fat distribution with changing seasons (and hormonal shifts). If a woman notices these changes, she might prefer gaining weight during the fall than the spring, if that means more of an hourglass, for example.

Weight training can affect body shape, but isn't going to do much for fat distribution.

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... I stand corrected. Thats obscure (and expensive), but it would do the job. Lol

Way to think outside the box, Dr. Feeder!

Not as strange as you might think. I saw a show on plastic surgery where they did liposuction (maybe some other procedures too) on a fat woman...she was still fat afterwards, but had a MUCH nicer shape than before. And if she gained after that I suspect it was in the right places.

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Liposuction in the areas where you don't want to gain.

Not a good idea, read 3rd/4th top comment.


I read two studies on weight distribution and exercise and there is a difference between how your body stores/burns visceral fat (belly/torso) and subcutaneous fat (rest of the body). Too lazy to find them, though.

Physical activity has been shown to more quickly burn visceral than subcutaneous, which is why you see so many active gainers getting huge disproportional bellies while their arms and legs and faces remain somewhat thin. This is also why weight lifters going through "bulking" cycles tend to gain fat very proportionately. I believe this also reflects on how people who've gained slowly or always been somewhat fat are proportionately fat because they gain gradually and everyday activities such as errands, dayjob, etc, burn larger ratio of the visceral:subcutaneous.

If you want just a large belly, and somewhat thin everything else, eat a bunch and stay away from physical activity. If you want a well-rounded bbw body, eat at a calorie surplus and get some amount of exercise. My Fitness Pal is a great app to track how many calories you're burning, how many you're taking in, and how many you need to gain x pounds by whatever date. (Yes, a fitness app can help you get fat.)

Besides that, genetics really plays a roll in placement, although I've heard that something called "macha root" promotes weight gain in the ass and breasts. While doing heavy squats at the gym will give a larger butt for thin/average girls, but not sure how significantly it would be if she plans on going BBW.

Sidenote: In my experience with girls I know who've actively gained, take it easy and get a good amount of liquid calories (soda, milk...). I've noticed girls typically get all gung ho on the idea when they start and force themselves to eat a shit-ton then get burnt out and never really wanna look at junk food again. I recommend eating whatever you want, but working in a can of soda 3-4 times a day.

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